Zelena milja

Zelena milja 1999


Pripoved z nadnaravnimi elementi je postavljena v državno kaznilnico Cold Mountain, kjer na smrtno obsodbo čaka prijazni velikan John Coffey, ki je obdarjen s skrivnostno močjo. Ko glavni jetniški stražar, Paul Edgecomb, pobližje spozna Coffeyja, se začne na vse kriplje boriti proti njegovi usmrtitvi.


Izgubljena cesta

Izgubljena cesta 1997


V sanjskem trilerju ljubosumni glasbenik umori ženo. Pa res? Nič ni, kakor je videti – v gnusni sestavljanki spreminjajočih se osebnosti, čudnih strasti in strašljive napetosti kultnega režiserja Davida Lyncha. Fred je avantgardni džezovski saksofonist, ki razkošno in moderno prazno hišo deli z ženo Renee. Fred sumi, da mu je nezvesta, a ima večje skrbi od tega, ko se pred njegovimi vrati pojavi niz videokaset s posnetki, ki dokazujejo, kako nekdo opazuje njegov dom od znotraj in od zunaj. Potem ko najdejo umorjeno Renee, se Fred znajde za rešetkami – a nekega dne ga ni več v celici. Kaže, da se je telesno spremenil v Peta Draytona, mladega avtomehanika, ki se je nespametno zapletel z ženo mafijskega šefa Dicka Laurenta; bohotno blondinko po imenu Alice, ki je videti natanko tako kot Renee.



Nefarious 2023


Na dan načrtovane usmrtitve obsojeni serijski morilec dobi psihiatrično oceno, med katero trdi, da je demon. In nadalje trdi, da bo psihiater, preden se izteče njihov čas, zagrešil tri umore.



Rectify 2013


After 19 years on Death Row for the rape and murder of his teenage girlfriend, Daniel Holden is going home. His conviction has been vacated due to new DNA evidence. Now he has to return to a world he no longer knows and his reentry into the outside world may be as unforgiving as prison. Daniel is haunted by the past, dogged by the present, and uncertain of the future. As he struggles to adapt to his new life, his homecoming reignites the fears of a small town and threatens to shatter his family’s fragile peace. Daniel’s alleged crime divided a community. Will his freedom tear it in half?



生死牢房 2014


The story of capital punishment through the eyes of young people whose lives have been shaped by it.


Just Cause

Just Cause 1970


Madison “Madi” Cowart, a struggling reporter for a Florida newspaper, receives a letter from a death row inmate who claims to be innocent. As the investigation unfolds, not only does the case against the inmate prove to be shaky, but other horrors are lurking in the background.


Inside Death Row With Trevor McDonald

Inside Death Row With Trevor McDonald 2013


Trevor McDonald goes inside one of America's most notorious maximum security prisons - Indiana State - where he comes face-to-face with condemned men awaiting execution.


Life and Death Row

Life and Death Row 2014


How do you live with a death sentence? Real stories from the prisoners facing their final days - and the victims' families desperate for closure.