Greben rešenih

Greben rešenih 2016


Režiser epopej Pogumno srce, Kristusov pasijon in Apokalipto predstavlja navdihujočo resnično zgodbo o bolničarju Desmondu, ki želi v času druge svetovne vojne pomagati tovarišem v boju. Spomladi leta 1945 – ko se je vojna na Tihem oceanu bližala svojim poslednjim, a najsmrtonosnejšim dnevom in so ameriške sile v Okinavi naletele na morda najbolj zagrizen odpor Japoncev – se je en vojak izkazal za neverjetnega junaka. Desmond T. Doss, ki je zaradi ugovora vesti odklanjal uporabo orožja in je zaprisegel, da nikoli ne bo ubil nikogar, je služil kot neoborožen bolničar… in je sam samcat – ne da bi izstrelil en sam naboj – rešil življenja na ducate svojih soborcev, ki so se opotekli pod streli sovražnika.



Kit 2022


Zgodba o samotarskem učitelju angleščine, ki živi s hudo obliko debelosti in se poskuša znova povezati s svojo odtujeno najstniško hčerko.


Kristusov pasijon

Kristusov pasijon 2004


Leto 33 naše dobe. V rimski provinci Judeji skrivnostni mizar, imenovan Jezus iz Nazareta, začne naznanjati prihod "božjega kraljestva" in se obkroža s skupino ponižnih ribičev: apostolov. Židovi so že stoletja čakali na prihod Mesije - providnostne osebnosti, ki bi osvobodila svojo sveto domovino in vzpostavila nov red, ki temelji na pravičnosti. Jezusovi nauki pritegnejo veliko množico privržencev, ki ga prepoznajo kot Mesijo. Prepričan nad situacijo, Sanhedrin s pomočjo Juda Iscariota, enega od dvanajstih apostolov, aretira Jezusa. Kristus je obtožen izdaje proti Rimu izročen Ponciju Pilatu, ki ga v izogib neredu obsoja na smrt na križu kot običajnega zločinca.


Hudičev odvetnik

Hudičev odvetnik 1997


Sposobni Kevin Lomax (K. Reeves) je ambiciozen mladi odvetnik iz malega mesteca na Floridi in nekoliko egocentričen moški, ki še nikoli ni izgubil primera. Pravkar je prejel novo nalogo - na videz že vnaprej izgubljeno sojenje proti antipatičnemu pedofilu, s čimer pritegne pozornost kolega (R. Santiago-Hudson), zaposlenega v ugledni odvetniški firmi iz New Yorka.


Deset zapovedi

Deset zapovedi 1956


Ena največjih Biblijskih zgodb Stare zaveze sedaj v vsej svoji veličini oživi pred vami. To je zgodba o Mojzesu, ki ga kot dojenčka v košari iz reke Nil reši faraonova hči. Mojzes odraste na Egipčanskem dvoru, vendar mora zaradi svojega hudobenga polbrata zbežati v puščavo, kjer doživi razodetje... Kot božji poslanec popelje preko Rdečega morja Izraelsko ljudstvo. Na poti v obljubljeno deželo na gori Sinaj prejme moralni zakon, ki ga je Bog izgovoril, in z svojim prstom napisal na dve kamniti plošči. Deset zapovedi.


Eksodus: Bogovi in kralji

Eksodus: Bogovi in kralji 2014


S pomočjo najnovejših vizualnih učinkov oživljena zgodba o kljubovalnem vodji Mojzesu. Ta se postavi po robu egipčanskemu faraonu Ramzesu in pri tem požene 600 tisoč sužnjev na mogočno popotovanje in pobeg iz Egipta, ki ga pestijo smrtonosne nadloge. Zaplet, obsežnost in pustolovski duh zgodbe ter živopisni liki bodo poskrbeli za prvovrsten filmski dogodek. Beg iz Egipta je izvirna in junaška saga, hkrati pa mogočna in osebna zgodba, polna čustvenosti, rivalstva in izdaj, zaokrožena z neusahljivim iskanjem svobode.



Carrie 1976


Carrie je sramežljiva najstnica, nad katero se izživljajo sošolci. Ko se v njej prebudijo nenavadne sposobnosti, se jim krvavo maščuje.



Vsiljivci 2001


Film skrivnosti in suspenza, ki pripoveduje zgodbo Grace (Nicole Kidman), ki sama v izolirani viktorijanski hiši svoje otroke vzgaja v skladu s strogimi verskimi pravili. Otroci trpijo zaradi nenavadne bolezni: svetlobe dneva ne morejo neposredno sprejeti. Tri nove služabnice, ki se pridružijo družinskemu življenju, se morajo naučiti enega življenjskega pravila: hiša bo vedno v temi; nobena vrata se ne bodo nikoli odprla, razen če je bila prejšnja zaprta. Strogi ukaz, ki ga je do takrat naložila Grace, bo izpodbijan. Milost, otroci in tisti okoli njih bodo naredili nepričakovan in dokončen korak.


Knjiga odrešitve

Knjiga odrešitve 2010


V svetu, ki ga je opustošila apokalipsa, se samotni bojevnik Eli poda na pot odrešitve človeštva. S sabo nosi knjigo znanj, s katero lahko znova zgradi civilizacijo, toda njegova pot je posejana s številnimi ovirami. Na vsakem koraku ga pričaka nezaupanje ljudi in krvoločni roparji, simbol moči, ki ga nosi, pa zamika tudi tirana manjšega mesta. Da bi se dokopal do knjige, nad Elija pošlje vse svoje sile, a ne računa na njegovo odločnost in mojstrsko znanje vihtenja orožja.


Telesni čuvaj

Telesni čuvaj 2004


Spoznajte svet brezkompromisnega Johna Creasya, nekdanjega vladnega moža, ki se je moral zaradi težav z alkoholom umakniti iz vrst Ciinih agentov. Tokrat ima novo priložnost, saj v Mexico Cityu postane telesni čuvaj nadvse prikupne deklice premožnih staršev. Vrhunska akcijska drama je posneta po resnični zgodbi, v njej pa blestita Denzel Washington in Dakota Fanning.



mati! 2017


Ko nepovabljeni gostje vstopijo v dom para in ogrozijo njuno mirno življenje, se nenavadni dogodki kar vrstijo.



Noe 2014



The Chosen

The Chosen 2019


The life of Christ through the eyes of those who encountered him called The Chosen.


Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus of Nazareth 1977


Dramatizes the Birth, Life, Ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, largely according to the Holy Bible's New Testament Gospels.



Kings 2009


A riveting drama about a modern day monarchy, a contemporary re-telling of the timeless tale of David and Goliath. This series is an epic story of greed and power, war and romance, forbidden loves and secret alliances -- and a young hero who rises to power in a modern-day kingdom.


The Bible

The Bible 2013


The story of God's creation of the Earth and the landmark events leading up to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


A.D. The Bible Continues

A.D. The Bible Continues 2015


"A.D. The Bible Continues" picks up where the smash hit miniseries "The Bible" left off, continuing the greatest story ever told and exploring the exciting and inspiring events that followed the Crucifixion of Christ. The immediate aftermath of Christ's death had a massive impact on his disciples, his mother, Mary, and key political and religious leaders of the era, completely altering the entire world in an instant. Beginning at that fateful moment of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, "A.D. The Bible Continues" will focus on the disciples who had to go forward and spread the teachings of Christ to a world dominated by political unrest, and the start of a whole new religion that would dramatically reshape the history of the world.


In the Beginning: The Bible Stories

In the Beginning: The Bible Stories 1997


In the Beginning features episodes devoted to most of the major Bible stories of the Old Testament, including the stories of the Creation, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, Abraham and Isaac, Joseph, Moses, David, and Solomon, with the final episode featuring the birth of Jesus Christ. As with the second Superbook series, some stories were stretched out over several episodes. Unlike Superbook and The Flying House, however, no contemporary characters from modern times were inserted into the stories, save for the series mascot and viewpoint character, Roco the fox.


The Red Tent

The Red Tent 2014


Her name is Dinah. In the Bible her life is only hinted at during a brief and violent detour within the more familiar chapters about her father, Jacob, and his dozen sons in the Book of Genesis. Told through Dinah's eloquent voice, this sweeping miniseries reveals the traditions and turmoil of ancient womanhood. Dinah's tale begins with the story of her mothers: Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah, the four wives of Jacob. They love Dinah and give her gifts that are to sustain her through a hard-working youth, a calling to midwifery, and a new home in a foreign land. Dinah tells us of the world of the red tent, the place where women were sequestered during their cycles of birthing, menses, and illness; of her initiations into the religious and sexual practices of her tribe; of Jacob's courtship with his four wives; of the mystery and wonder of caravans, farmers, shepherds, and slaves; of love and death in the city of Shechem; of her half-brother Joseph's rise in Egypt, and of course her marriage to Shechem and it's bloody consequences.



VeggieTales 1993


American series of children's computer animated films featuring anthropomorphic vegetables in stories conveying moral themes based on Christianity. They frequently retell Biblical stories, sometimes anachronistically reframed, and include humorous references to pop culture in many different eras by putting Veggie spins on them.


The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments 2006


One biblical figure is revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. His name is Moses, the man who rose in power to defend a people, to free them, and to live in history like no other... The Ten Commandments dramatizes the biblical story of Moses.


Friends and Heroes

Friends and Heroes 2007


Friends and Heroes is a Christian children's program that airs on TBN, Smile of a Child TV, and was also shown on BBC TV. The show is both traditionally animated and computer animated. It takes place from 69 - 71 AD. There are three series each of 13 Episodes: Series 1 is set in Alexandria, Egypt; Series 2 in Jerusalem and Series 3 in Rome. The series was created by Brian D. Brown and Eric J. Danenberg, who also worked on The Storykeepers.



A.D. 1985


A 12 hours miniseries adapted from Anthony Burgess's novel The Kingdom of the Wicked.


Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel 2016


Takada Yu is an employee of a development firm. His father has favored his high-achieving older brother and been indifferent to Yu since young. So Yu craves for his father’s love and wants his recognition somehow. Then one day, Yu encounters a woman. Although it was the worst possible meeting, he gradually starts to have romantic feelings for her through work and an unexpected development. But ironically enough, she turns out to be the girlfriend of his older brother. Yu begins to realize what he truly treasures and matures as a person as he struggles with this complicated romance and with his older brother and father.


Animated Stories from the New Testament

Animated Stories from the New Testament 1987


The series features twenty-four stories from the New Testament, including many of the parables of Jesus, the story of his birth, death and resurrection. The series concludes with two episodes about Paul the Apostle and his missionary journeys.


Of Kings and Prophets

Of Kings and Prophets 2016


An epic biblical saga of faith, ambition and betrayal as told through the eyes of the battle-weary King Saul, the resentful prophet Samuel and the resourceful young shepherd David—all on a collision course with destiny that will change the world. One thousand years before Christ, the first king of the Israelites, Saul, struggles to unify the 12 Israelite tribes and defend his fledgling nation against savage enemy attacks. The prophet Samuel relays a message from God to King Saul that he must destroy one of Israel's ancient enemies. But when Saul defies that message, Samuel prophesies that the Lord will tear the kingdom of Israel from him and choose another in his place. In time, Saul comes to realize that his greatest threat will not come from his enemies, but from the shepherd, David.


In the Beginning

In the Beginning 2000


In the Beginning is a 2-part biblical television miniseries directed by Kevin Connor. It stars Martin Landau and Jacqueline Bisset and it premiered on NBC on November 12, 2000.


The Word

The Word 1978


A document is discovered that appears to be an ancient eyewitness account of the life of Jesus Christ. A public relations executive is hired to publicize this document as a new version of the Bible, but he finds himself enmeshed in controversy and intrigue.


Testament: The Bible in Animation

Testament: The Bible in Animation 1996


A nine-part series of Old Testament stories for younger viewers using various animation techniques, including stop-motion, cel animation and computer animation.


The Promised Land

The Promised Land 2024


On their way from Egypt to the promised land, Moses and his family struggle to manage the hardest part of their nation's journey: the people.


The VeggieTales Show

The VeggieTales Show 2019


Bob, Larry and all your Veggie friends return in an all new television series. Bob and Larry use Mr.Nezzer's theatre to put on various performances based on stories from the Bible.