
Medzvezdje 2014


Najnovejši film kultnega Christopherja Nolana z Matthewom McConaugheyjem v vlogi vodje skupine Nasinih raziskovalcev, ki se podajo na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva. V času, ko se zaradi onesnaženja in prevladujočih peščenih viharjev, ki uničujejo floro in favno, naš čas na Zemlji bliža koncu, se skupina Nasinih raziskovalcev poda na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva: v največji tajnosti potujejo onkraj meja dojemljivega, da bi z raziskovanjem neznanih planetov dognali, ali ima človeštvo prihodnost kje onkraj našega ozvezdja.


Iztrebljevalec 2049

Iztrebljevalec 2049 2017


Iztrebljevalec 2049 je nadaljevanje legendarnega filma iz leta 1982, ki je za ljubitelje znanstvenofantastičnih filmov vedno na seznamu najboljših. Presežke tokrat obljublja odlična igralska zasedba, v kateri najdemo Ryana Goslinga, Harrisona Forda, Robina Wrighta, Davea Bautista in Jareda Leta. Trideset let po dogodkih iz prvega filma novi iztrebljevalec, policist K iz Los Angelesa (Gosling), razkrije dolgo zakopano skrivnost, ki bi utegnila pahniti delček družbe, ki še ostaja, v popoln kaos. To odkritje ga prisili na lov za Rickom Deckardom (Ford), nekdanjim iztrebljevalcem, za katerim so se pred 30 leti izgubile vse sledi.


Dune: Peščeni planet

Dune: Peščeni planet 2021


Zgodba spremlja Paula Atreidesa iz hiše Atreides, sijajnega in nadarjenega mladeniča, rojenega za velike stvari, ki mora odpotovati na najnevarnejši planet v vesolju, da bi zagotovil prihodnost svoji družini in narodu. Znajde se sredi boja za ekskluzivno oskrbo najbolj dragocenega vira, ki obstaja, najdražjim elementom galaksije, ki se nahaja samo na Arrakisu in ki lahko odklene največji potencial človeštva, v katerem bodo preživeli samo tisti, ki zmorejo premagati svoj strah.


Logan: Wolverine

Logan: Wolverine 2017


V bližnji prihodnosti od vsega utrujeni Logan v skrivališču blizu mehiške meje skrbi za bolehnega profesorja X-a . Toda njegovi načrti, da se skrije pred svetom in zaščiti svojo zapuščino, se obrnejo na glavo, ko se k njima pred temnimi silami zateče mlada mutantka.


Matrica: Reloaded

Matrica: Reloaded 2003


Borci za svobodo Neo, Trinity in Morpheus se še naprej upirajo vojski digitalnih strojev z umetno inteligenco. Da bi preprečili iztrebljenje človeštva, morajo še bolje spoznati Matrico in ključno Neovo vlogo v igri za usodo sveta.


Terminator: Genisys

Terminator: Genisys 2015


Režiser akcijskega spektakla Thor: Svet teme predstavlja eksplozivno nadaljevanje zgodbe o neuničljivem Terminatorju. V apokaliptični prihodnosti vodja človeškega upora proti strojem John Connor pošlje v preteklost svojega pomočnika Kyla. Toda ker so stroji desetletje prej poskusili umoriti Johnovo mamo Sarah, se Kyle znajde v povsem spremenjeni preteklosti. Sarah se s pomočjo preprogramiranega Terminatorja že od malih nog pripravlja na prihod Kyla in drugih Terminatorjev, toda stroji so poskrbeli za nepričakovano presenečenje - v terminatorskega hibrida so spremenili njenega lastnega sina Johna!


Pobesneli Max: Cesta besa

Pobesneli Max: Cesta besa 2015


Režiser George Miller, ki se je domislil post-apokaliptičnega žanra in je ustvaril legendarno franšizo Mad Max, nas v Pobesnelem Maxu: Cesta besa vrača v svet cestnega bojevnika Maxa Rockatanskyja.


Matrica: Revolucija

Matrica: Revolucija 2003


V zaključku trilogije "Matrica" se Neo (Keanu Reeves), Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) in Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) borijo, da bi zadnje človeško mesto Sion ubranili pred ubijalskimi stroji, ki so si podjarmili in zasužnjili človeštvo.



Chappie 2015


V bližnji prihodnosti nad zločinom drži roko represivna mehanizirana policijska sila. A ljudje se ji začnejo upirati. Ko ukradejo policijskega droida Chappieja in ga na novo programirajo, ta postane prvi robot, ki je sposoben samostojnega razmišljanja in čutenja. Ko mogočna, destruktivna sila na Chappieja začne gledati kot nevarnega za človeštvo in za red, jo prav nič ne more zaustaviti v želji ohraniti status quo in zagotoviti, da bo Chappie zadnji svoje vrste.


Jeklena moč

Jeklena moč 2011


V bližnji prihodnosti boks ni več v domeni ljudi, temveč se v areni spopadajo velikanski roboti. Nekdanji boksarski prvak Charlie se nikakor ne znajde v svetu jeklenih bojevnikov. Ko si zaradi dolgov ne more privoščiti novega robota za dvoboje, se na prigovarjanje odtujenega sina Maxa posveti neuglednemu robotu za trening. S pomočjo Charliejevih izkušenj začne robot zmagovati, vendar vsak nov uspeh povzroči nezadovoljstvo konkurence, ki se odloči ponižati in uničiti nezaželenega vsiljivca.


Jaz, robot

Jaz, robot 2004


Will Smith nastopa kot detektiv Del Spooner v srhljivki z vrhunsko tehnologijo, ki jo je navdahnila serija novel vizionarskega pisatelja Isaaca Asimova. Leta 2035 so tehnologija in roboti zaupanja vredni deli vsakdana. Da je zaupanje zlorabljeno, uvidi samo en samcat mož, sam, samcat proti vsemu sistemu. Will Smith bo v prihodnosti obračunaval z roboti. Tistimi 'slabimi', ki ne spoštujejo osnovnega zakona robotike. Le ta namreč zapoveduje, da nikoli ne smejo škodovati človeku. Pri tem mu bo pomagala 'dobra mrha', Bridget Moynahan, ki je z obilico barskih izkušenj uspela zapeljati tudi Colina Farrella kot Rekruta!


Matrica: Obuditev

Matrica: Obuditev 2021


Kultna franšiza koncno dobiva svoje nadaljevanje! V vlogah Nea in Trinity se bosta ponovno združila izjemna Keanu Reeves in CarrieAnna Moss, film pa je režirala Lana Wachowski. V Matrici se bodo Keanu in Carrie-Anne pridružili še Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Neil Patrick Harris, Jonathan Groff, ki nam je poznan iz serije Mindhunter in Jada Pinkett-Smith. Vrnitev v svet dveh resničnosti: ene, vsakdanjega življenja; drugo, kaj se skriva za tem. Da bi ugotovil ali je njegova resničnost konstrukt, da bi resnično spoznal samega sebe, se bo moral gospod Anderson odločiti, da bo še enkrat sledil belemu zajcu.



Ona 2013


Dogajanje je postavljeno v Los Angeles bližnje prihodnosti. Onaspremlja Theodorja (Joaquin Phoenix), kompleksnega, čutečega moškega, ki se preživlja s pisanjem ganljivih, osebnih pisem za druge ljudi. Po koncu dolgoletnega razmerja ima zlomljeno srce, ga pa začne zanimati nov, napreden operativni sistem, ki obljublja, da je intuitivna in edinstvena entiteta sama po sebi. Ko ga zažene, ga z navdušenjem pozdravi Samantha, živahen ženski glas (Scarlett Johansson), ki je razumevajoč, rahločuten in presenetljivo zabaven. Ko se njene potrebe in želje večajo, skupaj z njegovimi, se njuno prijateljstvo poglobi in razvije v ljubezen. Nominiranec za oskarja Spike Jonze ponuja svojo edinstveno perspektivo v filmu Ona, izvirni ljubezenski zgodbi, ki raziskuje razvijajočo se naravo – in tveganja – intimnosti v sodobnem svetu.



Futurama 1999


The adventures of a late-20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who, after being unwittingly cryogenically frozen for one thousand years, finds employment at Planet Express, an interplanetary delivery company in the retro-futuristic 31st century.


The Expanse

The Expanse 2015


A thriller set two hundred years in the future following the case of a missing young woman who brings a hardened detective and a rogue ship's captain together in a race across the solar system to expose the greatest conspiracy in human history.


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon 2023


Daryl washes ashore in France and struggles to piece together how he got there and why. The series tracks his journey across a broken but resilient France as he hopes to find a way back home. As he makes the journey, though, the connections he forms along the way complicate his ultimate plan.



ThunderCats 1985


The inhabitants of the planet Thundera evacuate just before it is destroyed. They were pursued by a band of mutants. All but one of their escape ships was destroyed. Only a small group of Thunderans (Thundercats) remained. With only half engine power, the group, which was led by Jaga, had to set a course for the nearest planet. Jaga commanded their ship while the other seven were in their stasis tubes. Jaga died on their journey to Third Earth and their ship crashed there. Soon they made friends with various groups in the area and they designed a fortress. Mumm-Ra the centuries-old embodiment of evil, along with the mutants that destroyed the rest of the Thunderans are a constant threat. But Lion-O, the new leader of the Thundercats, with his weapon the "Sword of Omens" will help the Thundercats to have a standing chance.



Aria 2005


Set in the early 24th century against the backdrop of the city of Neo Venezia on the planet Mars. No longer the barren red planet, Mars has been flooded, inhabited and is something of a tourist hub for those looking for rest, relaxation and a gondola ride – the primary mode of travel in Neo Venezia. The Undines are professional gondoliers, tour guides for the people passing through. Akari Mizunashi is an Undine in training and this is a piece of her story.


Stargate Atlantis

Stargate Atlantis 2004


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


The Orville

The Orville 2017


Follow the crew of the not-so-functional exploratory ship in the Earth's interstellar fleet, 400 years in the future.


Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop 1998


In 2071, roughly fifty years after an accident with a hyperspace gateway made the Earth almost uninhabitable, humanity has colonized most of the rocky planets and moons of the Solar System. Amid a rising crime rate, the Inter Solar System Police (ISSP) set up a legalized contract system, in which registered bounty hunters, also referred to as "Cowboys", chase criminals and bring them in alive in return for a reward.


The Shannara Chronicles

The Shannara Chronicles 2016


A young Healer armed with an unpredictable magic guides a runaway Elf in her perilous quest to save the peoples of the Four Lands from an age-old Demon scourge.



Defiance 2013


In the near future, planet Earth is permanently altered following the sudden—and tumultuous—arrival of seven unique alien races. In the boom-town of Defiance, the newly-formed civilization of humans and aliens must learn to co-exist peacefully.


Lost in Space

Lost in Space 1965


The space family Robinson is sent on a five-year mission to find a new planet to colonise. The voyage is sabotaged time and again by an inept stowaway, Dr. Zachary Smith. The family's spaceship, Jupiter II, also carries a friendly robot who endures an endless stream of abuse from Dr. Smith, but is a trusted companion of young Will Robinson


Space: 1999

Space: 1999 1975


The crew of Moonbase Alpha must struggle to survive when a massive explosion throws the Moon from orbit into deep space.


The Jetsons

The Jetsons 1962


Meet George Jetson and his quirky family: wife Jane, son Elroy and daughter Judy. Living in the automated, push-button world of the future hasn't made life any easier for the harried husband and father, who gets into one comical misadventure after another!


Batman Beyond

Batman Beyond 1999


As new villains overrun Gotham City of the future, the aging Bruce Wayne hangs up the cape of the once invincible Batman. But when troubled teenager Terry McGinnis stumbles upon the Dark Knight's secret, a new alliance is forged. And a triumphant new Batman is born.


Mirai Sentai Timeranger

Mirai Sentai Timeranger 2000


It's the 30th century and time travel is illegal. To help monitor and police time crimes, the Time Protection Department is founded. But when Don Dolnero and his nefarious gang manage to trick four new TPD cadets into allowing them travel to the 20th century, the four cadets are forced to pursue them for the sake of history. There, in a time foreign to them, the cadets enlist Tatsuya Asami, a young martial artist, to aid their mission. Together, these five youngsters become the Timerangers. And though they try to live as ordinary 20th-century citizens, the Timerangers dedicate their lives to stopping Dolnero and others that may follow in his footsteps, attempting to forever alter the proper timeline!



Firefly 2002


In the year 2517, after the arrival of humans in a new star system, follow the adventures of the renegade crew of Serenity, a "Firefly-class" spaceship.



Sanctuary 2008


The adventures of the beautiful, enigmatic and always surprising Dr. Helen Magnus, a brilliant scientist who holds the secrets of a clandestine population called Abnormals—a group of strange and sometimes terrifying beings that hide among humans. Magnus seeks to protect this threatened phenomena as well as unlock the mysteries behind their existence.


Mega Man Star Force

Mega Man Star Force 2006


In the year 220X, a mourning 5th grader named Geo Stelar (Subaru Hoshikawa) is given an invention made by his late father called a visualizer, which allows him to see radio-wave-based aliens, which are trying to destroy the world. Together, with an alien named Omega-Xis (War-Rock), he fights to save the earth as Mega Man (Rockman).


Guilty Crown

Guilty Crown 2011


The story revolves around Shu Ouma, a high school boy who inadvertently obtains an ability called "The Power of the Kings" that enables him to draw out items called "Voids" from other people. He is then thrown into the conflict between a resistance group called Funeral Parlor which aims to restore Japan's independence from a quasi-governmental organization known as the GHQ. In the process, Shu has to deal with the burden his ability puts on his shoulders and the horrific mystery of his past.


seaQuest DSV

seaQuest DSV 1993


In the early 21st century, mankind has colonized the oceans. The United Earth Oceans Organization enlists Captain Nathan Bridger and the submarine seaQuest DSV to keep the peace and explore the last frontier on Earth.