Ključna beseda Self Defense
Rambo 1 1982
John Rambo je vietnamski veteran, eden izmed najboljših med Zelenimi baretkami. Brezciljno tava po svetu in v nekem kraju pristane v nemilosti pokvarjenega lokalnega šerifa. Ta ga zapre v ječo in tam Rambo postane tarča sadističnih napadov. Policiji napove vojno in uspe mu pobegniti. Postane prava vojska v eni osebi.
Dovolj mi je 2002
Marnie 1964
Niagara 1953
Nuts 1987
Eye for an Eye 1996
Green Room 2016
Mraz v juliju 2014
Obupani Harry 2009
Harry Brown je ostareli marinec, ki ga predrami smrt najboljšega prijatelja. Ubili so ga huligani, ki se imajo v svoji soseski za kralje ulic. Brez služb in brez vesti postajajo mladeniči vsak dan bolj pogumni in moteči. Socialne službe so že dolgo nazaj zamočile, policija pa je sedaj proti njim nemočna. Toda potem pištolo v roke prime Harry Brown, ki se, jezen zaradi smrti prijatelja in žalosten zaradi smrti žene, poda na pot maščevanja.
Il grande silenzio 1968
Pursued 1947
Beautiful Creatures 2000
Safe in Hell 1931
Illegal 1955
Musta jää 2007
Love & Death 2023
Candy and Pat Montgomery and Betty and Allan Gore — two churchgoing couples — enjoy their small town Texas life... until an extramarital affair leads somebody to pick up an axe.
Candy 2022
Candy Montgomery is a 1980s housewife and mother who did everything right — but when the pressure of conformity builds within her, her actions scream for just a bit of freedom. Until someone tells her to shush. With deadly results.
Kill or Be Killed 2024
"Kill or Be Killed" reveals the stories of those who lost their lives at the hands of someone they knew, who then claimed it was self-defense. In these complex cases, the lines between murder and justifiable homicide are blurred, making them some of the hardest cases to solve. When the killer is the best and sometimes only witness, investigators must scrutinize every other detail. Law enforcement, prosecutors and defense attorneys unravel every detail, from the harrowing stories, forensics, interrogations and witness statements that led up to the gruesome event in order to find answers.