
Barbie 2023


Živeti v Barbie deželi pomeni biti popolno bitje na popolnem mestu. Razen, če imaš popolno krizo eksistence. Ali pa si Ken. Ona je vse. On je samo Ken. Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird, Čas deklištva) je film posnela po scenariju, ki ga je napisala z Noahom Baumbachom (Frances Ha, Marriage Story).


Annabelle 3

Annabelle 3 2019


Odločeni, da Annabelle nikomur ne bo več nevarna, jo demonologa Ed in Lorraine Warren zakleneta v sobo, zapreta v stekleno omaro in jo blagoslovita. Vendar pa se kmalu grozote povrnejo, saj Annabelle prebudi zle duhove v celotni sobi in si najde povsem novo tarčo – Warrenovo desetletno hči Judy in njene prijatelje.



M3gan 2022


Dekle Cady (Violet McGraw) se po smrti staršev preseli k svoji teti Gemmi (Allison Williams). Slednja je inženirka robotike v podjetju igrač in je s pomočjo umetne inteligence ustvarila android, model 3, po imenu M3GAN (glas je posodila Jenna Davis), ki je v podobi resničnega dekleta in je programiran, da je najboljša družba otroku in največji zaveznik staršem. Da ne bi bila Cady osamljena in žalostna, ji teta predstavi M3GAN, ki se hitro privadi na novo okolje, se s Cady zbliža in postane do nje izjemno zaščitniška. Kar pa vodi do grozljivih posledic…



Annabelle 2014


Klasična grozljivka, ki nam predstavi zgodbo o mladem paru, ki se po satanistični invaziji v svojem domu prične srečevati z grozljivimi nadnaravnimi pojavi, med katerimi se pojavi tudi starinska lutka.


Chuckyjevo prekletstvo

Chuckyjevo prekletstvo 2013


Po skrivnostni smrti matere Nica posumi, da govoreča rdečelasa lutka, s katero se je igrala njena nečakinja, morda skriva ključ do nedavnega prelivanja krvi in kaosa.


Izgubljena hči

Izgubljena hči 2021


Leda je profesorica literature, ki si poleti privošči študijski dopust na obali, kjer njeno pozornost pritegne mlada mama Nina. Zgodba preskakuje med Ledo v sedanjosti, neodvisno žensko srednjih let z odraslima hčerkama, in njenimi spomini na zgodnje materinstvo. V filmu je ta preskok še posebej poudarjen, saj starejšo Ledo igra Olivia Coleman, mlajšo pa Jessie Buckley. Mlada Leda ostaja doma in skrbi za hčerki, medtem ko si njen mož gradi kariero v znanosti in jo zaradi službenih potovanj pogosto pušča samo s hčerama. Ob tem je Ledina akademska kariera postavljena na stranski tir, vse dokler je njen profesor ne povabi na strokovno konferenco, kjer nepričakovano dobi priznanje za svoje delo.



Annette 2021


Los Angeles, sedanjost. Henry je provokativen stand-up komik, Anne pa svetovno znana operna pevka. Pod soji žarometov sta videti kot srečen in glamurozen par, a njuno življenje se obrne na glavo, ko se jima rodi Annette, skrivnostna deklica z nenavadnim darom …



Chucky 2021


After a vintage Chucky doll turns up at a suburban yard sale, an idyllic American town is thrown into chaos as a series of horrifying murders begin to expose the town’s hypocrisies and secrets. Meanwhile, the arrival of enemies — and allies — from Chucky’s past threatens to expose the truth behind the killings, as well as the demon doll’s untold origins.


Shadows House

Shadows House 2021


A faceless clan lives in a large mansion, masquerading as nobles. Their caretakers are living dolls who spend their days cleaning up the dirt the tenants leave behind. But there’s a deeper mystery at play… and the secret of the house will be unveiled.


Ultraman Ginga

Ultraman Ginga 2013


All of the Ultraman and monsters have been turned into figures known as Spark Dolls and become scattered throughout the universe. A young man named Hikaru Raido finds an item called the Ginga Spark which not only allows him to become Ultraman Ginga but also allows him to go UltLive with the figures to revert them to their rightful size and become one with them. Hikaru fights with his friends to uncover the darkness behind the Spark Dolls. Alien Nackie drops a clue that the wielder of darkness resides in their very elementary school.


Angelic Layer

Angelic Layer 2001


12-year-old Misaki Suzuhara has just gotten involved in Angelic Layer, a battling game using electronic dolls called angels. Even as a newbie, Misaki shows advanced skills as she meets new friends and enters Angelic Layer tournaments to fight the greatest Angelic Layer champions of the nation.


Bump in the Night

Bump in the Night 1994


Bump in the Night is an animated series by Danger Productions that was filmed using stop-motion animation and aired on ABC from 1994 to 1995. It was created and directed by Ken Pontac and David Bleiman. The series was then broadcast on Toon Disney from 1998 to 2001.


Ultraman Ginga S

Ultraman Ginga S 2014


In this new series, two years after Ginga's battle with Dark Lugiel ended, Hikaru and Tomoya joined the UPG (Ultra Party Guardians) after countless monster sightings appeared. Also, an Alien Chibu named Exceller plans to steal the Victorium Stone which believed to contained mysterious powers that located deep underground the Victorian civilization. Due to this, Shou, a Victorian Prince was sent by his mother to retrieve it with the help of Victory Lancer which enable him to become the ancient Ultra, Ultraman Victory.



Lalaloopsy 2013


The Lalaloopsy gang and their adorable pets know every day is a perfect day to celebrate the magic of friendship, creativity and collaboration.


Tottie: The Story of a Doll's House

Tottie: The Story of a Doll's House 1984


Tottie: The Story of a Doll's House is a 1984 animated television series. It is based on The Dolls' House, a children's novel written by Rumer Godden originally published in 1947, and focuses on the toys living in a Victorian Dolls' House belonging to sisters Emily and Charlotte Dane. The whole series had a very dark edge as the dolls had to wish very hard that good things would happen and they would not fall on misfortune. The series started with the phrase "Dolls are not like people, people choose, but dolls can only be chosen".