
Vajenec 2024


V New Yorku v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja si ambiciozni nepremičninski mogotec Donald J. Trump prizadeva izstopiti iz sence svojega vplivnega očeta. Na začetku svoje kariere spozna odvetnika Roya Cohna, ki postane njegov glavni mentor. Cohn Trumpa uči, kako si pridobiti bogastvo in moč s prevarami, ustrahovanjem in medijsko manipulacijo.



Reagan 2024


Zgodba, ki temelji na življenju Ronalda Reagana, od otroštva do ovalne pisarne. Pripoveduje jo nekdanji agent KGB Viktor Petrovič, čigar življenje je neločljivo povezano z življenjem Ronalda Reagana, ko je Reagan še kot igralec v Hollywoodu prvič pritegnil pozornost Sovjetov in kako je premagal vse težave na poti, da postane 40. predsedik ZDA.


tick tick...BOOM!

tick tick...BOOM! 2021


Biografski muzikal o Jonathanu Larsonu, ki si želi dokončati svoj prvi muzikal Superbia, preden bi dopolnil trideset let in še bolj pred uradno predstavitvijo igre.


Freddie: Zadnje dejanje

Freddie: Zadnje dejanje 2022


Dokumentarec spremlja velikana pop rock glasbe v zadnjih dneh njegovega življenja. Po njegovi smrti je skupina Queen priredila enega največjih koncertov v zgodovini, da bi proslavili njegovo življenje in spremenili predsodke o aidsu.


13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why 2017


After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice.



POSE 2018


A dance musical that explores the juxtaposition of several segments of 1980s life and society in New York: the ball culture world, the rise of the luxury Trump-era universe and the downtown social and literary scene.


It's a Sin

It's a Sin 2021


A chronicle of five friends during a decade in which everything changed, including the rise of AIDS.


Patient Zero

Patient Zero 2022


USSR, 1980s. The Elista Children's Hospital is experiencing the country's first major HIV outbreak, with more than 70 children and several adults infected. Now everyone: doctors, patients, relatives need to preserve human dignity in the face of a terrible disease for which there is no cure yet.


In Our Blood

In Our Blood 2023


Inspired by Australia's radical response to AIDS in the 1980s, In Our Blood tells the story of a community grappling with a terrifying new disease. With no cure in sight, they realise they will need something truly radical to survive, trust.


The Viral Delusion

The Viral Delusion 2022


n 2019, the virologists took center stage, and for the first time on film, their methods, miscues and tragedy they have wrought are put under the spotlight, revealing the extraordinary leaps of fantasy buried in their methodology, the contradictions quietly acknowledged in their papers, their desperate effort to change language to justify their findings, the obvious incongruence of their conclusions and the extraordinary stakes for our entire society in whether we continue to blindly follow their lead into a full-scale war against nature itself.


AIDS: The Unheard Tapes

AIDS: The Unheard Tapes 2022


Real stories, real voices. The AIDS crisis as never told before, by those who survived - and those who did not. Frank, intimate accounts from the heart of a devastating epidemic.