Ključna beseda Giraffe
Madagaskar 3 2012
Lev Aleš, zebra Martin, žirafa Milko in povodni konj Slavka se še vedno trudijo priti domov v New York. Pot jih zanese po Evropi, kjer najdejo idealno krinko v potujočem cirkusu.
Madagaskar 2 2008
Druščina se znajde v najbolj divjem kraju od vseh: v Afriki. Tam se naše živali, odrasle in vzgojene v živalskem vrtu, prvič srečajo z drugimi svoje vrste. Hitro se izkažejo razlike med betonsko džunglo in osrčjem Afrike.
Madly Madagascar 2013
The African Queen 1952
Veseli Madagaskar 2009
Vse kaže, da je Božiček letos zgrešil smer, saj se s svojimi sanmi vred nepričakovano znajde sredi Madagaskarja. Poleg tega zaradi udarca v glavo izgubi spomin in se sploh ne zaveda, kdo je. Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria in vedno iznajdljivi pingvini so tisti, ki morajo zdaj otrokom po vsem svetu razdeliti darila in poskrbeti, da bo tudi letošnji božični dan najsrečnejši dan za otroke. In glede na to, da bodo Božičkove sani slej ko prej pristale tudi v New Yorku, je to odlična priložnost, da se živalska druščina vrne domov.
Neskončna lepota 2013
Hatari! 1962
Zarafa 2012
Два хвоста 2018
Dikkertje Dap 2017
Kebun Binatang 2012
Giraffada 2014
O Noivo da Girafa 1957
The End of the Game 1976
Taronga: Who's Who In The Zoo 2020
Join us at Taronga Zoo in Sydney for a new documentary series narrated by Naomi Watts. The series provides a look behind the scenes at what it takes to run one of the world's most famous and magnificent zoos.
Revue Starlight 2018
Starlight is a play loved throughout the world. Karen and Hikari make a promise with each other when they're young that one day they'll stand on that stage together. Time passes, and now the girls are 16 years old. Karen is very enthusiastic about the lessons she takes every day, holding her promise close to her heart. Hikari has transferred schools and is now away from Karen. But the cogs of fate turn, and the two are destined to meet again. The girls and other Stage Girls will compete in a mysterious audition process to gain acceptance into the revue.