Ježek Sonic 2

Ježek Sonic 2 2022


Potem ko se je ježek Sonic ustalil v Green Hillsu, si nadvse želi dokazati, da ima vse, kar potrebuje, da postane pravi junak. Ko pa se dr. Robotnik vrne, tokrat z novim partnerjem po imenu Knuckles, in iščeta smaragd, ki ima moč uničiti civilizacijo, bo ježek Sonic na preizkusu. Združil bo moči s partnerjem po imenu Tails in skupaj se odpravita na potovanje po svetu, da bi poiskala smaragd, še preden zaide v napačne roke.


Ježek Sonic

Ježek Sonic 2020


Ježek Sonic je najhitrejši ježek, ki po nesrečnem naključju pride na Zemljo. Med pustolovščinami na našem planetu pa se spoprijatelji s policistom Tomom Wachowskim iz majhnega mesta in skupaj se podata v boj proti zlobnemu dr. Robotniku, ki skuša ježka Sonica ugrabiti in prevzeti njegove supermoči, da bi zavladal svetu.


Krudovi 2: Nova doba

Krudovi 2: Nova doba 2020


Krudovi potrebujejo nov kraj za življenje in tako se prva prazgodovinska družina odpravi v svet iskat varnejši kraj za svoj dom. Ko odkrijejo idialen obzidan raj, ki ustreza vsem njihovim potrebam, so prepričani, da so njihovi problemi rešeni - razen ene stvari. Tam že živi druga družina, Boljširod.


Bikec Ferdinand

Bikec Ferdinand 2017


Film o velikem biku s še večjim srcem, ki bi raje vohal cvetlice, kot se boril z matadorji. Ko so ga ljudje napačno ocenili kot nevarno razuzdano zver, Ferdinanda zvežejo in odpeljejo od doma. Odločen, da se bo vrnil k družini, zbere druščino skrajnih značajev in se odpravi neverjetni pustolovščini naproti. Zgodba o Ferdinandu dokazuje, da ne smemo imeti predsodkov ter ne smemo soditi niti ene osebe ali živali samo po videzu.


Wallace in Gromit: Prekletstvo Strahouhca

Wallace in Gromit: Prekletstvo Strahouhca 2005


Malce čudaški izumitelj Wallace, ki brez sira preprosto ne bi mogel živeti, in njegov zvesti pasji prijatelj Gromit sta končno našla pravo tržno nišo za svoje nenavadne iznajdbe. Zaradi bližajočega se praznika zelenjave meščani divje kupujejo njune strojčke, ki odganjajo zajce, toda od nekod se pojavi skrivnostni velikanski požiralec vrtnin, ki se zna izogniti vsem pastem. Wallace in Gormit se odločita raziskati, kdo ali kaj stoji za vsem tem, seveda na svoj zelo nevsakdanji in komični način.


Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins 1964


Jane in Michael, otroka iz premožne in ugledne družine Banks, naj bi dobila novo pestunjo. Prijetno sta presenečena, ko spoznata čudaško varuško Mary Poppins. Brezčasna Disneyjeva klasika prinaša "praktično idealno" Mary Poppins in čarobno praznično vzdušje, kjer se vsak dan in vsaka igra spremeni v neverjetno pustolovščino. Očarali vas bodo nepozabni liki, kot so nadarjeni dimnikar Bert in številni drugi. Film za vso družino, ki ne zahteva "žličke sladkorja", da bi v njem uživali stari in mladi.


One-Punch Man

One-Punch Man 2015


Saitama is a hero who only became a hero for fun. After three years of “special” training, though, he's become so strong that he's practically invincible. In fact, he's too strong — even his mightiest opponents are taken out with a single punch, and it turns out that being devastatingly powerful is actually kind of a bore. With his passion for being a hero lost along with his hair, yet still faced with new enemies every day, how much longer can he keep it going?


El Chavo del Ocho

El Chavo del Ocho 1973


The mishaps of Chavo, an 8-year-old orphan boy who lives in a barrel. Together with Quico, Chilindrina, Ñoño and La Popis, Chavo experiences a series of humorous entanglements.


Till The End of The Moon

Till The End of The Moon 2023


In an era when the demons are in power, they are the masters of the despicable cultivators and mortals. The cultivator elders deem it necessary to send someone back in time, to determine the origin of the demon lord and to prevent his awakening. Li Su Su accepts the mission, becoming the mortal Ye Xi Wu, General Ye's third daughter who is married to Tantai Jin, the hostage prince and future demon lord. She is determined to destroy Tantai Jin, who in the future will massacre many. But as a witness to Tantai Jin's past life and rise to power, an unexpected tale emerges, one complicating her quest.


Journey to the West

Journey to the West 1986


Journey to the West is a Chinese television series adapted from the classical novel of the same title. The series was first broadcast on CCTV in China on 1 October 1986. The series became an instant classic in China and is still being praised as the best and most authentic interpretation of the novel. Unadapted portions of the original story were later covered in the second season, which was released in 1999.


The Flying Nun

The Flying Nun 1967


Young Sister Bertrille uses her ability to become airborne to help others, whether they want it or not. Although her aims are always benevolent, her means are often bemoaned by Mother Superior. The other Sisters must cope with their beloved Sister's aerodynamics and antics as she flies in and out of trouble.


Bad Buddy

Bad Buddy 2021


Ever since they were young, Pran and Pat's families had a deep and raging rivalry, trying to one-up each other on everything. This also extended to their sons. Comparing their sons' achievements and merits,—whether it be academic or extracurricular—the two families leave no stone unturned to outshine and gloat in front of the other. The rivalry was passed down as a family heirloom and the two boys become rivals in turn. Until... they grow tired and become friends. Really good friends. However, because of their families' rivalry, their friendship has to be kept under wraps. And so began a journey of secret friendship... and then perhaps a secret romance?



Crash 2024


A drama about Cha Yeon-ho, a reasonable individualist from KAIST, and Min So-hee, a traffic investigation ace with cool judgment and warm sensitivity at the Traffic Crime Investigation (TCI).


Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born

Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born 2024


The 1950s were an era filled with desire and aspiration, despite the aftermath of the Korean War. Jeongnyeon, a girl with a gifted voice, embarks on a journey to become the best actor of gukgeuk, or Korean female classical opera, where she encounters competition, solidarity, and growth.


The Island Diaries

The Island Diaries 2016


Join host Sophie Fouron as she travels the globe to discover the unique lifestyles being lived out on islands.


Journey to the West (English Dubbed Version)

Journey to the West (English Dubbed Version) 2020


Journey to the West is a Chinese television series adapted from the classical novel of the same title. The series was first broadcast on CCTV in China on 1 October 1986. The series became an instant classic in China and is still being praised as the best and most authentic interpretation of the novel. Unadapted portions of the original story were later covered in the second season, which was released in 1999. In 2020, these series were dubbed in English.