Matrica: Reloaded

Matrica: Reloaded 2003


Borci za svobodo Neo, Trinity in Morpheus se še naprej upirajo vojski digitalnih strojev z umetno inteligenco. Da bi preprečili iztrebljenje človeštva, morajo še bolje spoznati Matrico in ključno Neovo vlogo v igri za usodo sveta.


Matrica: Revolucija

Matrica: Revolucija 2003


V zaključku trilogije "Matrica" se Neo (Keanu Reeves), Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) in Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) borijo, da bi zadnje človeško mesto Sion ubranili pred ubijalskimi stroji, ki so si podjarmili in zasužnjili človeštvo.


James Bond: Zlato oko

James Bond: Zlato oko 1995


James Bond v Rusiji išče ukradene kode za velikansko vesoljsko orožje s kodnim imenom Goldeneye, ki lahko proti Zemlji izstreli smrtonosen elektromagnetni pulz. Bondu se po robu postavi sovražnik, ki je sposoben predvideti vsak njegov korak: njegov nekdanji sodelavec ter bivši agent 006, zdaj pa odpadniški terorist Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean). Bond mora obračunati tudi s Trevelyanovo zaveznico, zapeljivo in neusmiljeno morilko Xenio Onatopp (Famke Janssen). Med reševanjem sveta Bondu na pomoč priskoči Natalya Simonova (Izabella Scorupco), ruska strokovnjakinja za satelite. V po vrsti sedemnajstem filmu o slavnem britanskem vohunu v režiji Martina Campbella agenta 007 prvič upodobi Pierce Brosnan.


Hiša debele mame 2

Hiša debele mame 2 2006


Martin Lawrence se vrača kot najdrznejša, največja in najbolj hudobna mamca vseh časov. Tokrat se spremeni v Debelo mamo, da bi preprečil državno katastrofo. Ampak rešiti domovino je za Debelo mamo še najmanjši problem, saj se mora spopasti z doslej največjim izzivom. Postane varuška in gospodinja v osumljenčevi odbiti družini, kar pomeni, da mu delo otežijo trije mali nagajivci. Za podobno velik izziv se izkažejo tudi številna hišna opravila. Da, ženski dela nikoli ne zmanjka!



Transcendenca 2014


Ustvarjalci spektaklov Izvor in trilogije o Vitezu teme predstavljajo zgodbo nadarjenega znanstvenika Willa, ki skuša skupaj z ženo Evelyn ustvariti umetno inteligenco. Prepričana sta, da bodo njuna odkritja povzročila nov korak človeške evolucije, toda nasprotniki njunih naprednih tehnologij izvedejo atentat na Willa. Njegova žena v obupnem poskusu reševanja prenese njegovo zavest v računalnik, vendar s tem povzroči katastrofo nepričakovanih razsežnosti. Willova zavest počasi prevzame nadzor nad računalniki po vsem svetu in s tem ogrozi obstoj človeštva.


H+: The Digital Series

H+: The Digital Series 2012


H+: The Digital Series is a web series produced by Bryan Singer and created by John Cabrera and Cosimo De Tommaso. The series, which touches on the subject of transhumanism, premiered on August 8, 2012 on YouTube with two episodes. Two new episodes were then released every week on Wednesdays until the season finale on January 16, 2013.


Gridman the Hyper Agent

Gridman the Hyper Agent 1993


Three computer-savvy kids, Naoto, Yuka and Ippei created their own videogame superhero, but then discover it possessed by an inter-dimensional police officer, Gridman. Pursuing an evil program called Kahn Digifer, he merges with Naoto and fights Kahn Digifer's digitized monsters in order to prevent the computerized demon from wreaking havoc on the Human World.



Delete 2013


Delete imagines a disaster in our all-too-fragile digital world where all computers could become dangerously self-aware with one systematic purpose–to destroy mankind. Faced with possible extinction, there is only one way out–create a second artificial intelligence, just as alive, just as intelligent and just as dangerous.



C.L.Y.D.E. 1990


CLYDE (Computer Linked Yield Driven Entity) was an alien computer banished from another planet when he developed a virus called a sense of humour. Finding his way to earth, he was discovered by siblings Matt (age 12) and Samantha (age 10) who hooked him up to an old juke box. The juke box came to life...a joking, fun loving, extrovert in a world not quite ready for him. Clyde and the kids work out of Alberto's Diner, in the heartland of North America. Clyde would always send the kids into computer systems...who often faced off against the bugs...and helped solve everything from nuclear disasters to why the competing diners were selling more hamburgers. With Clyde's Brains and some the ingenuity on the part of Matt and Sam, they always averted the danger in the nick of time.....even when it was Clyde who caused it!


Kamen Rider Genms: The Presidents

Kamen Rider Genms: The Presidents 2021


With the collapse of ZAIA Enterprise Japan, Gai Amatsu establishes a new company with a presidential aide model Humagear, Rin. Suddenly, something happens to his body, and Kuroto Dan emerges! The Bugster Virus, which was wandering the internet, was revived by Ark and infected Gai!