Krik VI

Krik VI 2023


Po več kot desetletju od zadnjega dela končno prihaja Krik VI, ki s seboj prinaša novo generacijo preživelih in svež pogled na ikonično franšizo grozljivk. Film sledi zgodbi štirih preživelih pokola v Woodsboru, ki poskušajo nadaljevati s svojim življenjem v New Yorku. Začne se z umorom filmskega profesorja in se hitro stopnjuje, ko Ghostface nadaljuje svoj morilski pohod. Osrednji štirje liki, Samantha, Tara, Mindy in Chad se združijo s povratnikoma Gale Weathers in Kirby Reedom z namenom, da se spopadejo z zloglasnim morilcem.



Mulan 2020


Zgodba o legendarni junakinji iz kitajske zgodovine, ki je živela v 5. ali 6. stoletju in jo opeva istoimenska balada. Naslovni lik bojevnice, ki se v tradicionalni patriarhalni družbi izdaja za moškega, je upodobila 21-letna kitajska igralka Liu Jifei. Ko kitajski cesar izda dekret, po katerem mora po en moški v vsaki družini služiti carski vojski, da bi ubranili državo pred severnimi napadalci, najstarejša hči častnega bojevnika Hua Mulan nastopi namesto svojega bolnega očeta. Zamaskirana v moškega doživlja Hua preizkušnje na vsakem koraku svojega potovanja in se mora pri tem naučiti izkoristiti svojo notranjo moč ter sprejeti resnični potencial.


Skrivnost številke 7

Skrivnost številke 7 2017


Distopični znanstvenofantastični film Maxa Botkina in Kerry Williamson v režiji Tommyja Wirkola, v katerem imajo glavne vloge Noomi Rapace, Glenn Close in Willem Dafoe. V ne tako oddaljeni prihodnosti je vlada zaradi preštevilčnega prebivalstva in lakote omejila družino na samo enega otroka. Sedem identičnih sester, ki so dobile imena po sedmih dnevih v tednu, živi skrito skrito življenje in vsak dan se lahko v zunanji svet vključi le ena od njih pod isto identiteto. Toda nekega dne se sestra, ki sme ven ob ponedeljkih, ne vrne, druge sestre pa gredo raziskat njeno izginotje.


Popolni spomin

Popolni spomin 1990


Doug Quaid nekje v prihodnosti s svojo prikupno ženo Lori živi prijetno zakonsko življenje. Vsako noč ima žive sanje o koloniji na Marsu in o skrivnostni črnolaski. Da bi odkril pomen sanj, se odpravi na potovalno agencijo, kjer ti v možgane vsadijo spomin na počitnice, ki jih v resnici nisi nikoli doživel. Kot tajni agent si izbere potovanje na Mars. Vendar gre pri vsaditvi nekaj hudo narobe, zato poskušajo zdravniki dogodek zbrisati iz Dougovih možganov. Prepričan, da je tajni agent z Marsa, se Doug odpravi na neprijazen Mars, da bi skrivnosti prišel do dna.



Pogrešana 2023


Ko njena mama izgine med počitnicami v Kolumbiji z novim fantom, Juneino iskanje odgovorov ovira mednarodna birokracija. Obtičala na tisoče kilometrov stran v Los Angelesu, June ustvarjalno uporablja vso najnovejšo tehnologijo, ki jo ima na dosegu roke, da jo poskuša najti, preden bo prepozno. Toda ko koplje globlje, njeno digitalno iskanje odpira več vprašanj kot odgovorov ... in ko June razvozla skrivnosti o svoji mami, odkrije, da je v resnici sploh nikoli ni poznala.



Gattaca 1997


Znanstvenofantastična drama, postavljena v prihodnost, kjer človekovega življenja ne določata izobrazba in izkušnje, temveč genski inženiring. Bogati lahko izberejo poljubno genetsko sestavo svojih potomcev. Ljudje so zasnovani za vlogo, ki jim je določena pred rojstvom. Kaj pa se zgodi, ko si nekdo želi drugačnega življenja? V tem neosebnem svetu prihodnosti so državljani ustvarjeni kot popolni primerki, zato velja naravno rojena manjšina za manjvredno. Toda eden od naravno rojenih se želi osvoboditi družbenih spon in sanjari o tem, da bo potoval po vesolju kot navigator pri korporaciji Gattaca. Da bi dosegel svoj cilj, poišče pomoč prekupčevalca z DNK Germana in vzpostavi stik z Jeromom Morrowom, ki je po nezgodi ostal paraliziran in je pripravljen prodati svoj večvredni genetski material. Vincent prevzame Jeromovo identiteto in pride v posadko vesoljske misije. Toda teden pred poletom enega od direktorjev Gattace umorijo in sum pade na vse člane posadke...


Še enkrat 17

Še enkrat 17 2009


37-letnemu Miku življenje ne teče tako, kot si je predstavljal v mladosti, saj se je po ločitvi moral preseliti k najboljšemu prijatelju, njegova kariera pa je zašla v slepo ulico. Toda nepremišljena želja, da bi se vrnil v najstniška leta, se mu po spletu magičnih dogodkov uresniči in 17-letni Mike se znova znajde v gimnaziji. Tam spozna nekaj pomembnih življenjskih lekcij o sebi, svojih otrocih in bivši ženi, toda pot nazaj in poprava napak se izkažeta za vse prej kot lahki nalogi.


Bournov ultimat

Bournov ultimat 2007


Potem, ko mu je skrivna agencija vzela identiteto, spomin in ljubljene osebe, se skrivni agent Bourne vrača še v tretje, da bi dokončno obračunal z ljudmi, ki so mu uničili življenje, in ki ga še vedno skušajo za vedno utišati. V iskanju odgovorov ga sled pripelje do zvedavega novinarja Rossa, ki prav tako postane tarča neusmiljenega vladnega predstavnika Noaha. Ta v lov za ubežnikoma pošlje odločno agentko Pamelo, po življenju pa jima streže tudi okrutni morilec Paz, toda vpleteni se ne zavedajo, da je Bourne najbolj nevaren prav takrat, ko ga pričnejo stiskati v kot.


Strah in groza v Las Vegasu

Strah in groza v Las Vegasu 1998


Športni novinar Raoul Duke in njegov odvetnik dr. Gonzo se odpravita v Las Vegas, kjer bosta opravila zgodbo o dirki z motorji. Njihov rdeči kabriolet je opremljen z vsemi vrstami stimulansov in arzenalom dopinških zelišč. To jim bo omogočilo, da se lahko fizično in mentalno odpravijo skozi dekadentno Ameriko sedemdesetih let.



Turist 2010


Režiser oskarjevske drame Življenje drugih sledi privlačni in skrivnostni Elise, ki si na begu pred oblastmi za naključno žrtev izbere nič hudega slutečega učitelja Franka. V Benetkah ga Elise omreži in s tem zasledovalce prepriča, da je Frank njen bivši ljubimec, zelo iskan finančnik, ki je poneveril več milijard dolarjev. Ko se v zgodbo vmešajo hladnokrvni kriminalci, se presenečeni Frank znajde v smrtonosni nevarnosti, toda v zgodbi premetenih prevar nič ni tako, kot se zdi na prvi pogled.


Lovci na družice

Lovci na družice 2005


Prijatelja Jeremy (Vince Vaughn) in John (Owen Wilson) imata rada zabavo in ženske, oboje pa najlažje dobita na porokah, ki jih redno obiskujeta, četudi nepovabljena. Toda na poroki vplivnega finančnika se John zares zaljubi v nevestino sestro in s tem prekrši skrivni kodeks lovcev na družice.


Dvojno Veronikino življenje

Dvojno Veronikino življenje 1991


Dve vzporedni zgodbi o dveh enakih ženskah, ena živi na Poljskem, druga v Franciji. Med seboj se ne poznata med seboj, vendar so njuna življenja kljub temu močno povezana.


Business Proposal

Business Proposal 2022


In disguise as her friend, Ha-ri shows up to a blind date to scare him away. But plans go awry when he turns out to be her CEO — and makes a proposal.



Hustle 2004


A motley group of London con artists pull of a series of daring and intricate stings.


My Dear Guardian

My Dear Guardian 2021


A story that follows a warm and gentle military medic and the 'ice mountain' military officer as they fulfill their duties and also find love. Was it being rescued from the bandits or was it from constantly seeing others under one roof? Love enters when you least expect it. Xia Chu is a surgeon whose experiences have allowed her to stay calm in the face of life and death situations. Liang Muze is a special military officer who has fought on many battlefields. He has closed off his heart due to painful memories from the past.


Carp Reborn

Carp Reborn 2020


Special forces operative Wang Sheng transmigrated into the world of Yuanhun (Origin Spirits). There, he was possessed by a useless spirit —a carp—, becoming infamous trash in the world of Origin Spirits! In this world filled with experts, Wang Sheng used the knowledge he acquires to surmount all difficulties, even finding a way to evolve his useless spirit carp! From a sparrow to a Phoenix, from a carp to a Dragon! In this sinister and vicious world full of disputes, he will make his own path towards success! Legends say that a carp who leaps over the Dragon’s Gate will become a dragon itself. Through effort and courage, even an insignificant carp can defy its own fate and become a legend.


18 Again

18 Again 2020


At a difficult place in his marriage and career, a middle-aged man gets a shot at a do-over when he's transformed back into his 18-year-old body.


Windy Mi Poong

Windy Mi Poong 2016


The romance between a bright woman, Mi-Poong, who defected from North Korea and a man, Jang-Go, in Seoul who is a stickler for the rules. Conflicts also arise over a 100 billion won inheritance.


Kill Me, Heal Me

Kill Me, Heal Me 2015


Cha Dohyeon is a rich heir to a family company with one major problem. Due to suppressed childhood trauma, he suffers from dissociative identity disorder manifested in seven unique personalities who are out of his control. In order to overcome this disorder in secret, he hires a first-year medical resident to help him heal by killing off each personality one by one.



Imposters 2017


Maddie, a persona shifting con-artist who is as beautiful as she is dangerous, leaves her unwitting victims tormented when they realize they have been used and robbed of everything – including their hearts. But things get complicated when her former targets, Ezra, Richard, and Jules team up to track her down.


Princess Silver

Princess Silver 2019


Rong Le, a princess of the royal family of the Xiqi Kingdom who wakes up one day to find that she has lost her memory. She is ordered to marry Wu You, seventh prince of the neighboring Beilin Kingdom, though her husband-to-be refuses to let her inside his manor. Unable to return home, Rong Le settles down in Beilin and opens a teahouse under the alias of Man Yao. It is rumored that the Qin family has misplaced an extraordinary tome that will supposedly usher in a time of prosperity for all the kingdoms, and Man Yao embarks on a journey to find the book. Man Yao and Wu You meet and fall in love without realizing each other's true identity, though they are forced to separate when Rong Le's brother Rong Qi orders her to marry the powerful General Fu Chou.


The Stand-in

The Stand-in 2014


Deng Sidi, is a poor rickshaw driver working in Guangzhou. Desperate to make more money so he can afford eye treatment for his girlfriend Ah Chun, he takes on a job from Ou Shuyun, the rebellious daughter of the Guangdong inspector-general and a supporter of revolutionary Chen Shaobai. To Sidi’s surprise, his job is to pretend to be Li Chongguang, the son of businessman Li Yutang. However, he was never told that Chongguang was killed. In order to prevent Yutang from discovering the truth, Ou Shuyun arranges for Sidi to become Chongguang’s replacement. All seems to be well until Shuyun’s father discovers that his daughter is in a relationship with Chen Shaobai and tries to cover it up by forcing Chongguang and Shuyun to get married. This is a drama adaptation of the 2009 Hong-Kong film "Bodyguards and Assassins"



A-TEEN 2018


It's easy to talk about teenagers, but we are now in our teens for the first time. All the moments were too serious to say I was not worried. Teenage school romance web drama.


Oh, the Mysterious

Oh, the Mysterious 2017


Il Seung was wrongly accused of a crime and imprisoned, and has spent ten years on death row. He manages to break out of prison and somehow becomes a fake cop, then sets out to find a hidden stash of 100 billion won (nearly 100 million dollars) on behalf of criminals who will supply him with a new identity upon receipt. He has three days to find the cash and begin his new life.


The Bastard Executioner

The Bastard Executioner 2015


A blood-soaked, medieval epic that tells the story of Wilkin Brattle, a 14th century warrior, whose life is forever changed when a divine messenger beseeches him to lay down his sword and lead the life of another man: a journeyman executioner. Set in northern Wales during a time rife with rebellion and political upheaval, Wilkin must walk a tight rope between protecting his true identity while also serving a mysterious destiny. Guided by Annora, a mystical healer whose seeming omniscience keeps Wilkin under her sway; manipulated by Milus Corbett, a devious Chamberlain with grand political aspirations; and driven by a deepening connection with the Baroness Lady Love, Wilkin struggles to navigate political, emotional and supernal pitfalls in his quest to understand his greater purpose.


The Wind Blows

The Wind Blows 2019


Do-Hoon and Soo-Jin are a married couple. Do-Hoon learns that he has Alzheimer's disease. He decides to divorce Soo-Jin out of concern for her future. The couple divorces.


Ms Ma, Nemesis

Ms Ma, Nemesis 2018


Ms. Ma is sent to jail after being accused of killing her daughter. She escapes in order to find the real murderer and starts solving other cases.



XIII 2008


The first female US President Sally Sheridan is shot dead by a sniper during her Veterans Day speech. Her assassin narrowly escapes the scene with his life, national security hot on his heels - or so it seems. Three months later, an elderly couple discover the body of a wounded man in a tree, wearing a parachute. The young man cannot remember the slightest thing about his own identity.


Qing Luo

Qing Luo 2021


Yu Qing Luo gives birth to a son named Nan Nan. Seven years later, she becomes a renowned physician with unorthodox skills. She sets out to find Yang Xiu Cheng, Nan Nan's father. On her journey, she comes across a man named Ye Xiu Du, the prince of Feng Cang Kingdom. As Ye Xiu Du resembles Yang Xiu Cheng, Yu Qing Luo grew to resent him. However after several encounters, she realizes it was just a co-incidence and began to open up to him. At the same time, Yu Qing Luo's skills and talent attracted unwanted attention and she gets swept up in conflicts. Yu Qing Luo and Ye Xiu Du work together to defeat the opponents.


Taking Love as a Contract

Taking Love as a Contract 2024


Xia Tian is a young, aspiring actress who finds herself taking on the identity of the daughter of the He family in a desperate move to protect her grandmother's house. Now, in the guise of a society princess, she and the wealthy adopted son of the He family, Cheng Xuan, unexpectedly fall in love as they work together in order to finally gain recognition from the family.



Fanático 2022


When a trap artist's biggest fan tries to take over his idol's persona, he finds out that being a superstar isn't as easy as it looks.


Unhating You

Unhating You 2023


Rosana is the head of her family. She works hard trying to earn money to care for her sick mother. Despite her best efforts, she's laid off. In her desperation, she's willing to do anything in exchange for the assurance of her mother's care, even take on the role of a wealthy person's fake daughter in order to inherit. In the midst of an unfamiliar family, Rosana has to deal with powerful Korn, a cousin intent on proving her true identity.