Ključna beseda Sexism
Zadnji dobri možje 1992
Ni ga seznama najbolj znanih filmskih citatov, ki ne bi vseboval fraze »You can’t handle the truth!«. Film režiserja Roba Reinerja (Stand by Me, Misery, The Bucket List), A Few Good Men, predstavi polkovnika Nathan R. Jessupa (Jack Nicholson), arogantnega poveljnika mornariške baze Guantanamo Bay na Kubi in Daniela Kafeeja (Tom Cruise), mladega samozavestnega odvetnika, ki v finalnem aktu filma polkovnika Jessupa skuša pripraviti do priznanja, da je ta ukazal »rdečo kodo«, ustrahovalni postopek za mlade marince, ki je botroval k smrti enega izmed častnikov. Kljub dramatičnemu zaključku, pa je film A Few Good Men mnogo več kot le verbalni dvoboj med Cruseom in Nicholsonom. Odvetniška drama s pridihom komedije in trilerja, ki je bila prirejena po gledališki igri, predstavi ideje kot so dolžnosti vojakov, naravo konformnosti, preganjanje šibkih in slepo sledenje avtoriteti.
Mulan 1998
Da bi rešila svojega očeta pred smrtjo v vojski, mlada Mulan na skrivaj zasede njegovo mesto med vojaki pod pretvezo, da je moški. Nevede se odpravi na pustolovščino, ki jo bo povzdignila med največje junakinje Kitajske.
RAID Dingue 2017
Road Trip 2000
G.I. Jane 1997
The Handmaid's Tale 1990
The Last Supper 1995
Mustang 2015
Začetek poletja v obmorski vasici na severu Turčije. Lale in njene štiri sestre se na poti iz šole zaigrajo s skupino fantov. Nedolžna igra v očeh vaških varuhov morale hitro preraste v spolni škandal. Babica in stric, osramočena skrbnika deklet, se namenita radoživim upornicam pristriči peruti; družinski dom postaja iz dneva v dan bolj podoben zaporu, šolsko delo zamenjajo učne ure iz gospodinjstva, začne se dogovarjanje porok. Toda v sestrah tli neustavljiva sla po svobodi in vsaka na svoj način se borijo proti omejitvam, ki jim jih nalaga družba. Prvenec mlade turške režiserke Deniz Gamze Ergüven je navdihujoča zgodba o petih odraščajočih sestrah in njihovem uporu zoper patriarhalne družbene norme, ki vladajo na podeželju sodobne Turčije.
Svinjarija 2013
Pokvarjeni policaj odvisnik z bipolarno motnjo se poskuša z manipulacijo prebiti do napredovanja, da bi pridobil nazaj svojo ženo in hčerko, hkrati pa se bori s svojimi notranjimi demoni.
The Girl King 2015
Grda resnica 2009
Resna televizijska producentka Abby že dolgo čaka na pravo ljubezen, saj so njene ideje o popolnem moškem vse prej kot lahko uresničljive. Še najmanj njenim sanjam o princu na belem konju ustreza novi televizijski voditelj - nesramni in provokativni Mike, ki je pravi umetnik v prikazovanju grde resnice o pravi naravi ljubezenskih odnosov. Ker pa se nasprotja privlačijo, se Abby in Mike kmalu znajdeta v popolnem čustvenem vrtincu.
The Invisible War 2012
Comizi d'amore 1965
Giant 1956
Just One of the Guys 1985
The Associate 1996
Remington Steele 1982
Laura Holt, a licensed private detective, opens a detective agency but finds that potential clients refuse to hire a woman, however qualified. To solve the problem, Laura invents a fictitious male superior whom she names Remington Steele. Through a series of events that unfold in the first episode, "License to Steele," a former thief and con man, whose real name is never revealed, assumes the identity of Remington Steele. Behind the scenes, Laura remains firmly in charge.
Prime Suspect 1991
Highly skilled Detective Inspector Jane Tennison battles to prove herself in a male dominated world.
Emigratis 2016
Chivalry 2022
A successful producer and a woke writer and director are brought closer by a creeping attraction and a feeling that they are just pawns in the studio's agenda for a Saudi Arabian buyout.
The Orchestra 2022
Jeppe Nygren takes over as deputy conductor of the Copenhagen Symphony Orchestra and is warmly welcomed by his new conductor, who speaks candidly about the musicians' peculiarities and olates. The conflict-ridden Jeppe quickly gets an example of these olates and happens to give the embittered second clarinetist Bo with a cursed promise of a solo part. But it has far-reaching consequences.
Random Acts of Flyness 2018
Late-night series featuring a mix of vérité documentary, musical performances, surrealist melodrama and humorous animation as a stream-of-consciousness response to the contemporary American mediascape.
Potter 1979
The time has come for Redvers Potter to relinquish his role as head of the family confectionary firm, Pottermints - his company has been taken over and he is now going into enforced retirement. His wife, Aileen, is not too happy about having her husband under her feet either, but Potter is determined to make the most of his retirement. He decides he will give people the benefit of his managerial experience - even if they don't want it.
A Restaurant with Many Problems 2015
Tamako works for a company in the restaurant business. She experiences betrayal from Makoto, a chef she recently hired. Rumors then spread at work about her. Tamako decides enough is enough and quits her job. She decides to open a restaurant and run it from a woman's perspective. Tamako soon learns that Makoto has opened a luxurious restaurant across the street from her modest restaurant.
Le jeu 2018
Marianne is a rising star in the highly competitive world of video game design. At the dawn of her thirties, she develops her own game in a large Montreal studio where her fiancé, Julien, also works. After participating in a panel, where she denounces the trolls who pour their venom on the Internet, Marianne is drawn into a controversy that ignites social networks. In the wake of this storm, she is the victim of an aggression of which she will have no memory. A total blackout that haunts her like a nightmare and tries to elucidate the mystery.
Game(R) 2017
H24: 24 Hours, 24 Women, 24 Stories 2021
Twenty-four short films by 24 female writers, performed by 24 women actors, all based on women’s real life experiences of sexism, harassment, and violence. A diversity of female voices and talent from across Europe come together for a series that tackles head-on the everyday brutality experienced by women.
Under Suspicion 1994
Under Suspicion is an American television police drama set in Portland, Oregon. It was created by Jacqueline Zambrano. Its episodes were broadcast on the CBS network from September 16, 1994 to March 10, 1995. Though short-lived, the show premiered to fairly strong reviews, which praised lead Karen Sillas's performance and observed that the show functioned as a kind of Americanized Prime Suspect. Filming occurred in Portland, with views of the South Park Blocks and Willamette River.