
Vozi! 2011


Skrivnostni, molčeči mladenič se čez dan udinja kot mehanik v neki zamazani losangeleški garaži in kot hollywoodski kaskader, čez noč pa kot voznik z domala nečloveškimi spretnostmi svoje usluge ponuja kriminalcem. Idilično, mirno trojno življenje se zaplete, ko se mladenič zaljubi v lepo sosedo (Mulligan) z majhnim otrokom in možem v zaporu.



Izzivalca 2019


Resnična zgodba o rivalstvu med Fordom in Ferrarijem za zmago v Le Mansu leta 1966. Ekscentrična, odločna ekipa ameriških inžinirjev mora, pod vodstvom avtomobilskega vizionarja Carolla Shelbyja iz nič izdelati (zdaj legendarni) Ford GT40 in z njim poraziti dominantni Ferarri.


Izgubljena cesta

Izgubljena cesta 1997


V sanjskem trilerju ljubosumni glasbenik umori ženo. Pa res? Nič ni, kakor je videti – v gnusni sestavljanki spreminjajočih se osebnosti, čudnih strasti in strašljive napetosti kultnega režiserja Davida Lyncha. Fred je avantgardni džezovski saksofonist, ki razkošno in moderno prazno hišo deli z ženo Renee. Fred sumi, da mu je nezvesta, a ima večje skrbi od tega, ko se pred njegovimi vrati pojavi niz videokaset s posnetki, ki dokazujejo, kako nekdo opazuje njegov dom od znotraj in od zunaj. Potem ko najdejo umorjeno Renee, se Fred znajde za rešetkami – a nekega dne ga ni več v celici. Kaže, da se je telesno spremenil v Peta Draytona, mladega avtomehanika, ki se je nespametno zapletel z ženo mafijskega šefa Dicka Laurenta; bohotno blondinko po imenu Alice, ki je videti natanko tako kot Renee.


Gromska strela

Gromska strela 1995


Preprosti avtomehanik Chan Foh, ki s svojo družino vodi manjšo delavnico, v zapor spravi nasilnega dirkača Warnerja Krugmana. Ko ta pobegne iz zapora, se Fohu maščuje v delavnici in ugrabi njegovi nič dolžni sestri. Foh lahko sestri reši le tako, da se s Krugmanom pomeri v dirki.


Cherbourški dežniki

Cherbourški dežniki 1964


17-letna Geneviève in njena mati vodita butik z dežniki v obalnem mestecu Cherbourg v Normandiji. Guy je mladi avtomehanik, ki skrbi za bolno teto. Geneviève in Guy se zaljubita in načrtujeta poroko kljub neodobravanju njene matere. Preden Guyja pošljejo v alžirsko vojno, si zaobljubita večno ljubezen. A med njegovo odsotnostjo Geneviève podvomi v njegovo ljubezen. Dvoriti ji začne premožni pariški draguljar Roland. V zakon z njim jo prepričuje tudi mati. Geneviève popusti pritiskom in se poroči z Rolandom ter zapusti Cherbourg. Guy se vrne iz Alžirije in s pomočjo Madeleine sestavlja koščke razsutega življenja. Leta pozneje se Geneviève in Guy srečata na bencinski postaji, ki jo vodi Guy.



I.Q. 1994



Hitri in drzni: Tokio Drift

Hitri in drzni: Tokio Drift 2006


Da bi se izognil zaporni kazni zaradi malomarne vožnje, mora ljubitelj hitih avtomobilov Shawn odpotovati k očetu na Japonsko. Seveda tudi tam hitro najde družbo oboževalcev bencinskih hlapov, a tokrat so pravila nekoliko spremenjena, saj v Tokiju ni pomembna zgolj hitrost, temveč predvsem spretnost dirkanja po ozkih tokijskih parkirnih hišah in umetnost oddrsavanja - driftanja preko ovinkov.


The Heart Killers

The Heart Killers 2024


Kant, a badass tattooist police informant, is asked to investigate a hitman brother duo. But when his attempt to dig up information by getting close to the younger brother, Bison, gets curbed by the overprotective big brother Fadel, Kant has no choice but to find someone to take Fadel out of the way. That’s where Style, his good-looking foolhardy mechanic friend, comes in. Now the two friends are putting their lives, and hearts, on the line. Will this mission end with a kiss or a kill?


Wheeler Dealers

Wheeler Dealers 2003


Experienced car dealer Mike Brewer is joined by multi-talented mechanics in a monumental motoring mission: to find and restore iconic cars to later sell for a profit at their LA-based shop. In the series, Mike has the challenging job of finding vehicles that have money-making potential. He then hands them over to a mechanic, who tackles everything from bare metal re-sprays to gearbox swaps to bring them back to their former glory.


Gekisou Sentai Carranger

Gekisou Sentai Carranger 1996


After the Bowzock, a ruthless — not to mention reckless — gang of interstellar biker thugs, destroy his home planet of Hazard, Dappu visits Earth where he discovers five humans with the ability to harness "Carmagic." With this power, these five heroes can defeat the Bowzock before the band of witless bikers is able to add Earth to its list of wrecked worlds.


Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love 1995


Brotherly Love is an American sitcom that ran from September 16, 1995 to April 1, 1996, on NBC, and then moved to The WB, where it aired from September 15, 1996 until May 18, 1997. The series was created by Jonathan Schmock and Jim Vallely, and produced by Witt/Thomas Productions in association with Touchstone Television and Walt Disney Television. The primary focus of the series is on the relationship of three brothers, played by Joey Lawrence, Matthew Lawrence and Andrew Lawrence.


Resurrected Rides

Resurrected Rides 2024


Comedian Chris Redd works with a dream team of car experts to breathe new life into worn-out rides with stunning customized makeovers.


Wheeler Dealers: Dream Car

Wheeler Dealers: Dream Car 2020


Mike is taking on his toughest challenge yet, as he turns his attention to people who lack the know-how or resources to get their dream motor. With the help of former McLaren Racing mechanic Marc 'Elvis' Priestley, the Wheeler Dealers team will be tackling re-sprays and full vehicle transformations. Each episode sees Mike and Elvis meet a new client and find inventive ways to add value to their existing vehicle, before flipping it for a profit and reinvesting the proceeds in a series of trade-ups that result in a dream car. From auction houses and salvage yards, to the mechanical workshop, Mike and Elvis will be lifting the lid on the secrets of trading up, sharing their expertise on how to add value, read markets and make deals to score the ultimate motor.