
Strelec 2007


Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) je bil najboljši ostrostrelec v ameriški vojski. Po usodnem dogodku in razočaranju je brez sledi izginil. Vladni agentje ga odkrijejo v gorski koči in ga prepričajo, naj se vrne na dolžnost in jim pomaga preprečiti načrtovani atentat na predsednika ZDA. Medtem ko se Swagger pripravlja na nalogo ugotovi, da so mu nastavili past: obtožen je poskusa umora in prisiljen v beg. Lovijo ga tajne službe iz vse države. Ranjen in sam mora odkriti pravega storilca in razkriti zahrbtno zaroto, preden bo prepozno. Swagger pripravi maščevalni načrt, katerega posledice bo čutiti med nekaterimi najvplivnejšimi pokvarjenimi svetovnimi voditelji.



Shaft 2019


John Shaft Jr., strokovnjak za računalniško varnost z diplomo MIT, potrebuje očetovo pomoč, da bi ugotovil resnico predčasne smrti svojega najboljšega prijatelja. Legendarni John se od nekdaj odpoveduje svojemu življenju, privoli v pomoč pri izkoreninjenju heroinskega kroga, ki preganja Harlem, čeprav imata dve povsem različni metodi.


AnoHana: The Flower We Saw That Day

AnoHana: The Flower We Saw That Day 2011


When Yadomi Jinta was a child, he was a central piece in a group of close friends. In time, however, these childhood friends drifted apart, and when they became high school students, they had long ceased to think of each other as friends. One of the friends from that group, Honma Meiko, now has a wish she asks Jinta to fulfil. The problem is, she can't remember what her wish is anymore.


Meet Yourself

Meet Yourself 2023


Because of the death of her best friend, Xu Hongdou's life and work falls into a slump. She goes to the "windy courtyard" in Yun Miao Village, Dali, to recuperate by herself. There, she meets Xie Zhiyao, a local who quit his high-paying job and has returned to his hometown to start a business, with a group of peers from big cities. Xie Zhiyao begins to see Xu Hongdou's kindness and seriousness. He invites her to use her years of experience in the hotel industry to help local employees improve their service awareness and help develop Yun Miao Village's cultural tourism business. At the same time, Xu Hongdou is moved by Xie Zhiyao's ideal of building a hometown so that the villagers can be independent and lead a purposeful life. The two fall in love and finally came together. As they work together they re-examin their past, help and inspire each other, start to heal and gain the strength to begin their lives again in this "windy place".


Secret Royal Inspector & Joy

Secret Royal Inspector & Joy 2021


A secret royal inspector works as an undercover official who inspects local provinces to expose corruption. He teams up with a lady who is searching for happiness by getting divorced with her current husband. The duo then go on a grand scheme to discover the truth and find corruptions.



Watson 2025


A year after the death of his friend and partner Sherlock Holmes at the hands of Moriarty, Dr. John Watson resumes his medical career as the head of a clinic dedicated to treating rare disorders. However, he soon finds that his old life is not done with him yet.