
Sopotnica 2025


Hej, ti! Ste se naveličali brskanja in potegov s prstom? Naveličani tega, da se počutite kot duh? Se počutite, kot da manjka del vas? vam bo zagotovo našel sopotnika(co), ki je ustvarjen(a) za vas.



Mama 2013




Obred 2017


Skupina prijateljev iz študentskih časov se odpravi na izlet v neznan gozd, kjer se srečajo z grozečo prisotnostjo višje sile ...


Petek trinajsti

Petek trinajsti 1980


Taborniški vodje želijo ponovno odpreti poletni tabor, v katerem se je nekoč utopil otrok. Toda zasleduje in jih slednjič umori neznani napadalec ... Petindvajset let po tragični utopitvi fanta z imenom Jason se poletni tabor na idiličnem jezeru Crystal Lake, kjer se je zgodila tragedija, ponovno odpre. Po taboru znova odmevajo veseli otroški kriki in obeta se, da se bo med vodji tabora spletla kakšna ljubezenska zveza. Toda ko huda nevihta tabor odreže od sveta, vodje enega za drugim kruto umorijo.



Črnenje 2023


Sedem temnopoltih prijateljev se odpravi na izlet za konec tedna, a se znajdejo ujeti v koči z maščevalnim morilcem. Da bi preživeli, morajo uporabiti svojo ulično pamet in poznavanje grozljivk ter se upreti morilcu.


Maine Cabin Masters

Maine Cabin Masters 2017


Builder Chase Morrill is teaming up with his brother, sister and best friend to save and transform abandoned cabins buried deep in the remote woods of Maine. From historic cottages nearly a century old, to camp cabins in need of some major TLC, they'll give these properties the facelift they've needed for decades. And, you never know what you might find when you go for a walk in the woods.


Cabins in the Wild with Dick Strawbridge

Cabins in the Wild with Dick Strawbridge 2017


Dick Strawbridge and Will Hardie follow a competition to build a portable pop-up hotel in the wild comprised of eight stunning and unique themed cabins.


Waltzing Jimeoin

Waltzing Jimeoin 2021


Jimeoin wants to do a comedy tour like no other. With comedian mates, celebrity friends and maybe even his family, Jimeoin will travel around Australia doing standup wherever the tour takes him.


Log Cabin Kings

Log Cabin Kings 2018


The best custom log homes are built by the experts at Pioneer Log Homes. These master woodworkers and skilled craftsmen will design, fabricate and build any large and sprawling log home on their own property, then disassemble and ship it dismantled to the address specified by the client, wherever it may be in the world, even if it's on the opposite side of the globe. Finally, they will arrive at the specified location in person to finally build the log home exactly where the customer wants it. This method of manufacturing and building log houses is so unique that it is unparalleled in the world, and as yet has no competition.