Zvezdne steze

Zvezdne steze 2009


V preddelu slovite znanstveno-fantastične franšize "Zvezdne steze" spoznamo začetna leta legendarnega kapitana Kirka, od uporniške in svojeglave mladosti do težkega treninga na Zvezdni akademiji. Ko obstoj časa in prostora ogrozi maščevalna skupina odpadniških Romulancev, mora Kirk prevzeti odgovornost in se s svojo mlado posadko ladje Enterprise podati na prvo izmed nepozabnih vesoljskih avantur. Posadki sprva poveljuje kapitan Christopher Pike (Bruce Greenwood). Na krovu se jim pridružijo zdravnik Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Karl Urban), mož, ki bo postal glavni ladijski strojnik, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (Simon Pegg), častnica za zveze Uhura (Zoë Saldana), ladijski pilot Sulu (John Cho) in 17-letni čudežni deček navigator Chekhov (Anton Yelchin). Vse čaka neizprosen ognjeni krst, iz katerega se bodo porodili zvestoba, tovarištvo, drznost in duhovitost, ki jih bodo za vedno povezali.


Wonders of the Universe

Wonders of the Universe 2011


Professor Brian Cox reveals how the fundamental scientific principles and laws explain not only the story of the universe but also answer mankind's greatest questions.


The Astronomers

The Astronomers 1991


This series explores the lives and work of noted modern-day astronomers, taking the viewer into the farthest reaches of outer space in search of black holes, quasars, dark matter, gravity waves, stars and evidence of planets outside our solar system. Intriguing celestial phenomena are examined from the perspectives of the experts: the men and women that are uncovering the secrets of the cosmos. Further, the series focuses not only on professional achievements, but on the scientists' personal lives as well.