James Bond: Casino Royale

James Bond: Casino Royale 2006


Film "Casino Royale" predstavi Jamesa Bonda, še preden je imel "dovoljenje za ubijanje". Toda Bond ni nič manj nevaren. Ko zaporedoma izvede dva profesionalno izvršena umora, mu dodelijo status "00". Direktorica britanske tajne službe "M" (Judi Dench) pošlje novega agenta 007 na njegovo prvo nalogo, ki ga odpelje na Madagaskar, Bahame in nazadnje v Črno goro, da bi se soočil z Le Chiffrom, neusmiljenim bankirjem, kateremu grozijo njegovi klienti teroristi, in ki poskuša povrniti svoj denar v igri pokra za visoke stave v Casino Royalu. M pošlje Bondu uradnico finančnega ministrstva Vesper Lynd, da bi pazila nanj. Bond sprva zavrača Vesper, toda ko skupaj prebrodita vrsto nevarnosti, se njegovo zanimanje zanjo poglobi.


Dan za trening

Dan za trening 2001


Policijski narednik Alonzo Harris je veteran oddelka za narkotike s 13-letnim stažem, čigar vprašljive metode brišejo mejo med zakonitostjo in korupcijo. Izkušnje z ulice so že zdavnaj zatrle ves njegov optimizem. Zatiranje kriminala te lahko stane glavo, če vestno spoštuješ pravila, zato so Alonzo in njegovi kolegi pogosto prisiljeni sami kršiti zakon, v službi katerega so. Trda, realistična akcijska drama Dan za trening je postavljena v svet dvoumne morale policistov, ki pod krinko preganjajo malopridneže. Idealistični novinec Jake Hoyt, čigar nazori se precej razlikujejo od Alonzovih, ima natanko en dan časa, da se dokaže svojemu karizmatičnemu šefu. Pri tem se pogreza vse globlje v svet Alonzove neizprosne logike. V teh 24 urah oba moža postavita na kocko življenje in kariero.


Rdeče sobe

Rdeče sobe 2023


Kelly-Anne je mlada ženska, ki jo navdušuje odmevni kazenski proces proti serijskemu morilcu Ludovicu Chevalierju, saj je obsedena z njim. Ko se realnost preplete z njenimi morbidnimi fantazijami, se poda v temni svet kibernetskega kriminala, da bi našla manjkajoči videoposnetek smrti 13-letnega dekleta, ki bi dokončno dokazal Ludovicovo krivdo ali nedolžnost.



Maverick 1994


Bret Maverick je ambiciozen igralec pokra, ki si hoče s stavami priigrati kar največ denarja. Tu sta še prikupna Annabelle, ki mu bo ukradla marsikatero skrito misel, in premeteni odvetnik Zane Cooper, ki v svojem slogu dosega svoje. In prav Maverick, Annabelle in Cooper bodo pri donosnih stavah postali bolj povezani, kot se sprva zdi.


Ubij jih nežno

Ubij jih nežno 2012


Ko vročeglava mladeniča oropata mafijsko sponzorirano igro pokra, stopita na rep najbolj zločinski svojati New Orleansa. Hladnokrvni izterjevalec Jackie skuša najti odgovorne in pomiriti strasti, toda ko igra postane preveč krvava, za pomoč zaprosi okorelega newyorškega zločinca Mickeyja. Kljub temu dvoličnost vseh vpletenih povzroča vse več zapletov, ki se vedno znova končajo v divjih pretepih, vrtoglavih zasledovanjih in krvavih strelskih obračunih.



Hazarderja 2015


Talentiranemu hazarderju Gerryju se začne nasmihati sreča, ko spozna Curtisa, mlajšega, karizmatičnega pokeraša, in ga prepriča, da se mu pridruži na potovanju do legendarne igre pokra z visokimi vložki v New Orleansu. Na poti se ustavljata v vsakem baru, igralnici ali biljardnici, ki jo najdeta, med njunimi vzponi in padci pa stketa pristno prijateljsko vez.



Ca$h 2008




Maverick 1957


The Maverick boys - Bret, Bart, Beau and Brent - are a clan of well-dressed dandies, gamblers who'd much rather make their money playing cards than messing up their fine clothing with actual work. Sly and clever, none of the Mavericks are much for acts of derring do, but they can be courageous when the situation calls for it. Most often, however, they live by their wits and considerable charm.


World Series of Poker

World Series of Poker 1970


The World Series of Poker is a series of poker tournaments held annually in Las Vegas and, since 2004, sponsored by Caesars Entertainment Corporation. It dates its origins to 1970, when Benny Binion invited seven of the best-known poker players to the Horseshoe Casino for a single tournament, with a set start and stop time, and a winner determined by a secret ballot of the seven players.



Tilt 2005


Young poker players must navigate their past along with the best players in the world to win.


The PokerStars.net Big Game

The PokerStars.net Big Game 2010


The ultimate high-stakes TV cash game show that sees Loose Cannon amateurs play against the legends of poker for cold hard cash. PokerStars buys each Loose Cannon into the game for $100,000, and they get to keep any profit. It’s a true test of poker skill, and the best thing to happen to TV poker in years.



10 2010


A Swiss crime thriller and psychological drama with a difference - the action follows a high stakes poker game secretly watched by the police. Half a million francs are in the pot but more than just money is at stake.


Das Duell um die Geld

Das Duell um die Geld 2016


A game show where stars compete at Texas Hold 'em to win a cash prize of 6000 Euros. They don't use playing cards, but they guess a question's answer, then bet according to the hints given per round.


Shark Cage

Shark Cage 2014


Think you have what it takes to travel the world and beat the biggest names in poker for $1,000,000 on TV? PokerStars.com Shark Cage is your shot at making it happen!


Poker After Dark

Poker After Dark 2007


Poker After Dark is an hour-long poker television program on NBC. The show made its debut on January 1, 2007, and was cancelled on September 23, 2011 following the "Black Friday" criminal case, which involved major sponsor Full Tilt Poker as one of the defendants. For its first two seasons, both of which originally aired in 2007, the show was presented by Shana Hiatt. The host for season 3 was Marianela Pereyra, and Leeann Tweeden took over starting with season 4. All seasons have contained voice-over commentary by Oliver "Ali" Nejad. The program returned to American television over the NBC Sports Network on March 5, 2012 with previously aired repeats, with unaired episodes from season 7 airing for the first time beginning June 4, 2012. NBCSN schedules the show on weeknights at midnight, although the start time varies due to overruns by sporting events.


Black/Crowes~roppongi underground~

Black/Crowes~roppongi underground~ 2022


A drama based on actual events: the black market casino "Ultra Violet" is located in the basement of a building in Roppongi. The manager, Yasuki Kanzaki, is the head of the staff, along with Shiho, Shinke, and Yui, whose age is unknown, are working there. On the same day, a popular actor Ryota Yoshida arrives with a gravure idol Hitomi. He plays baccarat with Hamano, a music producer…



Deal 1970


Deal was a 2005 television pilot by Is or Isn't Productions as part of a two-year development deal for NBC. The comedy series was based on the life of Annie Duke, a professional poker player.


Late Night Poker

Late Night Poker 1970


Late Night Poker is a British television series that helped popularize poker in the 2000s. It used "under the table" cameras that enabled the viewer to see each player's cards. The show became a cult hit on Channel 4 in the UK when it first aired in 1999. The show originally ran for six series between 1999 and 2002. After a couple of spin-off series, Late Night Poker Ace and Late Night Poker Masters, it returned in 2008.