
Shrek 2001


Dolgo, dolgo nazaj je v odročnem močvirju živel okras okrasov po imenu Shrek. Toda nenadoma nekega dne njegovo absolutno samoto prekine invazija presenetljivih pravljičnih likov. V njegovi hrani so slepe male miši, ogromen, hud volk v postelji, trije mali brezdomni prašiči in številna druga neverjetna bitja, ki jih je hudobni Lord Farquaad deportiral iz njegovega kraljestva. Da bi rešil svojo zemljo in v tem času, Shrek sklene pakt s Farquaadom in se odloči, da bo lepa princesa Fiona Gospodova nevesta. Na tej pomembni misiji ga spremlja smešen osel, pripravljen storiti karkoli za Shreka. Vse, a bodi tiho. Reševanje princese iz ljubezenskega zmaja, ki diha ogenj, bo neumno v primerjavi s tistim, ki se zgodi, ko se razkrije temna skrivnost, ki jo je mlada ženska hranila.


Robin Hood

Robin Hood 2010


Režiser zgodovinskih spektaklov Gladiator in Nebeško kraljestvo se je podal po sledeh srednjeveške legende o Robinu Hoodu, zaščitniku revnih in izkoriščanih. Po dolgoletnih bojih v tujini se Robin vrne v domači kraj, ki ga terorizira zlobni nottinghamski šerif. S pomočjo iznajdljivosti in vojaških veščin se Robin s somišljeniki odloči osvoboditi ljudi in osvojiti srce pogumne plemkinje Marian, a naleti na srdit vojaški odpor, ki vodi v mnoge osupljive in krvave bitke.


Robin Hood: možje v pajkicah

Robin Hood: možje v pajkicah 1993


Robin se s kraljem Richardom udeleži križarske vojne. Vtaknejo ga v ječo, a pobegne, preplava ocean in se vrne v rodno Anglijo. Tam ugotovi, da je oblast v kraljestvu prevzel princ John, ki mu ob strani stoji zlobni rottinghamski šerif. Robin je odločen, da se bo Johnu postavil po robu. Pri tem mu pomagajo njegovi zvesti prijatelji in lepa Marian, v katero se zaljubi.


Robin Hood

Robin Hood 2018


V vojni utrjeni križar in njegov mavrski poveljnik se drzno upreta pokvarjenim in skorumpiranim plemiškim oblastnikom. Vznemirljiva akcijska pustolovščina, polna eksplozij, norih prizorov bojevanj in brezčasne romantike.


Razbojniki za vse čase

Razbojniki za vse čase 1981


Sanjaškega, radovednega dečka Kevina iz pustega angleškega doma odpelje šest nagajivih škratov, ki so si od Najvišjega izposodili – bolje rečeno, ukradli – zemljevid časovnih lukenj v vesolju. Te jim omogočajo potovanje v času in nemudoma se odpravijo v preteklost, kjer srečajo Robina Hooda, kralja Agamemnona ter Napoleona – in vsem ukradejo njihove dragocenosti. Vendar pa Najvišji zahteva svoj zemljevid, zato nenehno prekinja potovanje Kevina in časovnih nepridipravov, medtem ko plenijo in kradejo vsakovrstne zaklade.


Robin Hood's Big Adventure

Robin Hood's Big Adventure 1990


Robin Hood's Big Adventure is an anime adaptation of the classic Robin Hood story consisting of 52 episodes. In this version, Robin and his allies are mostly pre-teens.


The Adventures of Robin Hood

The Adventures of Robin Hood 1955


The legendary character Robin Hood and his band of merry men in Sherwood Forest and the surrounding vicinity. While some episodes dramatised the traditional Robin Hood tales, most episodes were original dramas created by the show's writers and producers.


Robin Hood

Robin Hood 2006


An updated series following the life of Robin Hood and his Merry Men in Sherwood forest. Together they steal from the rich and give to the poor - all the while avoiding their enemies Sir Guy of Gisborne and the Sheriff of Nottingham.


Robin of Sherwood

Robin of Sherwood 1984


Robin of Sherwood was a British television series, based on the legend of Robin Hood. Created by Richard Carpenter, it was produced by HTV in association with Goldcrest, and ran from 1984 to 1986 on the ITV network. In America it was retitled Robin Hood and shown on the premium cable TV channel Showtime and on PBS. The show starred Michael Praed and Jason Connery as two different incarnations of the title character. Unlike previous adaptations of the Robin Hood legend, Robin of Sherwood combined a gritty, authentic production design with elements of real-life history, 20th century fiction, and pagan myth. The series is also notable for its haunting title music by Clannad, which won a BAFTA award.


Robin Hood: Mischief In Sherwood

Robin Hood: Mischief In Sherwood 2015


Richard the Lionheart has gone to war, leaving power in the hands of Prince John. Sherwood is in danger, but Robin Hood and his gang are on hand to save the day! Meet Maid Marian with her castle insider knowledge, charming Little John, grumpy Tuck and Robin's funny cousin Scarlett. Follow the gang who with comedy, magic and friendship will save the day.


The New Adventures of Robin Hood

The New Adventures of Robin Hood 1997


Sherwood Forest outlaw Robin Hood and his partners -- Marion Fitzwalter, Little John and Friar Tuck -- use magic, sorcery and courage to fight royal soldiers, evil knights and others who try to oppress the impoverished people of 12th-century England.


Maid Marian and Her Merry Men

Maid Marian and Her Merry Men 1989


Maid Marian and her Merry Men is a British children's sitcom created and written by Tony Robinson and directed by David Bell. It began in 1989 on BBC One and ran for four series, with the last episode shown in 1994. The show was a partially musical comic retelling of the legend of Robin Hood, placing Maid Marian in the role of leader of the Merry Men, and reducing Robin to an incompetent ex-tailor. The programme was much appreciated by children and adults alike, and has been likened to Blackadder, not only for its historical setting and the presence of Tony Robinson, but also for its comic style. It is more surreal than Blackadder, however, and drops even more anachronisms. Many of the show's cast such as Howard Lew Lewis, Forbes Collins, Ramsay Gilderdale and Patsy Byrne had previously appeared in various episodes of Blackadder alongside Robinson. Like many British children's programmes, there is a lot of social commentary sneakily inserted, as well as witty asides about the Royal family, buses running on time, etc. Many of the plots spoofed or referenced film and television shows including other incarnations of Robin Hood in those mediums.


The Legend of Robin Hood

The Legend of Robin Hood 1975


The Legend of Robin Hood was a 1975 BBC television serial that told the story of the life of Robin Hood.



Sherwood 2019


All her life, teen-hacker Robin of Sherwood thought she was an orphan. But when a mysterious Gauntlet unlocks a secret that turns her world upside down, Robin joins forces with a group of renegades who teach her the true value of love, loyalty, and sacrifice. Through the flooded storm-lashed streets of 23rd century London, to the towering citadel of the floating Upper City, Robin and her new friends battle the elements and the odds to defeat the mad Sheriff of Nottingham.


Young Robin Hood

Young Robin Hood 1991


Young Robin Hood is an animated series produced by Cinar and Hanna-Barbera. The series takes place when Robin is a teenager, Richard the Lion Heart is on his "first crusade" and Robin Hood's father, the Earl of Huntington, joins him.


Robyn Hood

Robyn Hood 2023


Follows Robyn Loxley and anti-authoritarian masked hip-hop band, The Hood, as they call out injustices and fight for freedom and equality in the city of New Nottingham.