
Igra 1997



Memphis Belle

Memphis Belle 1990


Med drugo svetovno vojno mlada posadka Memphis Belle, bombnika B-17, "leteče trdnjave", uspešno opravi 24 izjemno nevarnih bombardiranj v nacistični Evropi. Junaški letalci, ki so večinoma komaj kaj več kot najstniki in se v zraku borijo za svojo domovino, vedo, da je pri vsaki nalogi možnost ena proti tri, da se ne vrnejo domov. Zdaj mora posadka opraviti še zadnjo nalogo, preden bi se vrnili v ZDA; a prav ta bo njihova najbolj nevarna.


Stalked: Someone's Watching

Stalked: Someone's Watching 2011


It may seem like it, but victims of stalking are not just celebrities and those in the public eye; the widely-misunderstood crime affects millions of people in the United States each year, people who are in perpetual fear for their lives; criminal psychologist Dr. Michelle Ward -- a stalking victim herself -- presents stories of the crimes and explores the twisted psychology of those who committed them; victims and their families also recount their personal experiences and provide firsthand insight into effective steps they took to protect themselves; Dr. Ward offers practical tips that viewers can use to keep themselves safe.