Zadnji dobri možje

Zadnji dobri možje 1992


Ni ga seznama najbolj znanih filmskih citatov, ki ne bi vseboval fraze »You can’t handle the truth!«. Film režiserja Roba Reinerja (Stand by Me, Misery, The Bucket List), A Few Good Men, predstavi polkovnika Nathan R. Jessupa (Jack Nicholson), arogantnega poveljnika mornariške baze Guantanamo Bay na Kubi in Daniela Kafeeja (Tom Cruise), mladega samozavestnega odvetnika, ki v finalnem aktu filma polkovnika Jessupa skuša pripraviti do priznanja, da je ta ukazal »rdečo kodo«, ustrahovalni postopek za mlade marince, ki je botroval k smrti enega izmed častnikov. Kljub dramatičnemu zaključku, pa je film A Few Good Men mnogo več kot le verbalni dvoboj med Cruseom in Nicholsonom. Odvetniška drama s pridihom komedije in trilerja, ki je bila prirejena po gledališki igri, predstavi ideje kot so dolžnosti vojakov, naravo konformnosti, preganjanje šibkih in slepo sledenje avtoriteti.


Tanka rdeča črta

Tanka rdeča črta 1998


Sijajna igralska zasedba, ki vključuje Georgea Clooneyja, Seana Penna, Nicka Nolteja in Woodyja Harrelsona, vas bo močno prevzela kot enota ameriške pehote, ki se bori za nadzor na Guadalcanalu, v nadvse realističnem filmu o moralnem kaosu v Pacifiku med drugo svetovno vojno. Film, ki je bil nominiran za sedem oskarjev, med temi tudi za najboljši film in režijo (Terrence Malick), je izjemna mojstrovina, ki jo je Gene Siskel opisal kot "enkraten dosežek" in "najboljši sodobni vojni film".



NCIS 2003


From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.


The Pacific

The Pacific 2010


Track the intertwined real-life stories of three U.S. Marines – Robert Leckie, John Basilone, and Eugene Sledge – across the vast canvas of the Pacific Theater during World War II. A companion piece to the 2001 miniseries Band of Brothers.


The Black Sea

The Black Sea 2020


Year 1944. Shortly before the start of the Crimean Offensive, the ships of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet and the Azov Naval Flotilla are in serious danger: German underwater commandos are preparing a large-scale operation to destroy the main combat units of the Soviet fleet in ports and roads. Aware of the seriousness of the threat, the Soviet command is developing an operation to detect and destroy the main base of the German underwater saboteurs.



Obsolete 2019


In 2014, aliens revealed themselves to request trade with humanity. In exchange for limestone, they would provide a consciousness-controlled general-use robot known as an "Exoframe." Cheaper than an aircraft, tank, or firearm, and easy enough for anyone to operate, the "Exoframe" spreads change throughout the world in the blink of an eye...