Lovec Kraven

Lovec Kraven 2024


Kraven Kravinoff zaradi zapletenega odnosa s svojim neusmiljenim gangsterskim očetom Nikolajem stopi na pot maščevanja z brutalnimi posledicami in postane ne le najboljši lovec na svetu, ampak tudi eden tistih, ki se jih najbolj bojijo.


365 dni

365 dni 2020


Ženska postane žrtev dominantnega mafijskega šefa, ki jo zapre in ji da eno leto časa, da se zaljubi vanj.


Dune: Peščeni planet, 2. del

Dune: Peščeni planet, 2. del 2024


2. del raziskuje Paulovo mistično potovanje, po tem, ko se je pridružil Chani in domorodnim Fremenom na svoji bojni poti maščevanja proti zarotnikom, ki so uničili njegovo družino. Paul si prizadeva preprečiti strašno prihodnost, ki jo lahko vidi le on, pri tem pa mora izbirati med ljubeznijo svojega življenja in usodo celotnega znanega vesolja.


Pirati s Karibov: Prekletstvo črnega bisera

Pirati s Karibov: Prekletstvo črnega bisera 2003


Pustolovski kapetan Jack Vrabec potuje po vodah Karibov. Toda njegove dogodivščine se končajo, ko njegov sovražnik, kapetan Barbossa, ukrade njegovo ladjo Črni biser in napade mesto Port Royal, ugrabi Elizabeth Swann, hčerko guvernerja. Will Turner, Elizabetin prijatelj iz otroštva, se pridruži Jacku, da bi jo rešil in najti črni biser. Toda Elizabetin zaročenec Commodore Norrington jih zasleduje na krovu HMS Undaunted. Poleg tega sta Barbossa in njena posadka žrtve uroka, s katerim so obsojene, da živijo večno in da se vsak večer spremenijo v žive okostje, v duhovne bojevnike.


Črni Panter: Wakanda za vedno

Črni Panter: Wakanda za vedno 2022


Nadaljevanje filma Black Panther iz leta 2018 nas vrne v Wakando, kjer se pojavi nova grožnja s strani skritega podmorskega naroda Talokan. V filmu se kraljica Ramonda, Shuri, M'Baku, Okoye in Dora Milaje borijo za zaščito svojega naroda pred posredovanjem svetovnih sil, ki so se mobilizirale po smrti kralja T'Challa. Medtem, ko se prebivalci Wakande trudijo sprejeti izgubo svojega ljubljenega voditelja, se morajo junaki združiti in s pomočjo Nakie in Everetta Rossa skovati nov načrt za kraljestvo Wakande.



Terminator 1984


Mišičnjak Arnold Schwarzenegger se v Terminatorju prelevi v nasilno bitje iz prihodnosti, mešanico človeka in robota. V Los Angeles pride z namenom, da bi ubil Sarah Connor, ker ima njen obstoj pomemben vpliv na prihodnost. Nekoč bo rodila Johna Connorja, ki bo nekje v prihodnosti vodil človeštvo v boju proti mehanizaciji. Kmalu za Terminatorjem pride še Kyle Reese, da bi zaščitil ubogo Sarah. Njuno življenje je na nitki, kajti policija Reesovim zgodbam ne verjame, Terminator pa je neuničljiv.


V kot vroče maščevanje

V kot vroče maščevanje 2006


Brata Wachowski (ustvarjalca trilogije Matrica) nam prinašata temačno zgodbo o bližnji prihodnosti, kjer v totalitarni družbi med ljudmi vladata strah in nasilje. Na seznamu sumljivih državljanov se znajde tudi mlada Evey (Natalie Portman), a jo pred smrtjo reši skrivnostni maščevalec V (Hugo Weaving), ki skuša z neverjetnimi borilnimi sposobnostmi in zvitimi ukanami ljudem znova prinesti pravico in svobodo.


Ni je več

Ni je več 2014


Na peto obletnico poroke Nick Dunne prijavi izginotje svoje žene. Pod pritiskom policije in med vse hujšo medijsko gonjo se ob njegovih lažeh in nenavadnem obnašanju vsi sprašujejo le to, ali je morda sam umoril svojo ženo. Priznani režiser David Fincher prinaša napet triler, posnet po knjižni uspešnici Gillian Flynn, ki razkriva umazane skrivnosti sodobnega zakona. Prav na peto obletnico poroke Nick Dunne na policiji prijavi izginotje svoje žene Amy. Pod pritiskom policije in med vse hujšo medijsko gonjo se začnejo njegove čudaške razlage in portret srečnega zakona podirati kot hišica iz kart. Vse očitnejše so laži ter zavajanje in tudi njegovo nenavadno obnašanje prav nič ne pripomore k rešitvi primera, prav nasprotno – javnost se vse glasneje sprašuje, ali je v resnici Nick Dunne sam umoril svojo ženo.


Odred odpisanih: Nova misija

Odred odpisanih: Nova misija 2021


Dobrodošli v pekel, oziroma v Belle Reve, zapor z najvišjo smrtnostjo. Tukaj so zaprti največji super zlobneži, ki bi naredili prav vse, da bi prišli ven. Današnja naloga je torej: Zberi skupino prestopnikov, opremi jih z vsem možnim orožjem in jih vrzi (dobesedno) na samoten otok Corto Maltese, poln sovražnikov.



Vročina 1995


Bančni ropar in obseden policaj se drug z drugim igrata kot mačka z mišjo. Robert De Niro igra zločinca, ki je prisegel, da ne bo šel več nikoli v zapor, Al Pacino pa policaja, ki je prisegel, da bo zločinca zaprl.


Socialno omrežje

Socialno omrežje 2010


Režiser filmov Sedem in Nenavadni primer Benjamina Buttona raziskuje nastanek najbolj priljubljenega spletnega družabnega omrežja Facebook, ki je leta 2003 nastal v glavi študenta Marka Zuckerberga. Zaradi občutka odrinjenosti želi Mark ustvariti svoje omrežje poznanstev, zato napiše program, ki kmalu preraste v svetovni fenomen. Toda z vsakim milijonom dobička se večajo nesoglasja med Markom in njegovimi prijatelji, znajde pa se tudi pod drobnogledom oblasti.


Logan: Wolverine

Logan: Wolverine 2017


V bližnji prihodnosti od vsega utrujeni Logan v skrivališču blizu mehiške meje skrbi za bolehnega profesorja X-a . Toda njegovi načrti, da se skrije pred svetom in zaščiti svojo zapuščino, se obrnejo na glavo, ko se k njima pred temnimi silami zateče mlada mutantka.


Igre lakote: Kruto maščevanje

Igre lakote: Kruto maščevanje 2013


Na Victorjevi turneji Katniss Everdeen odkrije nove grožnje, ki jih čakajo pri naslednjih igrah. Tekmovanje bi lahko za vedno spremenilo Panem.


Igre lakote: Upor, 2. del

Igre lakote: Upor, 2. del 2015


Ker je država Panem v polno razširjeni vojni, se Katniss sooči s predsednikom Snowom in skupino svojih najbližjih prijateljev.


The Amazing World of Gumball

The Amazing World of Gumball 2011


The life of Gumball Watterson, a 12-year old cat who attends middle school in Elmore. Accompanied by his pet, adoptive brother, and best friend Darwin Watterson, he frequently finds himself involved in various shenanigans around the city, during which he interacts with various family members: Anais, Richard, and Nicole Watterson, and other various citizens.



Vikings 2013


The adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of his age. The series tells the sagas of Ragnar's band of Viking brothers and his family, as he rises to become King of the Viking tribes. As well as being a fearless warrior, Ragnar embodies the Norse traditions of devotion to the gods. Legend has it that he was a direct descendant of Odin, the god of war and warriors.


Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan 2013


Many years ago, the last remnants of humanity were forced to retreat behind the towering walls of a fortified city to escape the massive, man-eating Titans that roamed the land outside their fortress. Only the heroic members of the Scouting Legion dared to stray beyond the safety of the walls – but even those brave warriors seldom returned alive. Those within the city clung to the illusion of a peaceful existence until the day that dream was shattered, and their slim chance at survival was reduced to one horrifying choice: kill – or be devoured!



Cannon 1971


Cannon is a CBS detective television series produced by Quinn Martin which aired from March 26, 1971 to March 3, 1976. The primary protagonist is the title character, private detective Frank Cannon, played by William Conrad. He also appeared on two episodes of Barnaby Jones. Cannon is the first Quinn Martin-produced series to be aired on a network other than ABC. A "revival" television film, The Return of Frank Cannon, was aired on November 1, 1980. In total, there were 124 episodes.


A Series of Unfortunate Events

A Series of Unfortunate Events 2017


The orphaned Baudelaire children face trials, tribulations and the evil Count Olaf, all in their quest to uncover the secret of their parents' death.


The Man in the High Castle

The Man in the High Castle 2015


Explore what it would be like if the Allied Powers had lost WWII, and Japan and Germany ruled the United States. Based on Philip K. Dick's award-winning novel.



Salem 2014


Set in the volatile world of 17th century Massachusetts, 'Salem' explores what really fueled the town's infamous witch trials and dares to uncover the dark, supernatural truth hiding behind the veil of this infamous period in American history. In Salem, witches are real, but they are not who or what they seem.





Lawrence is a traveling merchant selling various goods from a horse-drawn cart. One day, he arrives at a village and meets a beautiful girl with the ears and tail of an animal! Her name is Holo the Wisewolf and she brings bountiful harvests. She wishes to return to her homeland, and Lawrence offers to take her. Now, the once-lonely merchant and the once-lonely wisewolf begin their journey north.



Bloodline 2015


A dramatic thriller that explores the demons lurking beneath the surface of a contemporary American family. The Rayburns are hard-working pillars of their Florida Keys community. But when the black sheep son comes home for the 45th anniversary of his parents' hotel, he threatens to expose the Rayburns' dark secrets and shameful past, pushing his siblings to the limits of family loyalty.


Price Of Passion

Price Of Passion 2017


Ferhat is a hitman working for his criminal uncle. Aslı is a young and idealistic doctor. One day, their roads crossed in the most unexpected way: Aslı is forced to operate on a man that Ferhat had shot.


City of God: The Fight Rages On

City of God: The Fight Rages On 2024


Twenty years after City of God, Buscapé recounts how conflicts between police, traffickers, and militias impacted the community.


Dirty John

Dirty John 2018


Anthology series in which each season is based on a true crime story featuring an epic tale of love gone wrong.


Yakamoz S-245

Yakamoz S-245 2022


After disaster strikes the Earth, a marine biologist on a research mission in a submarine must fight to advance the process into a conspiracy.


Southern Hospitality

Southern Hospitality 2022


"Southern Hospitality" follows the lives of a dynamic social group of friends living in Charleston, S.C., and working together. There's never a dull day in "Leva Land" with the staff at Republic Garden & Lounge and their powerhouse boss, Leva Bonaparte of "Southern Charm." Leva owns four restaurants on the hottest street in town and Republic is the crown jewel of her kingdom.


Our Kind of People

Our Kind of People 2021


A strong-willed single mom sets out to reclaim her family's name and make an impact with her revolutionary haircare line but discovers a dark secret about her own mother's past that will turn her world upside-down.


Ryktet (The Rumor)

Ryktet (The Rumor) 1970


Siri continues to rule – but how is she really doing? Lea doesn't trust anyone anymore and Irma is tired of being messed with. Will she dare to stand up to Siri? The rumors escalates and trust is put to the test when The Rumor is back, a series about gossip and lies that go out of control.