Ugrabljena 3

Ugrabljena 3 2014


Miroljubni družinski mož in oče Bryan Mills (nekdanji agent z zanimivo in bogato preteklostjo) ne beži več pred najhujšimi zločinci zdajšnjih časov, temveč pred policijo Los Angelesa, Cio in FBI-jem. Te vodi Franck Dotzler (Forest Whitaker), potem ko Mills (Liam Neeson) med aretacijo pobegne policiji. Kajti Bryanu je nekdo podtaknil umor nekdanje soproge (Famke Jansen), v nevarnosti pa je tudi njegova hči Kim (Maggie Grace), ki je zdaj uspešna študentka na univerzi UCLA.


Dedek uide z vajeti

Dedek uide z vajeti 2016


Robert De Niro in Zac Efron v odbiti komediji o dedku, ki svojega vnuka prepriča, da ga odpelje na Florido , kjer se namerava udeležiti divjih študentskih zabav.


James Bond: Goldfinger

James Bond: Goldfinger 1964


Tajni agent 007 se sooči z enim najbolj zloglasnih zlikovcev vseh časov. Vplivni angleški mogotec Auric Goldfinger sodeluje s komunisti, da bi skupaj z njimi uničil svetovno gospodarstvo in namerava ukrasti zlato iz državnih rezerv v ameriški utrdbi Fort Knox v Kentuckyju. Goldfingerjev glavni pomočnik je nemi korejski služabnik, ki ubija z metom svojega smrtonosnega klobuka. James Bond mora preprečiti zlobni načrt. Ko zapelje Goldfingerjevo tajnico Jill Masterson, dekle to plača z življenjem. V nadaljevanju Bond postane Goldfingerjev ujetnik in izve, da namerava njegov nasprotnik uporabiti živčni plin. Nato Bond v ujetništvu spozna še zapeljivo pilotko Pussy Galore. Svet se še enkrat znajde na robu katastrofe.



마더 2009


Mati obupano išče morilca, ki je njenemu sinu podtaknil grozljiv umor dekleta.


Divje življenje

Divje življenje 2018


Štirinajstletni Joe je edini otrok Jeanette in Jerryja iz mesteca v Montani. Ona je gospodinja, on dela kot pomočnik na igrišču za golf. Jerry se vse bolj utaplja v alkoholu, da bi zatrl misel na neobetavne, nestalne službe, ki zrcalijo njegove izgubljene sanje. V bližini, ob meji s Kanado, divjajo gozdni požari in ko Jerry izgubi službo, se odloči in odide pomagat gasit ogenj, ženo in otroka pa prepusti samim sebi. Najstnik Joe mora zdaj na hitro odrasti … "Divje življenje je film o mladostniku, ki opazuje spremembe svojih staršev in razpad njunega zakona - in je zaradi napak svojih staršev prisiljen hitro odrasti. Je zgodba o odraščanju vseh treh: matere, očeta in sina. Čeprav govori o boju in srčni bolečini ter razočaranju, film vodi ljubezen. Sedaj, ko je čas, da film predstavim občinstvu, tako kakor moj protagonist Joe vidim, da sem ustvaril družinski portret kot sredstvo za sprijaznjenje in prebolevanje." (Paul Dano)


The Long Game

The Long Game 2024


Film temelji na resnični zgodbi. V segregiranem Teksasu je bilo petim mehiško-ameriškim mladoletnim spremljevalcem prepovedano igrati v podeželskem golf klubu, kjer so delali. Proti vsem pričakovanjem so ustanovili svojo ekipo, na poljih zgradili igrišče z eno luknjo in leta 1957 zmagali na državnem prvenstvu Teksasa.


Sorairo Utility

Sorairo Utility 2025


High schooler Minami, ready to become the protagonist in her own story, runs away from school and finds golf at a driving range.


Rising Impact

Rising Impact 2024


When a third-grader's natural gift for golf is accidentally discovered by a pro player, the boy embarks on a journey to be the world's best golfer.


BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls' Story-

BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls' Story- 2022


Fore! After Eve’s first meet-up with Aoi on the grass left her in defeat, she’s had her eyes set on a rematch to return the favor. Both these up-and-coming golfers are highly skilled, highly unique and most of all, highly competitive. With dreams of making it pro, a rivalry is getting in full swing as they both battle it out in the biggest tournaments.


Birdie Buddy

Birdie Buddy 2011


Former pro golfer, John Lee, leads two women to become the next golf queens. John Lee became the first Korean to win a PGA title. His background was a mystery other than the fact that he was an adoptee. Even though he found success by winning the PGA title, John Lee stopped playing golf to become a golf course tester. Min Hae Ryung was raised to become an elite golf player and was always placed in the best environment to play golf. Her emotions have always been controlled and she has a deep wound inside of her. In contrast, Sung Mi Soo is a country girl from Kangwon Province. She comes from a poor background, but her mom worked as caddie. With her bright personality and determined efforts, she attempts to become an elite golf player.



Tonbo! 2024


A dramatic tale of golf and humans, set on the beautiful Tokara Islands. Igarashi has thrown away his past and fled society, relocating to Hinoshima Island. Here, on "Japan's last hidden paradise," he meets Tonbo, the island’s only middle schooler. To his surprise, this girl harbors an extraordinary talent for golf!? This encounter marks the beginning of a significant change in their destinies.


The Blind Shot

The Blind Shot 2019


It's a story about a golfer who got injured so he ends up meeting a physical therapist who helps rehabilitate him back to his good form, and they fall in love in the process.


Full Swing

Full Swing 2023


This immersive documentary series follows a diverse group of professional golfers - on and off the course - during a relentless season of competition.



SCAMS 2019


Hit hard by the Lehman shock, a well-meaning young man joins a phone scam operation and gets increasingly embroiled in the underworld.


The Sweet Spot

The Sweet Spot 2002


Murray brothers Bill, Brian, Joel, and John visit various golf courses.


Birdie Boys

Birdie Boys 2022


'Birdie Boys' follows these five K-Pop stars as they take off on vacations all over the world with the aim of conquering the most beloved golfing spots of all time. The program will feature golfing, travel, as well as all kinds of fun and interesting activities.


The Big Break

The Big Break 2003


The Big Break is the Golf Channel's reality television program. The show's premise is to award an aspiring professional golfer exemptions into selected events on certain tours. The series debuted on October 6, 2003. Currently, the show airs at 9 p.m. Eastern time/6 p.m. Pacific time every Monday or Tuesday. Tom Abbott replaced Vince Cellini as the male host at Big Break Sandals Resorts in the spring of 2010. Stephanie Sparks stayed on as host. Each episode is an hour long, though each season finale is two hours long. The show's chief signature is a giant rock that bears its logo. Until the 11th edition, there was a side rock with the Roman numeral identifying the edition. Now, each show is referred to only by its location.



Parneviks 2015


Golfer Jesper Parnevik and his family welcome celebrity guests to stay at their mansion in Florida for a few days.


Redefined: J.R. Smith

Redefined: J.R. Smith 2023


Drafted to the NBA out of high school when he was only 19 years old, two time NBA Champion JR Smith has a new focus. He's getting a college education and pursuing a new athletic passion at the nation’s largest historically black university - North Carolina A&T.



Stick 2025


After an ex-pro golfer loses his career—and marriage—he hatches a plan to mentor a 17-year-old golf phenom.


Grails: When Sneakers Change the Game

Grails: When Sneakers Change the Game 2022


The series profiles entrepreneurs Earl Cooper and Olajuwon Ajanaku, former Morehouse College golf champions who created the lifestyle brand Eastside Golf to promote diversity on the golf course.



Tiger 2021


A revealing look at the rise, fall, and epic comeback of global icon Tiger Woods. The series paints an intimate picture of the prodigy whose dedication and obsession with the game of golf not only took his fame and success to new heights, but also down a dark, spiraling road that eventually led to a legendary sports comeback, culminated by his victory at the 2019 Masters.


Drive On: LPGA All Access

Drive On: LPGA All Access 2023


The first-of-its-kind series for the LPGA Tour will follow the storylines of the 2023 season like never before, with exclusive moments between players on and off the course during the year’s biggest events like the Hanwha LIFEPLUS International Crown at TPC Harding Park and the Solheim Cup at Finca Cortesin.