
Neplanirano 2019


Kot ena najmlajših direktorjev klinike za načrtovano starševstvo v državi je Abby Johnson sodelovala pri več kot 22.000 splavov in svetovala nešteto ženskam pri svojih reproduktivnih odločitvah. Zaradi strasti do pravice ženske do izbire je postala tiskovna predstavnica načrtovanega starševstva in se borila za sprejetje zakonodaje zaradi vzroka, v katerega je tako globoko verjela. Do dneva, ko je videla nekaj, kar bi vse spremenilo.



Crossroads 1955


An anthology series based on the activities of clergymen from different denominations.



Unchained 2019


A devout Rabbi-detective tasked with unchaining women whose husbands deny them of a Jewish divorce and a new life, finds out that in his own home, and his own wife, lurks a secret that threatens his world and marriage. Through the story of Yossef Mourad and his wife Hannah, Unchained takes the viewer into the closed-off world of the ultra-orthodox Haredi society, and touches on the most painful place in which Jewish-law clashes with modern life – the status of women in society.


We Are Lady Parts

We Are Lady Parts 2021


An anarchic, laugh-out-loud music comedy following a Muslim female punk band called Lady Parts, tracking the highs and lows of the band members as seen through the eyes of Amina Hussein — a geeky doctorate student who is recruited to be their unlikely lead guitarist.