
Beležnica 2004


Zgodba se začne z Noahovim prihodom v bolniško sobo. Noah je star 80 let in je prišel obiskat Allie, ki ima Alzheimerjevo bolezen. Na njeno željo ji začne pripovedovati zgodbo, ki se je dogajala pred 49 leti, ko se je Allie vrnila v New Bern, da bi poiskala Noaha. Dogodki se prepletajo in Noah takrat ugotovi, da čustva do Allie še niso zamrla. Prav tako se svojih čustev zave Allie, a ker je zaročena, poskuša svoja čustva do Noaha zatreti. Tako ima dve možnosti: lahko se poroči z moškim, ki ga ne ljubi, a bo skrbel za njo, ali tvega z Noahom, ki nima ničesar, a ga vseeno ljubi.


Odyssey: Behind the Myth

Odyssey: Behind the Myth 2023


Who was Homer, and what is the meaning of The Odyssey? In this documentary we follow the footsteps of Ulysses, also known by his Greek name Odysseus—a hero as relevant today as he was nearly three thousand years ago, on a journey across some of the most fascinating landscapes and seascapes of the Mediterranean region. With the help of prominent international scholars, we seek to resolve the questions that still surround one of humanity’s greatest literary works and its enigmatic author.


Filíocht Anois

Filíocht Anois 2014


Animated shorts exploring the meanings behind poems.


Whitman, Alabama

Whitman, Alabama 2017


For two years, filmmaker Jennifer Crandall crisscrossed Alabama, inviting people to look into a camera and share a part of themselves through the words of Walt Whitman's poem “Song of Myself.” A documentary in 52 parts - each representing one of the 52 verses penned by Whitman in 1855.