Zadnji Škotski kralj

Zadnji Škotski kralj 2006


Mladi škotski zdravnik Nicholas se upre želji staršev, da bi nadaljeval staro družinsko prakso in odide v Ugando. Tam se zbliža s privlačno ženo svojega nadrejenega, a še usodnejše je njegovo srečanje s karizmatičnim predsednikom Idi Aminom, ki je prišel na oblast z vojaškim udarom in Ugandčanom obljublja boljše čase. Nicholasa zaposli kot osebnega zdravnika in svetovalca, toda mladeničeve idilične sanje se kmalu porušijo, saj se Amin počasi spremeni v okrutnega diktatorja.


Zvesti vrtnar

Zvesti vrtnar 2005


V odmaknjenem kraju severne Kenije je brutalno umorjena izredno zavzeta aktivistka Tessa Quayle (Rachel Weisz). Na poti jo je spremljal lokalni zdravnik, ki pa je zbežal, in vse kaže na zločin iz strasti. Sandy Woodrow (Danny Huston), Sir Bernard Pellegrin (Bill Nighy) in drugi člani Britanskega veleposlaništva domnevajo, da bo njihov sodelavec, miren in neambiciozen vdovec Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes), zadevo prepustil njim. Izkaže se, da se ne bi mogli bolj motiti ...


Pobeg iz Mogadiša

Pobeg iz Mogadiša 2021


Leta 1991 v vojni razpeti Somaliji imajo osebje in družine veleposlaništev Južne in Severne Koreje isti cilj: pobegniti iz Mogadiša.


The Diplomat

The Diplomat 2023


In the midst of an international crisis, a career diplomat lands in a high-profile job she’s unsuited for, with tectonic implications for her marriage and her political future.


My Princess

My Princess 2011


Seol is an ordinary college student who was adopted but is living a happy life on her own. Working part time, she happens to have an unpleasant first encounter with Hae Young, a diplomat and the only heir of the biggest conglomerate in Korea. One day, he hears shocking news from his grandfather. The Blue House announces that they will carry out a vote on rebuilding the royal house, and his grandfather asks him to find someone urgently, who later turns out to be Seol. Against his grandfather’s wishes to donate their family’s wealth to the country, Hae Young tries to stop Seol, but she ends up moving into the palace to become a princess of the royal house.


He Knew He Was Right

He Knew He Was Right 2004


He Knew He Was Right was a 2004 BBC TV adaptation of the Anthony Trollope novel He Knew He Was Right. It was directed by Tom Vaughan.


Invisible Heroes

Invisible Heroes 2019


Invisible Heroes tells the heroic tale of young Finnish diplomats in Chile during 1973’s infamous military coup. Finnish diplomats Tapani Brotherus and Ilkka Jaamala along with Tapani’s wife Lysa Brotherus helped over 2000 left-wing Chileans escape the military junta’s persecution. The Finns acted without official authorization while Swedish ambassador Harald Edelstam was the most visible defendant of human rights with the backing of Sweden’s Prime Minister, Olof Palme.