Dune: Peščeni planet, 2. del

Dune: Peščeni planet, 2. del 2024


2. del raziskuje Paulovo mistično potovanje, po tem, ko se je pridružil Chani in domorodnim Fremenom na svoji bojni poti maščevanja proti zarotnikom, ki so uničili njegovo družino. Paul si prizadeva preprečiti strašno prihodnost, ki jo lahko vidi le on, pri tem pa mora izbirati med ljubeznijo svojega življenja in usodo celotnega znanega vesolja.


Dune: Peščeni planet

Dune: Peščeni planet 2021


Zgodba spremlja Paula Atreidesa iz hiše Atreides, sijajnega in nadarjenega mladeniča, rojenega za velike stvari, ki mora odpotovati na najnevarnejši planet v vesolju, da bi zagotovil prihodnost svoji družini in narodu. Znajde se sredi boja za ekskluzivno oskrbo najbolj dragocenega vira, ki obstaja, najdražjim elementom galaksije, ki se nahaja samo na Arrakisu in ki lahko odklene največji potencial človeštva, v katerem bodo preživeli samo tisti, ki zmorejo premagati svoj strah.


Nazaj v prihodnost

Nazaj v prihodnost 1985


Marty je povprečni gimnazijec. Njegov prijatelj, ekscentrični znanstvenik dr. Brown izumi časovni stroj, s katerim se Marty po naključju znajde v letu 1955. Da je stvar še hujša, tam naleti na svojega očeta v najstniških letih in na svojo mamo. Če Martyju ne bo uspelo stvari postaviti na svoje mesto, bo enostavno izginil. Naloga zanj ne bo pretežka, saj če sredi petdesetih obvladaš rolkanje, poznaš vse najnovejše hite, hkrati pa obvladaš kitarske rife prihodnosti, ne moreš biti drugega kot frajer.


A.I. - Umetna inteligenca

A.I. - Umetna inteligenca 2001


V prihodnosti, kjer bo znanstveni napredek mogoč, ljudje vse vidike svojega življenja zaupajo sofisticiranim robotom, imenovanim Meccas. Čustva so zadnja meja v razvoju strojev. Ko pa napredni robotski otrok z imenom David programira ljubezen, ljudje niso pripravljeni na posledice.



Patton 1970


Film pripoveduje zgodbo o kontroverznem, čudaškem, ošabnem in fanatičnem ameriškem generalu Georgeu S. Pattonu. Prvič ga srečamo leta 1943 v Severni Afriki, kjer Američani v boju s sovražnikom utrpijo hude izgube. Patton postane vodja ameriške vojske in po nekaj odmevnih zmagah kmalu postane znan širši javnosti. Zaradi uspehov, ki jih doseže, dobi celo nasprotnike na svoji strani, saj mu drugi poveljniki zavezniških sil zavidajo.


Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon 1992


One day, Usagi Tsukino, clumsy 2nd-year middle school student, stumbles upon a talking cat named Luna. Luna tells her that she is destined to be Sailor Moon, "champion of love and justice", and she must search for the fabled Moon Princess. Usagi finds friends that turn out to be destined senshi as well, and together they fight to save the world from the certain doom brought upon by the Dark Kingdom.


Avatar: The Last Airbender

Avatar: The Last Airbender 2005


In a war-torn world of elemental magic, a young boy reawakens to undertake a dangerous mystic quest to fulfill his destiny as the Avatar, and bring peace to the world.


Begin Again

Begin Again 2020


Furniture firm CEO Lu Fangning is approaching 30 – and, under pressure from her family, agrees to marry. She fixes her sights on the handsome surgeon Ling Rui and convinces him to tie the knot with her. But she soon finds that married life isn’t quite what she had hoped for. Cracks begin to appear in the already-frail relationship. But as she starts to mull divorce, Fangning suddenly finds herself falling for Ling Rui. Is it too late for love? Or can romance help them save their marriage?


She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 2018


In this reboot of the '80s series, a magic sword transforms an orphan girl into warrior She-Ra, who unites a rebellion to fight against evil.


That Winter, the Wind Blows

That Winter, the Wind Blows 2013


Circumstances condemn Oh Soo and Oh Young to loveless lives. After the untimely death of his first love, Oh Soo turns to an ambitionless life as a derelict gambler. The gorgeous Oh Young should be leading the perfect life as an heiress, but when her parents’ divorce crumbles the family, she faces the reality of living life alone—particularly in light of her increasingly impaired vision. When these two heavy souls cross paths, fate delivers a chance meeting that will change their lives forever.


Black Knight

Black Knight 2017


A successful executive determined to do whatever it takes to protect the woman he loves, meets a travel agent, who may be linked to his past.


The Big Door Prize

The Big Door Prize 2023


A small town is forever changed when a mysterious machine appears, promising to reveal everyone's true potential. Soon residents start changing jobs, rethinking relationships, and questioning long-held beliefs—all in pursuit of a better future.


Niko and the Sword of Light

Niko and the Sword of Light 2017


A plague of shadows has swept across the land, turning innocent creatures into terrible monsters. One champion remains to battle the darkness and return the world to the light: Niko. Armed with his magic sword and guided by a determined Princess, young Niko journeys to the Curse-ed Volcano to face the evil sorcerer Nar Est and free his people from their magic prison.


La Pluie

La Pluie 2023


Follows the story of Saengtai who dislikes talking to people unnecessarily, especially strangers. He also suffers from a sensorineural hearing loss when it rains. However, as fate decides, he can only hear one voice when it rains.



Elkhorn 2024


Theodore Roosevelt is bound for greatness—he's a Harvard graduate from a prominent family, a rising politician, and his wife, Alice, is pregnant. Then his promising future turns tragic. His mother succumbs to typhoid, and Alice dies in childbirth on the same day. Devastated, Teddy leaves his urban world of high rises and high society for the desolate Dakota Territory, where, by facing the harsh reality of surviving life on America’s frontier, he intends to remake himself into something greater.