Misija: Nemogoče 2

Misija: Nemogoče 2 2000


Posebni agent Ethan Hunt ima novo misijo: preprečiti neusmiljenemu nekdanjemu agentu in zdaj mednarodnemu teroristu, da bi se prijel smrtonosnega virusa, ki bi ga lahko v Avstraliji sprožil več milijonov žrtev. Da bi to preprečil, bo imel še enkrat neprecenljivo pomoč računalniškega genija Lutherja Stickell-a, strokovnega voznika Billyja Bairda in čutnega in eksotičnega mednarodnega tatova Nhye, ki je imel v preteklosti sentimentalni odnos s kriminalcem in ga zdaj privlači Hunt.


Lara Croft - Tomb Raider: Zibelka življenja

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider: Zibelka življenja 2003


Predrzna pustolovka in arheologinja Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) je prišla do morda največjega odkritja v zgodovini te vede: našla je skrivnostno kroglo, ki naj bi kot ključ vodila do mitološke Pandorine skrinjice. Krogla na žalost pade v roke zlobnemu znanstveniku Jonathanu Reissu (Ciarán Hinds), ki v laboratoriju izdeluje smrtonosne viruse in si obeta, da bo skrinjico bogato prodal najboljšemu ponudniku kot biološko orožje. Laro najame britanska obveščevalna služba, da bi kroglo izmaknila Reissu, za to nalogo pa bo potrebovala pomoč nekdanjega ljubimca, pripadnika britanskih posebnih enot Terryja Sheridana (Gerard Butler). Dvojica se odpravi na neverjetno pustolovščino po vsem svetu, da bi prišla do svojega cilja nekje v Afriki: prvobitnega kraja, ki mu pravijo Zibelka življenja.


Hitri in drzni 4

Hitri in drzni 4 2009


Nekdanji zapornik Dom in agent FBI-ja Brian - moža, ki sta cestnemu dirkanju dala povsem nov pomen, morata znova združiti moči v boju proti skupnemu sovražniku. Neusmiljenemu preprodajalcu drog, ki za zaslužek ne izbira sredstev, se po robu postavita s svojim najmočnejšim orožjem - hitrimi avtomobili, s katerimi premikata meje zmožnega, in poskrbita za številne vratolomne dirke po Los Angelesu ter mehiških puščavah.


Vsi vedo

Vsi vedo 2018


Temperamentna družinska drama iranskega oskarjevca Fahradija, v kateri blestita zakonca Cruz Bardem. Laura po 14 letih iz Buenos Airesa, kjer si je z možem Alejandrom ustvarila družino, odpotuje v domačo vas blizu Madrida, da bi se udeležila sestrine poroke. Snidenje je nadvse prisrčno, znova pa se sreča s staro ljubeznijo Pacom, ki je zdaj poročen z učiteljico Beo. Ko nenadoma ugrabijo Laurino najstniško hčerko Irene in ji prepovejo, da bi poklicala policijo, se njena družina s tem strinja. Alejandro sklene, da bo priletel iz Argentine, v Španiji pa se medtem vrstijo zemljiški spori, stare družinske zamere in ugibanja o bogastvu. Pri reševanju Irene iz rok ugrabiteljev prosijo za pomoč upokojenega policista. Razkrivanje družinskih skrivnosti postane neizbežno.


Ruska hiša

Ruska hiša 1990


Med potekom književne konference britanskemu založniku prodajo tri beležke ki naj bi vsebovale mnoge ruske vojaške skrivnosti. Britanska tajna služba želi prevjeriti resničnost navedb in na misijo pošlje založnika Barleya Blaira (Sean Connery), ki ima mnogo izkušenj z Rusi in Rusijo. Čeprav je pripravljen pomagati ima Barley probleme z avtoritetami zaradi česar sevečkrat skrega z nadrejenimi. To pa mu nikakor ne bo pomagalo ko bo ugotovil da se je zapletel v veliko bolj nevarno igro kot je bilo za pričakovati. Ruska hiša, špijonski triler z množico dramskih elementov je posnet po bestselerju Johna le Carréja, najbrž enega izmed najbojših pisateljev vohunskih romanov v zadnjih tridesetih letih. Roman je v scenarij adaptiral slavni dramatik Tom Stoppard, zaradi tega niti malo ne čudi kirurška preciznost dramske strukture in obilja fantastičnih dijalogov, katere je režiser Fred Schepisi oblikoval v ta fascinanten film.


Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach 2018


In this social experiment, smoking-hot celebrity singles think they're running away to paradise for a once-in-a-lifetime romantic vacation full of fun and sun. But just as the party is getting started, unwanted guests arrive to break up their good time.



Sex/Life 2021


A woman's daring sexual past collides with her married-with-kids present when the bad-boy ex she can't stop fantasizing about crashes back into her life.


As Time Goes By

As Time Goes By 1992


Two lovers are reunited after decades apart following a mutual misunderstanding.


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 2015


Rebecca Bunch is a successful, driven, and possibly crazy young woman who impulsively gives up everything - her partnership at a prestigious law firm and her upscale apartment in Manhattan - in a desperate attempt to find love and happiness in that exotic hotbed of romance and adventure: suburban West Covina, California.


Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach 2014


Smoking hot singles think they are running away to a tropical island for a once in a lifetime romantic vacation of fun and sun. But just as the party is getting starting, some unwanted guests arrive to break up their good time.


À table avec mon ex!

À table avec mon ex! 2019


Tormer couples get together for a meal to ask the questions that were left unanswered and – who knows? – perhaps rekindle their romance.


Ex On the Beach Brazil

Ex On the Beach Brazil 2016


A reality show with 5 women and 5 men who will enjoy paradise together in a luxurious mansion. The expectation is to find new affairs and, who knows, maybe true love. However, peace is interrupted when exes of the participants begin to appear unexpectedly in each episode. They appear on the beach, a place that is feared by everyone, since the participants never know who can appear and when it will happen. Whose ex is next?


Running Wilde

Running Wilde 2010


Running Wilde is an American comedy television series created by Mitchell Hurwitz for the Fox Network. It stars Will Arnett as Steve Wilde, a self-centered, idle bachelor and heir to an oil fortune. The series follows Wilde's awkward attempts to regain the affection of his childhood sweetheart, Emmy, an environmentalist who had been living in the South American jungle, but whose young daughter does not want to return there and who secretly enlists Steve's help to keep Emmy at his mansion, leading to farcical situations and misunderstandings.



Ink 1996


Ink is a television sitcom which aired on CBS from 1996-1997 that starred real-life husband and wife Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen as newspaper journalists, allegedly inspired by the film His Girl Friday. The show was also produced by Danson and Steenburgen. The show was canceled after one season due to lower than expected ratings. The distribution rights to the series are currently owned by Disney-ABC Domestic Television. The show's pilot was drastically changed and reshot from the original version. Ink was filmed at the soundstages of CBS Studio City in the Studio City area of Los Angeles. Outdoor scenes were usually shot at the small backlot streets of the same studio.


Bridges to Cross

Bridges to Cross 1986


Bridges to Cross is an American drama television series that aired from April 24 until June 12, 1986.


Just Good Friends

Just Good Friends 1983


A bittersweet sitcom about a couple who meet again five years after he jilted her at the altar.


Back to You

Back to You 2007


Back to You is an American situation comedy series, which aired on Fox from September 19, 2007 to May 14, 2008. The creators and executive producers were Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan, and the director was James Burrows. The series starred Kelsey Grammer and Patricia Heaton as squabbling anchors of a news program.


Ploy's Yearbook

Ploy's Yearbook 2024


The love stories of five girls named Ploy: same name, same classroom, but completely different personalities. 'Ploy's Yearbook' takes viewers back to the era of flared skirts and shorts, an age filled with dreams and the bond of friends. What will happen when the friendgroup members cross paths again fifteen years later? Although many things may have changed, their hearts remain the same.


Emergency Couple

Emergency Couple 2024


The tumultuous feelings of a divorced couple are rekindled when they become reunited years later as interns at the same hospital.


Love Is Better the Second Time Around

Love Is Better the Second Time Around 2024


Miyata, a business magazine editor who just entered the 10th year of his career and receives a proposal for a new column from a popular college professor named Iwanaga, who happens to be his first love. Miyata promised to elope with Iwanaga in their high school years, but got teased for it, leading to their eventual breakup. With their new professional reunion, a relationship both old and new begins.


Over the Top

Over the Top 1997


Over the Top is an American sitcom starring Tim Curry, Annie Potts, and Steve Carell. The series premiered on ABC on October 21, 1997. Although 12 episodes were produced, the series was canceled after only three episodes had aired.


A Fine Romance

A Fine Romance 1989


A Fine Romance is an American comedy-drama series that aired from January 18, 1989 to March 2, 1989. The series was filmed on location at various places in Europe.



Exen 2023
