Črni labod

Črni labod 2010


Mojster psiholoških dram Rekvijem za sanje in Rokoborec se potopi v um ambiciozne baletke Nine, ki si želi v naslednji predstavi zagotoviti glavno vlogo. Toda kmalu spozna, da dvolični direktor baletne hiše od nje pričakuje intimne usluge, težave ji povzroča radoživa konkurentka Lily, doma pa jo dodatno obremenjuje zahtevna mama. Fizični napori in psihološki stres Nino pahne v vrtinec samouničujočega iskanja popolnega baletnega nastopa.



Garfield 2004


Najbolj znani maček na svetu, Garfield, mora za pozornost svojega gospodarja Jona kar naenkrat tekmovati z novim hišnim ljubljenčkom, simpatičnim kužkom Odijem. Ker je to za samovšečnega pametnjakoviča prehuda zadeva, mora Odi od hiše. Vendar pa Garfiel kmalu spozna, da je Odiju že uspelo zmehčani njegovo, samo na videz trdo srce, in odloči se, da ga bo našel in pripeljal domov.


Skrivnostna sled

Skrivnostna sled 2006


Rupert Angier (Jackman) in Alfred Borden (Bale) sta slavna londonska čarovnika, ki poleg izrednih spretnosti, očarljivosti in talenta posedujeta tudi močno tekmovalno žilico. Njuno rivalstvo za zdaj še ni ušlo nadzoru, toda kmalu se vse to spremeni. Nekega dne Alfred izvede osupljivo iluzijo, za katero se zdi, da zanjo ne obstaja nobena logična razlaga. Razjarjeni Rupert je odločen, da bo odkril najgloblje skrivnosti svojega tekmeca. Njun odnos se tako spremeni v goreče sovraštvo, ki ju popolnoma prevzame in slabo vpliva na njuno poklicno ter zasebno življenje.



Izzivalci 2024


Tashi Duncan je nekdanja obetavna tenisačica, ki se je podala na trenersko pot. Uspešno vodi njenega moža, teniškega asa Arta, ki ga po seriji porazov prijavi na teniški turnir "Challenger", kjer se mora soočiti s preteklim šampionom Patrickom, nekdanjim najbližjim prijateljem in Tashino nekdanjo ljubeznijo. Med soočenjem njihove preteklosti in sedanjosti postane Tashi središče pozornosti, saj se igra znajde nenadoma v njenih rokah.



Prevarantki 2019


Penny in Josephine sta prevarantki, ki operirata v čudovitem obmorskem mestecu na jugu Francije. Josephine Chesterfield je glamurozna, zapeljiva Britanka, ki živi v razkošni vili v Beaumont-sur-Mer-ju in ima nagnjenje k lahkomiselnim, bogatim moškim z vsega sveta. Penny Rast , avstralska poslovna ženska, je v svojem negovanem, natančnem življenju banan svobodna in zabavna, kolikor je Josephine premišljena in spretna. Ko Penny zbira svoje podvige v lokalnih barih, Josephine napolni sef z ogromnimi diamanti, potem ko je svoj plen ujela v razkošnih igralnicah. Kljub različnim metodam sta obe mojstrici svoje obrti in njuna tarča so moški, ki ženskam škodijo. Nadarjenost in duh teh dveh igralk sta zmagovalna kombinacija v zgodbi o tem, kako dve goljufinji poskušata "izdelovati" naivnega tehnološkega milijarderja.



Dekliščina 2011


Simpatična Annie nikakor ne najde prave sreče v ljubezni in službi, zato z upanjem na nekaj dodatnega veselja sprejme prošnjo prijateljice, da bi prevzela vlogo glavne družice na prihajajoči poroki. Toda ob tem ne računa na dolg seznam opravil, ki jih mora organizirati, dodatne preglavice pa ji povzročajo preostale družice, ki ji na vsakem koraku grenijo življenje. Ko se skupaj odpravijo na dekliščino v Las Vegas, Annie doživi najhujšo nočno moro svojega življenja.


Wallace in Gromit: Prekletstvo Strahouhca

Wallace in Gromit: Prekletstvo Strahouhca 2005


Malce čudaški izumitelj Wallace, ki brez sira preprosto ne bi mogel živeti, in njegov zvesti pasji prijatelj Gromit sta končno našla pravo tržno nišo za svoje nenavadne iznajdbe. Zaradi bližajočega se praznika zelenjave meščani divje kupujejo njune strojčke, ki odganjajo zajce, toda od nekod se pojavi skrivnostni velikanski požiralec vrtnin, ki se zna izogniti vsem pastem. Wallace in Gormit se odločita raziskati, kdo ali kaj stoji za vsem tem, seveda na svoj zelo nevsakdanji in komični način.


Rambo 3

Rambo 3 1988


Po vseh vojnih dogodivščinah se je Rambo prostovoljno umaknil na Tajsko, kjer živi v budističnem samostanu in goji borilne veščine. Medtem sovjetski general s svojo vojsko že devet let okupira odročni predel Afganistana. Da bi temu naredili konec, se tja najprej odpravi Trautman, nato pa še Rambo, da bi rešil prijatelja in nekdanjega vojaškega poveljnika.


Jaz, Tonya

Jaz, Tonya 2017


Tonya Harding, umetniška drsalka, ki se visoko vzpenja na ameriških turnirjih drsanja, zabrede v težave, ko se v njeno življenje vrne nekdanji soprog. Tonya se pripravlja na državno tekmovanje v umetnostnem drsanju. Z nekdanjim soprogom najameta nekoga, da bi zlomil nogo njeni nasprotnici Nancy Kerrigan. Ta poteza Tonyo omadežuje in ji uniči kariero. Allison Janney je za stransko vlogo leta 2018 prejela zlati globus in oskarja.


Še vedno vem kaj ste zakrivili lansko poletje

Še vedno vem kaj ste zakrivili lansko poletje 1998


Julie preganja preteklost, zato trpi zaradi nočnih mor, halucinacij, slabih ocen in vedno slabšega odnosa s fantom Rayem. Nekega dne jo sostanovalka Karla povabi na počitnice na Bahame, skupaj z njima pa odpotujeta tudi Karlin fant Tyrell in sošolec Will. Tam se začnejo dogajati nenavadne reči. Čeprav se je zdelo, da je Julie vsaj za kratek čas ubežala preteklosti, se mora zdaj ponovno soočiti z njo.


Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z 1989


The adventures of Earth's martial arts defender, Son Goku, continue with a new family and the revelation of his alien origins. Now Goku and his allies must defend the planet from an onslaught of new extraterrestrial enemies.


I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!

I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! 2002


Twelve celebrities are abandoned in the Australian jungle. In order to earn food, they must perform Bushtucker Trials which challenge them physically and mentally.


Mystery Music Show: King of Mask Singer

Mystery Music Show: King of Mask Singer 2015


Competitors are given elaborate masks to wear in order to conceal their identity, thus removing factors such as popularity, career and age that could lead to prejudiced voting. In the first round, a pair of competitors sing the same song, while in the second and third rounds they each sing a solo song. After the First Generation, the winner of the Third Round goes on to challenge the Mask King, and is either eliminated or replaces the previous Mask King through live voting. The identities of the singers are not revealed unless they have been eliminated.



Survivor 2000


A reality show contest where sixteen or more castaways split between two or more “Tribes” are taken to a remote isolated location and are forced to live off the land with meager supplies for roughly 39 days. Frequent physical challenges are used to pit the tribes against each other for rewards, such as food or luxuries, or for “Immunity”, forcing the other tribe to attend “Tribal Council”, where they must vote off one of their players.


The Amazing Race

The Amazing Race 2001


This reality competition sees teams embark on a trek around the world to amazing destinations where they must compete in a series of challenges, some mental and some physical. Only when the tasks are completed will they learn of their next location. Teams who are the farthest behind will gradually be eliminated as the contest progresses, with the first team to arrive at the final destination winning the race and the $1 million prize.


Big Brother

Big Brother 2000


American version of the reality game show which follows a group of HouseGuests living together 24 hours a day in the "Big Brother" house, isolated from the outside world but under constant surveillance with no privacy for three months.



Celebridade 2003


A successful businesswoman in the music industry sees her life fall apart after a young and mysterious woman starts work as her secretary. The scheming girl is totally obsessed by the famous businesswoman and she tries to steal everything from her, including her career.



Haikyu!! 2014


Inspired by a small-statured pro volleyball player, Shouyou Hinata creates a volleyball team in his last year of middle school. Unfortunately the team is matched up against the "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama's team in their first tournament and inevitably lose. After the crushing defeat, Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama. After entering high school, Hinata joins the volleyball team only to find that Tobio has also joined.


Captain Tsubasa

Captain Tsubasa 2018


The passionate story of an elementary school student whose thoughts and dreams revolve almost entirely around the love of soccer. 11-year-old Tsubasa Oozora started playing football at a very young age, and while it was mostly just a recreational sport for his friends, for him, it developed into something of an obsession. In order to pursue his dream to the best of his elementary school abilities, Tsubasa moves with his mother to Nankatsu city, which is well-known for its excellent elementary school soccer teams. But although he was easily the best in his old town, Nankatsu has a lot more competition, and he will need all of his skill and talent in order to stand out from this new crowd.


Dancing with the Stars

Dancing with the Stars 2005


The competition sees celebrities perform choreographed dance routines which are judged by a panel of renowned ballroom experts and voted on by viewers. Enjoy sizzling salsas, sambas and spray-tans as they vie for the coveted Mirrorball Trophy.



Beyblade 2001


Thirteen-year-old Takao Kinomiya (Tyson Granger), along with his fellow teammates, Kai Hiwatari, Max Mizuhura (Max Tate), and Rei Kon (Ray Kon), strive to become the greatest Beybladers in the world. With the technical help of the team's resident genius, Kyoujyu (Kenny), and with the powerful strength of their BitBeasts, the Bladebreakers armed with their Beys attempt to reach their goal.


The Masked Singer

The Masked Singer 2019


Celebrities compete in a singing competition with one major twist: each singer is shrouded from head to toe in an elaborate costume, complete with full face mask to conceal his or her identity. One singer will be eliminated each week, ultimately revealing his or her true identity.



Shadowverse 2020


The hottest battle is about to begin! While attending Tensei Academy, Hiro Ryugasaki ends up acquiring a mysterious smartphone. It comes installed with the popular card game, Shadowverse! Meeting new rivals, facing major tournaments, forging bonds with friends... Shadowverse leads Hiro to all sorts of new experiences, all that serve to "evolve" him...


The Challenge

The Challenge 1998


Each Challenge pits numerous cast members from past seasons of reality shows against each other, dividing them into two separate teams according to different criteria, such as gender, which show they first appeared on, whether or not they're veterans or rookies on the show, etc. The two teams compete in numerous missions in order to win prizes and advance in the overall game.


America's Got Talent

America's Got Talent 2006


A weekly talent competition where an array of performers – from singers and dancers, to comedians and novelty acts – vie for a $1 million cash prize.



Chihayafuru 2011


Chihaya Ayase has spent most of her life supporting her sister’s model career. When she meets a boy named Arata Wataya, he thinks Chihaya has potential to become a great karuta player. As Chihaya dreams of becoming Japan's best karuta player, she is soon separated from her karuta playing friends. Now in high school, Chihaya still plays karuta in the hope that she will one day meet her friends again.


University War

University War 2023


The top 1% of students from five prestigious universities in Korea (Seoul National University, KAIST, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Yonsei University, Korea University) participate, and only utilize brain power (mental calculations, calculations, reasoning, games, memorization, etc.) without politics, betrayal, alliances, or deception.



Taskmaster 2015


Greg Davies is the Taskmaster, and with the help of his ever-loyal assistant Alex Horne, they will set out to test the wiles, wit, wisdom and skills of five hyper-competitive comedians. Who will be crowned the Taskmaster champion in this brand new game show?


Falling Into Your Smile

Falling Into Your Smile 2021


After joining an all-male e-sports team, an amateur gamer tests her skills and leads her team to the world championships.