Top Gun

Top Gun 1986


Filmska uspešnica Top Gun nas bo očarala z vratolomnimi akcijami pod nebom in odlično glasbo. Glavni junak filma je Tom Cruise, ki ga kot Mavericka srečamo v elitni vojaški letalski šoli. Tam čez noč zaslovi s pogumnim podvigom, ko v zraku posname sliko ruskega letala. Hkrati se med mladimi piloti vname prava bitka za bleščeči naziv 'Top Gun', ki ga dobi najboljši diplomiranec letnika. Maverick je prepričan, da je za njegovo slavo kriv sloves njegovega očeta, izvrstnega pilota, ki je v Vietnamu izginil v nepojasnjenih okoliščinah. Poleg tega se fant zaplete v romanco s prikupno inštruktorico Charlie.


Čudež na reki Hudson

Čudež na reki Hudson 2016


Režiser z oskarji nagrajenih dram Ostrostrelec, Punčka za milijon dolarjev in Skrivnostna reka predstavlja zgodbo pilota Chesleya Sullenbergerja, ki je po okvari motorjev leta 2009 zaslovel s herojskim pristankom na reki Hudson sredi New Yorka. Čeprav izkušeni Sully kljub neznatnim možnostim uspe rešiti vse potnike, se kmalu po nesreči znajde pod drobnogledom zvedavih novinarjev in preiskovalcev. Ker se na preizkušnji znajdejo njegova kariera, družina in ugled, mora Sully spretno krmariti med trenutnimi pričakovanji in odzivi množic ter trdo realnostjo vsakdanjega življenja.


Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor 2001


Zgodba se osredotoča na posledice tragičnega napada, zaradi katerega so ZDA vstopile v drugo svetovno vojno. Mlada pilota Rafe in Danny sta najboljša prijatelja že vse od otroških dni. Rafe je zaljubljen v medicinsko sestro Evelyn, vendar njuno mlado ljubezen prekine njegov odhod z vojsko v Evropo. Ko Rafa razglasijo za pogrešanega, se obupana Evelyn zateče po tolažbo k Dannyju. Žalost ob izgubi ljubljene osebe ju združi in postaneta ljubimca. Vendar je Rafe še vedno živ …



Dunkirk 2017


Maj 1940, druga svetovna vojna. Nacisti so zaokrožili francosko pristaniško mesto Dunkirk (Dunkerque), z letaki tamkajšnjim prebivalcem in vojakom napovedujejo njihov na videz brezupen položaj. Zaradi sovražne vojske na eni strani in morja na drugi strani, se zdi, kot da ni možnosti za preživetje. Toda v Veliki Britaniji pripravljajo drzno reševalno akcijo, v uspeh katere sprva verjame zelo malo posameznikov. Kljub temu pa se nekaj pogumnih moških poda v boj, da bi rešili svoje tovariše. Na plažah pred Dunkirkom namreč 400.000 mož čaka na njihovo pomoč. Christopher Nolan je film režiral po lastnem scenariju in ga tudi produciral skupaj z Emmo Thomas. Izvršni producent je Jake Myers.


Nevarni let

Nevarni let 2023


Pilot Brodie Torrance junaško reši potnike na letalu pred udarom strele tako, da zasilno pristane na otoku, na katerem vlada vojno stanje. A kmalu ugotovi, da je bilo preživetje zasilnega pristanka le začetek. Ko večino potnikov ugrabijo nevarni uporniki, je edina oseba, na katero se Torrance lahko zanese, obtoženi morilec Louis Gaspare. Da bi rešil potnike bo Torrance potreboval Gasparejevo pomoč, kmalu pa bo tudi izvedel, da pri obtoženem morilcu ni vse tako, kot izgleda na prvi pogled.



Let 2012


Režiser eksistencialnih dram Stik in Brodolom predstavlja življenjsko preizkušnjo pilota Whipa, ki se nikakor ne more upreti alkoholu, pred poleti pa svojo opitost skrije s pomočjo kokaina. Ko doživi strmoglavljenje letala, mu z drznostjo uspe preprečiti tragedijo, toda med tem, ko ga ljudje slavijo kot heroja, se njegovo življenje znajde pod lupo letalskih preiskovalcev. S pomočjo vodje sindikata Charlieja in zvitega odvetnika Hugha spretno zakriva resnico, toda naposled se mora soočiti s posledicami svojih laži in nepremišljenih dejanj. Film je prejel nominacijo za zlati globus in dve nominaciji za oskarja.


Barry Seal: Tihotapec

Barry Seal: Tihotapec 2017


Resnična zgodba o pilotu Barryju Sealu, ki je v osemdesetih prevažal tihotapsko blago za Cio in kartel Medellin.


Gora med nama

Gora med nama 2017


Po usodni letalski nesreči se morata preživela neznanca spopasti z nehvaležnimi ovirami zasneženih gora. Ko ugotovita, da pomoči ne bo, se odpravita na več sto kilometrov dolgo pot preko neokrnjene divjine, ki oba postavlja pred dejstva hkrati pa med njima zaneti tudi nepričakovano privlačnost.


Kot noč in dan

Kot noč in dan 2010


Ko June, dekle iz majhnega mesta, spozna skrivnostnega tujca, se ji zdi moški njenih sanj. A kmalu se izkaže, da je vohun na begu, ki jo potisne v srhljivo igro mačke in miši po vsem svetu.



Letalec 2004


Življenjepis večplastnega Howarda Hughesa, ki je nekaj očeta podedoval po očetovem podjetju, da se je preselil v Hollywood, kjer je zbral veliko bogastvo. Bil je eden najvidnejših producentov v ameriški kinematografiji v tridesetih in štiridesetih letih, ki je začel kariero, kot je Jean Harlow's in postal lastnik RKO Radio Pictures. Toda Hughes je bil poleg proizvajalca priznani industrialec in poslovnež, ki je imel svoj pomen tudi v svetu letalstva.


Emergency Declaration

Emergency Declaration 2022


Med preiskovanjem teroristične grožnje, ki se širi po spletu, korejske oblasti odkrijejo, da se je osumljenec nedavno vkrcal na mednarodni let, namenjen v Združene države. Ko zdrav potnik na istem letu nenadoma umre zaradi grozljive smrti neznanega vzroka, tako med letom kot na tleh izbruhne panika. Zaradi vedno manjše količine goriva in mednarodnega zavračanja pomoči bodo kapitan in posadka prisiljeni sprejeti nujne ukrepe brez primere, da bi rešili življenja svojih potnikov.


Most vohunov

Most vohunov 2015


Dramatični triler prikazuje zgodbo Jamesa Donovana, odvetnika iz Brooklyna, ki se znajde v središču hladne vojne, po tem, ko mu agencija CIA naloži malodane nemogočo nalogo – Donovan mora odpotovati v Vzhodni Berlin ter se tam z Rusi pogoditi o izmenjavi ujetega ameriškega pilota



Wings 1990


Brothers Brian and Joe Hackett attempt to run an airline on the New England island of Nantucket while surrounded by their various wacky friends and employees.



Airwolf 1984


As part of a deal with an intelligence agency to look for his missing brother, a renegade pilot goes on missions with an advanced battle helicopter.



Hijack 2023


When Flight KA29 is hijacked during its seven-hour journey from Dubai to London, Sam Nelson—an accomplished corporate negotiator—tries using his professional skills to save everyone on board. Will this high-risk strategy be his undoing?



TaleSpin 1990


Baloo the Bear stars in an adventurous comedy of love and conflict with his friend Kit Cloudkicker. Rebecca Cunningham and her daughter Molly purchase Baloo's failing company and Baloo must fly transport runs to clear his debt while dodging Don Karnage and his sky pirates.


Voltes V: Legacy

Voltes V: Legacy 2023


Voltes V: Legacy follows the story of three brothers, Steve, Big Bert, and Little Jon Armstrong, and their friends Jamie Robinson and Mark Gordon, as they fight the forces of humanoid aliens known as Boazanians who plans to invade the earth and launch their beast fighters all over the world.


Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance

Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance 2024


Eleven months into the One Year War in U.C.0079, top Zaku II pilot Captain Solari faces the Earth Federation's new lethal weapon: the mobile suit Gundam.


Pan Am

Pan Am 2011


In this modern world, air travel represents the height of luxury and Pan Am is the biggest name in the business. The planes are glamorous, the pilots are rock stars and the stewardesses are the most desirable women in the world. They're trained to handle everything from in-air emergencies to unwanted advances—all without rumpling their pristine uniforms or mussing their hair.


Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa Baa Black Sheep 1976


The dramatized World War II adventures of US Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington and his Marine Attack Squadron 214, AKA The Black Sheep Squadron.


New Horizon

New Horizon 2021


It is about young people who dream of taking flight in the blue skies and the tests that they encounter when in comes to friendship, romance and career. Xiao Mo is a talented pilot who experiences a blow to his career when a person dies on his watch because of an accident. The person is the mother of Xia Yu who is the successor of an aviation empire. Even though subsequent investigations cleared Xiao Mo of any fault, he resigns from his job due to guilt and chooses to become a mechanic instead. Two years later, Xiao Mo returns to flying and also encounters Xia Yu who's studying to become a pilot as well. The two men find themselves falling for the same woman. To complicate matters, details from two years ago resurface causing the people to suspect Xiao Mo once agai


The Centimeter of Love

The Centimeter of Love 2020


The play tells the story of the Yanxi Hospital doctor Xu Qingfeng on the voyage back from studying abroad, and the captain Guan Yuqing, because of tacit cooperation in helping patients, found that each other's family had hard-to-recited sutras.


The Good Witch

The Good Witch 2018


Cha Sun-Hee is a housewife and she is married to Bong Cheon-Dae. Her husband is currently unemployed. She has a twin sister, Cha Do-Hee, who works as a flight attendant. Although they are identical twins, they have completely opposite personalities. Cha Do-Hee becomes involved in a situation which leads to Cha Sun-Hee pretending to be her flight attendant sister. She then meets co-pilot Song Woo-Jin.



Whirlybirds 1957


Whirlybirds is a syndicated American drama/adventure television series, which aired for 111 episodes — broadcast from February 4, 1957, through January 18, 1960. It was produced by Desilu Studios . The show centered around Chuck Martin (Kenneth Tobey) and Pete (P.T.) Moore (Craig Hill), owners of 'Whirlybirds, Inc', who flew their helicopter (N975B) between Longwood Field and anywhere where they could be of help to someone in trouble.


Defying the Storm

Defying the Storm 2022


During the difficult period from 1937 to 1945, two generations of three intellectual families in Peiping make choices and sacrifices in the face of great turmoil and changes of the times. Some people choose to protect Chinese culture and continue the cultural bloodline. There are both idealists and realistic activists. They try their best to save the nation and survive, and actively search for a way out for the country, and finally head towards the light.


Into the Night

Into the Night 2020


When the sun suddenly starts killing everything in its path, passengers on an overnight flight from Brussels attempt to survive by any means necessary.


Tales of the Gold Monkey

Tales of the Gold Monkey 1982


In a backwater corner of the South Pacific in 1938, a young American adventurer and his ragtag group of friends become involved in death-defying hi-jinx, transporting people-on-the-run in a well-worn Grumman Goose seaplane.


Arctic Air

Arctic Air 2012


Arctic Air is about a Yellowknife-based maverick airline and the unconventional family who runs it. The owners are Mel Ivarson, an old school bush pilot; Krista Ivarson, Mel's daughter; and Bobby Martin, the son of Ivarson's deceased partner. Episodes focus on interpersonal conflicts between the characters as well as dramatic flying missions with their aging fleet of Douglas DC-3s, de Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otters and other aircraft. Each episode has one or more flying missions. The series was canceled on March 17, 2014, due to government budgetary cuts


A Touch of Green

A Touch of Green 2015


The drama tells the story of air force pilots and their families from 1945 to 1971. As the husbands embarked on patriotic missions to fight against the enemies, their families must content with horror of wars, mass emigration to distant land, and death of love ones. Their shared experience brought the military families together to support one another.



Airline 2004


Airline is an American reality television series that showcases the daily happenings of passengers, ground workers and on-board staff members of Southwest Airlines. The series debuted on January 5, 2004 on A&E and ran for three seasons.


Spencer's Pilots

Spencer's Pilots 1976


Spencer's Pilots is an American adventure series that aired on CBS from September 17 to November 19, 1976. The series stars Gene Evans as Spencer Parish, the owner of Spencer Aviation.