Ključna beseda Postman
Benvenuti al sud 2010
Jane Austen's Mafia! 1998
Il postino 1994
Sorry We Missed You 2019
O ljudeh in vaseh 2017
Spremljamo legendarno francosko režiserko Agnes Vardo ter odličnega fotografa in mojstra stenske poslikave J.R.-ja, na njuni poti po Franciji. Skupaj potujeta s posebnim tovornjakom, ki je opremljen kot prenosna fotografska kabina in potujoča tiskarna, ter fotografirata ljudi po državi. Posamezne fotografije so podlaga za posebne ogromne stenske slike posameznikov, skupnosti in krajev. Na poti pa stara kinematografska veteranka in mladi umetniški idealist uživata v nenavadnem prijateljstvu, medtem ko klepetata in raziskujeta svoje poglede na svet.
Letters to God 2010
Jour de fête 1949
Diva 1981
Green for Danger 1946
那山那人那狗 2002
Entrega Inmediata 1963
Cause for Alarm! 1951
ポストマン・ブルース 1997
Budbringeren 1997
The Bride Wore Red 1937
To: Gerard 2020
پستچی 1972
邮差 1995
Going Postal 2010
Moist von Lipwig is a con-man with a particular talent-- he is utterly unremarkable. When his execution is stayed in Terry Pratchett's remarkable Discworld, he must work off his debt to society as the land's head Postman. Things are not always as they seem, and soon Lipwig is delivering mail for his very life!
Postman Pat 1981
Pat and his black-and-white cat Jess deliver the mail in Greendale.
Postman Pat: Special Delivery Service 2008
The world’s favourite Postman is back and delivering more than ever. Postman Pat has been promoted to the post of Head of Special Delivery Service. Equipped with his pilots license and a host of new transport options, Pat delivers in hard to reach places, from the top of a mountain to the middle of the sea anything from a giant ice block to a runaway cow!
The Missing Postman 1997
Postman Clive Peacock decides to rebel when his employers force him to take early retirement. Setting off on his bike, he determines to deliver his last batch of post by hand all over the country. The police are soon on his trail, while the media acclaim him as a hero. For Clive it is a journey of discovery, but he is unaware that back at home his wife is undergoing her own transformation.