Ključna beseda Middle Age
Nights in Rodanthe 2008
Danny Collins 2015
Last Flag Flying 2017
Podoba ljubezni 2013
Now, Voyager 1942
Še vedno nori 1998
Film Še vedno nori, v katerem igra Stephen Rea, govori o padcu in vzponu izmišljene britanske rok skupine iz 70. let, Strange Fruit, ki se po 20 letih in nasilnem razpadu, ki je močno odmeval v javnosti, poskuša vrniti na glasbeno prizorišče. Obubožani klaviaturist Tony, ki bi se rad postavil na noge, skuša znova združiti skupino za koncert na legendarnem rokovskem festivalu Wisbech. Nekdanja asistentka skupine, tridesetletna ločenka Karen (Juliet Aubrey), ki ima najstniško hči Clare (Rachael Stirling), mu pomaga prepričati ostale člane, da še vedno 'zažigajo'. Bodo skupino Strange Fruit znova pokopale stare napake in prevelik ego, ali jim bo uspelo izkoristiti novo priložnost za slavo? In kar je še pomembnejše, se jim bo sploh uspelo pravočasno zbrati za nastop na Wisbechu?
The Juniper Tree 1990
Más allá de lo común 2025
Wróbel 2024
Superjock 1978
La véritable histoire des Templiers 2020
Uncover the secrets of the most mysterious and powerful knightly order of the Middle Ages – the Knights Templar. You will see how their power and influence grew almost to the heavens, but also how they finally succumbed to the flames of alleged heresy. We will show you the rituals and traditions of this medieval knightly order. You will find out how a devastating smear campaign aimed at destroying the entire order took place or how rumors spread that the Templars survived, went into hiding and their order secretly continues. You will even learn how the Templars influenced the Holy Land and how they connected it to the European continent. The secrets of the Knights Templar are revealed for the first time in a three-part historical documentary miniseries of the same name. Don't be fooled by the legends surrounding the Templars and get acquainted with the latest historical findings.