21 Jump Street: Mladenič v modrem 2012
Mlada policista Schmidt in Jenko se pridružita enoti Jump Street ter gresta na nalogo pod krinko v srednjo šolo. Pištoli in znački zamenjata za nahrbtnika, da bi razkrila nevarno združbo prekupčevalcev mamil.
Mlada policista Schmidt in Jenko se pridružita enoti Jump Street ter gresta na nalogo pod krinko v srednjo šolo. Pištoli in znački zamenjata za nahrbtnika, da bi razkrila nevarno združbo prekupčevalcev mamil.
Na policijski akademiji se za policiste urijo ljudje, ki si jih nikoli ne bi mogli zamisliti v tej vlogi. Eden takih je Carey Mahoney, ki težave raje povzroča, kot jih rešuje. Še najraje jo zagode nepriljubljenemu poročniku Harrisu. Pri tem si pomaga s številnimi zvijačami, zaveznike pa najde tudi med odštekanimi sošolci.
Junaki policijske akademije se v svoji zadnji veliki avanturi odpravijo v srce Rusije, v Moskvo. Čeprav je hladne vojne že zdavnaj konec, je situacija zelo vroča. Komandant Lassard in njegovi policisti, ki se jim pridruži še novinec Kyle Connors, morajo ustaviti ruskega mafijskega botra Constantina Konalija. Ta je odkril način, kako lahko vdre v katerikoli računalnik na svetu in povzroči pravi kaos.
Pripravite se na noro smešno pustolovščino. Rekruti policijske akademije poskušajo zaustaviti huligane na roparskem pohodu. Težave jim poleg kradljivcev povzroča tudi novi poročnik, ki je pripravljen narediti vse, da bi našim junakom spodletelo. Toda mladi policisti in policistke mu pripravljajo sladko maščevanje.
Policijski akademiji primanjkuje denarja za šolanje bodočih policistov. Policisti iz akademije pod vodstvom komandanta Lassarda se tako v boj za obstanek podajo s člani akademije komandanta Mauserja. Kdo bo na koncu zmagal? Borba bo neusmiljena, a nepopisno smešna. Lassard na pomoč pokliče svoje bivše učence, da bi poskrbeli za nove kadete, od katerih je odvisna prihodnost njihove akademije. Mahoney, Tackleberry, Hightower in ostali imajo z novinci seveda polne roke dela. Mauser medtem ubere drugačno taktiko.
Earl Montgomery bi verjetno lahko bil dober policist, če ne bi bil tak važič. Zaradi uporniškega obnašanja ga vržejo iz policijske akademije in zadovoljiti se mora z nepomembno službo varnostnika pri Državni varnosti. Po srečanju z zadrtim policistom Hankom Raffertyjem (Steven Zahn), Earl Hanka obtoži telesnega napada. Hank izgubi značko, vržejo ga v zapor in nazadnje tudi on pristane pri Državni varnosti. Earlova zagnanost ga pripelje do prefinjene tihotapske operacije pod vodstvom Nasha (Eric Roberts) in morda celo do policijske zarote. Zdaj si vsi želijo Earla in Hanka mrtva, čeprav morata še prej ubiti drug drugega...
Four well-developed and ambitious police school graduates, Ma Xiaoshuai, Ou Jie, Zhao Jiahui, and Yang Yiliu, push for their goals and fight against the struggles.
Wi Seung Hyun joins the Korean national Police University to follow in his father's footsteps but runs into hurdles as he gets involved with a woman named Go Eun Gang.
Detective Tono Kazuyuki (Sato Koichi) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police's First Investigative Division resigns to take responsibility. However, he gets an appointment letter which he is unprepared for...to become an instructor at the police academy!
For as long as Tharn can remember, he's had visions of those around him, sensing both the good and the bad. Now in a team of special investigators, Tharn meets Phaya, with a strange connection from their past lives pulling them together.
The mystery of how Kazama Kimichika became so ruthless and unmatched will be revealed. Kyojo Zero depicts the time before he was assigned to the police academy, when he was working as an instructor in charge of training new detectives...
Kimichika Kazama is an instructor at a police academy. He is keenly observant and watches over his students. He is calm as an instructor and has charisma, but strict. Students with various backgrounds attend the police academy with their own reasons of becoming police officers. They feel pressure having to follow the strict rules and have anxiety about getting kicked out of the academy. How many students will graduate among the 90 students? What is the real purpose of Kimichika Kazama giving hardship to the students?
Police Academy: The Series is a syndicated 1997 television series spin-off from the Police Academy series of films. Michael Winslow was the only actor from the Police Academy films to have a recurring role on the show, although several of the film's cast made occasional guest appearances. The series was written by Paul Maslansky and produced by James Margellos and Gary M. Goodman. Music by Ari Wise and Jim Guttridge
Shimura Teppei (Fujigaya Taisuke) grew up watching his policeman father who would ride side-by-side in marathons because he was a motorcycle cop, and dreamt of being a marathon runner as a child. But Teppei’s father lost his job and disappeared. Teppei ruined himself by becoming a well-known delinquent in the area. Under the influence of his childhood friend, Yuichi, Teppei chose to become a policeman after graduating from high school. He miraculously passed the recruitment exam and entered the police academy. However, he has been assigned to a “class of reserves” (Goriki Ayame, Koyanagi Yu, Okamoto Azusa, Mizusawa Erina, Ishii Tomoya, Mori Ren) which is a gathering of odds and ends. There are eight of them and each day they are only instructed by the assistant teacher, Ryuzaki Misaki, to sweep the academy grounds … …
The cases of five young and well-intentioned police recruits often turn into catastrophes.
Inspector Carlos and his loyal companion, the friendly dog Lobo, fight crime while patrolling Brazil's highways in a Simca Chambord or a powerful Harley Davidson motorcycle.