Rdeči vrabec

Rdeči vrabec 2018


Dominika Egorova (Jennifer Lawrence) je marsikaj. Je predana hči, ki bo svojo mamo zaščitila za vsako ceno, je prima balerina, ki je svoj um in telo pripeljala do absolutne meje in je strokovnjakinja v zapeljevanju in manipulaciji. Ko mora zaradi poškodbe prenehati s svojo kariero, jima skupaj z mamo grozi temna in negotova prihodnost. Dominiki je zaradi nesrečnega spleta okoliščin naročeno, da se proti svoji volji prijavi v "šolo za Vrabce", rusko tajno obveščevalno službo, ki mlade in izjemne ljudi pripravi do tega, da svoje telo in um uporabljajo kot orožje. Po tem, ko opravi perverzen in sadističen proces rekrutacije, Dominika postane najnevarnejši Vrabec kar jih je kdaj bilo. Naročeno ji je, da zavede mladega agenta CIE Nathaniela Nasha (Joel Edgerton), kar jo spravi v nemogoč in nevaren položaj ter ogrozi oba naroda. Film je posnet po knjižni uspešnici s seznama New York Timesa.


Atomska blondinka

Atomska blondinka 2017


Piše se leto 1989 in v Berlinu vlada napetost - zid je tik pred tem, da ga zrušijo, med velesilama in njunimi zavezniki pa bo zdaj zdaj počilo. Če je že na običajen dan v igri vohunov težko vedeti, komu gre zaupati, je v tem sodu smodnika to povsem nemogoče … Kronski dragulj tajne službe njenega veličanstva MI6, agentka Lorraine Broughton (oskarjevka Charlize Theron) je prava vohunska mojstrica, a obenem čutna, zapeljiva in divja; pripravljena je uporabiti prav vse svoje sposobnosti, da preživi še tako nemogočo nalogo. In prav njo pošljejo v Berlin, da onemogoči kruto vohunsko verigo, ki je iz neznanih razlogov ravnokar umorila zavezniškega agenta pod krinko.


La Femme Nikita

La Femme Nikita 1997


La Femme Nikita was a Canadian action/drama television series based on the French film Nikita by Luc Besson. The series was co-produced by Jay Firestone of Fireworks Entertainment and Warner Bros.. It was adapted for television by Joel Surnow. The series was first telecast in North America on the USA Network cable channel on January 13, 1997, and ran for five television seasons—until March 2001. The series was also aired in Canada on the over-the-air CTV Television Network. La Femme Nikita was the highest-rated drama on American basic cable during its first two seasons. It was also distributed in some other countries, and it continues to have a strong cult following.


Phantom Thief Squadron Lupinranger vs. Police Squadron Patranger

Phantom Thief Squadron Lupinranger vs. Police Squadron Patranger 2018


The Lupin Collection, a vast ensemble of dangerous items acquired by the legendary gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, is stolen by an interdimensional crime syndicate known as the Ganglars. However, they receive opposition from two Super Sentai teams: the Lupinrangers, who aim to steal back the collection to live up their namesake's reputation and save those they have lost, and the Patrangers, who are tasked with upholding justice by retrieving the collection and taking down the Gangler.


The Sympathizer

The Sympathizer 2024


An espionage thriller and cross-culture satire about the struggles of a half-French, half-Vietnamese communist spy during the final days of the Vietnam War and his resulting exile in the United States.


Agent Hamilton

Agent Hamilton 2020


Carl Hamilton has just returned to Sweden after many years of secret education in the US when Stockholm is shaken by a series of terrorist attacks. Hamilton is assigned to assist the Swedish intelligence service in their pursuit of the guilty, but at the same time works as a double agent.



Alias 2001


Sydney Bristow, an agent who has been tricked to believe she is working for the U.S. government, is actually working for a criminal organization named the Alliance of Twelve. Upon learning this, Sydney becomes a double agent for the real CIA.