
Mati 2023


Vojaško izurjena morilka se mora odreči življenju v skrivališču, da bi zaščitila svojo hčerko, ki je do sedaj še nikoli ni videla, pred neusmiljenimi zločinci, ki iščejo maščevanje.


Ljubezen je luštna stvar

Ljubezen je luštna stvar 2003


Harry Sanborn (Nicholson) je večni samec, ki hodi na zmenke le z ženskami pod 30. letom. Ko želi preživeti romantični vikend s svojim najnovejšim dekletom Marin (Peet) v hiši njene mame, ga začne boleti v prsih. Marinina mama Erica Berry (Keaton), uspešna in ločena pisateljica, z odporom privoli, da ga bo negovala, dokler ne ozdravi. Harry na svoje presenečenje ugotovi, da ga Erica privlači. Navkljub njeni začetni sovražnosti do Harryja, se nepričakovano zaljubi vanj. Za Erico se začne zanimati tudi Harryjev očarljivi 30-letni zdravnik, Julian Mercer (Reeves), kar stvari dodatno zaplete. Ko se Harry postavi na noge, se vrne domov in vse je spet po starem. Kmalu ugotovi, da čustva do Erice le niso izginila, in da bo moral pošteno spremeniti svoje življenje, če jo bo hotel dobiti nazaj.



Ane 2020



The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch

The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch 2023


When witch Alyssa found a baby on her doorstep, she didn’t expect her life to take a topsy-turvy turn. Despite her bewilderment, she names the child Viola and decides to raise her. Fast-forward 16 years, and her “daughter” Viola isn’t just taller—she’s towering! Join this bewitching duo in a hilariously chaotic journey of mistaken identities and supernatural shenanigans!


Ina, Kasusuklaman Ba Kita?

Ina, Kasusuklaman Ba Kita? 2010


Ina, Kasusuklaman Ba Kita? or A Mother's Sacrifice is a Sine Novela produced by GMA Network starring real-life mother and daughter, Jean Garcia and Jennica Garcia with Iwa Moto, Dion Ignacio and Ariel Rivera. It is a remake of the drama film in the 1980s which starred Lorna Tolentino and the Rita Gomez. It is the 18th installment of Sine Novela. It is internationally aired through GMA Pinoy TV, which started on January 29, 2010, and ended on May 27, 2010.


Against the Ropes

Against the Ropes 2023


They say being a woman is all a business and maybe it's true. We are complicated, complex and we look at life differently, exactly what Carolina Rivera captures in 'On the ropes', the new Netflix series that 'unmasks' life's struggles and puts the subject of motherhood on the agenda.