Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F 2024


Ko je življenje njegove hčerke ogroženo, se hudomušni detektiv Axel Foley združi z novim partnerjem in starimi kolegi, da bi preprečil zaroto.


Policaj z Beverly Hillsa 2

Policaj z Beverly Hillsa 2 1987


Obešenjaški policisti se vračajo! Eddie Murphy je še enkrat noro zabaven v nadaljevanju uspešnice "Policaj z Beverly Hillsa". Axel Foley (Murphy) je spet tam, kamor ne sodi: vnovič zabrede globoko v tajno nalogo pod krinko sredi uglednih sosesk južne Kalifornije, kjer sproža strelske rafale in še hitrejše šaljive domislice zoper tolpo mednarodnih prekupčevalcev s strelivom. Vračata se tudi Judge Reinhold in John Ashton, Murphyjeva zvesta in prisrčno nerodna policijska sodelavca. Režiser uspešnice "Top Gun" Tony Scott skrbi za to, da je tempo hiter, dogajanje pestro in dialogi duhoviti.


Policaj z Beverly Hillsa

Policaj z Beverly Hillsa 1984


Komedija spremlja iznajdljivega in jezikavega temnopoltega policista iz Detroita, katerega preiskava umora odpelje v bogate četrti Beverly Hillsa. Axel Foley je samosvoj policist iz Detroita, ki odpotuje na bogataški Beverly Hills, da bi izsledil morilca svojega prijatelja. V sončni Kaliforniji mora Axel sodelovati z dvema detektivoma lokalne policije, ki imata nalogo, da prežita na vsak njegov korak. Prebrisan kot je, jima Axel kar naprej povzroča sive lase. Ko Axel obišče prijateljico Jenny Summers, ki je zaposlena v galeriji, končno najde tisto, kar je iskal. Ugotovi, da morilec dela za Jennyjinega šefa, ki galerijo uporablja le kot krinko za svoje umazane posle.


The Vengeance Bureau

The Vengeance Bureau 2009


A group of women create an organization named "Kättemaksukontor" to fight for the rights of women and help solve murder mysteries for the police.


Die Beschatter

Die Beschatter 2022


Crime comedy series about an ex-cop who founds an improvised detective school and gives his students real cases to solve.


Angel Heart

Angel Heart 2005


The last time she closed her eyes, Glass Heart prayed that she'd be set free from the torment she'd wrought as an assassin. A year later, she awakes from a coma to discover a deep scar on her chest and memories that aren't hers. These vivid flash-backs lead the young assassin to Shinjuku and the doorstep of Ryo Saeba, the legendary City Hunter. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Ryo isn't the sweeper he once was.


Detective Yugami

Detective Yugami 2017


Yukimasa Yugami is a detective who chases after facts in cases. He will resort to illegal investigations and he uses his unique reasoning powers. His partner is rookie detective Torao Hanyu.



Sabuesos 2018


Max is a Jack Russell dog genetically modified for criminal purposes so he is able to talk. Running away from the criminals he's working for, he is wounded, then saved by detective-wannabe Alberto, who is fire and house-hunting. They end up staying with Alberto's sister-in-law Marta and her two children. Thanks to them all, Alberto finally manages to be a detective, and he and Max establish their detective agency: Sabuesos.



Piglets 2024


Piglets follows a group of six very different recruits at a fictional police training college and the staff charged with training them.


CLAMP School Detectives

CLAMP School Detectives 1997


CLAMP School has the size and resources of a small city. Over 10,000 people—students and their families—live, work, and study within its self-sufficient campus. Any student with talent, regardless of wealth, is gladly accepted into this amazing facility. Covering kindergarten through graduate school, it is without equal anywhere in the world. Nokoru Imonoyama, Student Council President of the Elementary School Division, as well as the Treasurer, Akira Ijūin, and Secretary, Suō Takamura, are three of the most well-liked and idolized students in school. Nokoru decides that he and his two friends are going to start a detective service, solving any mystery or crime, great or small. But, as Nokoru is a bit theatrical and a shameless romantic, he declares that these detectives will focus on aiding mostly girls and women. With all the resources the school has to offer at their disposal, the CLAMP School Detectives are on a mission to help damsels in distress.


The Mumbly Cartoon Show

The Mumbly Cartoon Show 1976


Mumbly dresses in a trench coat, drives a beat-up old car and works with a human detective, Chief Schnooker, to catch criminals using his dog senses.


The Bee

The Bee 2020


Your average former special forces bee turned private detective after battling with his own demons and a serious honey addiction.


Agent Anand Santosh

Agent Anand Santosh 2022


A quick-witted, aspiring detective strives to grow up as a professional, and he struggles to cope with the sluggish agency old personnel in which he is working.



Demob 1993


Demob was a short-lived British comedy-drama television series, which screened for one six-episode series in 1993 on ITV. The series was set in the late 1940s and early 1950s, and starred Martin Clunes and Griff Rhys Jones as two ex-army friends who decide to try to form an entertainment act, with the aim of getting work on BBC radio. The series also starred Samantha Womack, Amanda Redman and Les Dawson.





BUDDY COP is a mostly non-narrative series about two slackers who are detectives, Detective Hennessy (Ariobimo) and Detective François (Keanu Acyuta), living their lives like a comedy.


Murder Manor

Murder Manor 2023


When ten people are invited to spend the weekend in a mansion on a remote island, they each start dropping like flies. Can they solve the mystery of who's behind it all or will they die trying?


Clown Cop

Clown Cop 2019


Clown Cop is a comedic web series that follows Detective Spanky McBishop as he tries to solve crime while battling his addictions. It's a dark comedy that exposes the underbelly of society while exploring the weaknesses of man.