Ključna beseda Dc Animated Movie Universe
Justice League: War 2014
Justice League Dark 2017
Batman: Bad Blood 2016
Batman: Hush 2019
Ko se izkaže Batmanova preteklost, se tekma s časom začne končati Hush-ove smrtonosne igre. Temelji na enem najboljših Batmanovih grafičnih romanov vseh časov, Batman: Hush. Od Supermana do Nightwinga, Catwoman in Poison Ivy do Jokerja, vsi junaki v DC vesolju razvrstitve in naslova v tej zgodbi govorijo o umoru, ljubezni in skrivnostih, polnem občasnih zavezništev in šokantnih razkritij, ko Hush končno prekine svojo tišino.
Son of Batman 2014
Batman vs. Robin 2015
Nightwing and Robin 2015
Constantine: City of Demons 2018
Armed with an arcane knowledge of the dark arts and a wicked wit, John Constantine fights the good fight. With his soul already damned to hell, he’ll do whatever it takes to protect the innocent. With the balance of good and evil on the line, Constantine uses his skills to face the supernatural terrors that threaten our world and send them back where they belong. After that, who knows…maybe there’s hope for him and his soul after all.