Ključna beseda Volleyball
Brodolom 2000
Chuck Noland je človek, ki je sam zgradil kariero in se kot uspešen sistemski inženir uveljavil pri poštni storitvi FedEx. Njegov odnos z zaročenko Kelly je zaradi prezaposlenosti na preizkušnji, še bolj pa se vse spremeni na božični predvečer, ko njegovo letalo v neurju strmoglavi v morje, Chuck pa se kot edini preživeli reši na odmaknjen skalnat otoček. Na obalo naplavi nekaj paketov FedExa, ki ga spominjajo na civilizacijo. Chuck se mora naučiti osnov preživetja. Najti mora hrano in vodo, zgraditi zaklonišče in zakuriti ogenj. Čas mineva in njegov najhujši boj je tisti z neznosno osamljenostjo.
Njeni tastari 2000
Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) je nekoliko neroden medicinska sestra, ki mora po napovedi zaroke pri Pam (Teri Polo) preživeti nekaj dni s starši, da jih spozna. Njihov začetni sestanek ne bo imel veliko sreče, zlasti zaradi sumov, ki jih Greg vzgaja v strogem očetu dekleta (Robert de Niro), zaščitniškega očeta, ki je delal za CIA, čeprav je zdaj upokojen, in to zelo težko narediti vtis. Jim od začetka popolnoma zavrne Grega, a ko ga bolje spozna, njegova zavrnitev postane absolutna prezir in postane moški najhujša nočna mora, ki kljub temu, da ljubi svojo dekle in želi narediti dober prvi vtis, potone globlje in globlje v blato lastne nesposobnosti in moral se bo močno boriti, da bo spremenil grozno mnenje svoje sorodnikove deklice o njem.
ハイキュー!! 終わりと始まり 2015
درباره الی 2009
ハイキュー!! 勝者と敗者 2015
The Miracle Season 2018
ハイキュー!! コンセプトの戦い 2017
ハイキュー!! 才能とセンス 2017
Air Bud: Spikes Back 2003
Dekleta s kroglicami 2019
Ko njihov propadli mini kombi, ki ga je vozil njihov trener, pade sredi nikogar, ne sumijo, da so pravkar padli v smrtonosno past, ki jo je postavil bend izrojenih lovcev, ki se je odločil izslediti nov žanr: lov za blondinko! Za Sokole se začne dolga, zelo dolga noč; dirka za njihovo preživetje, ki bo preizkusila njihov timski duh in izkusila vezi, ki jih združujejo. Toda pod nastopom nedolžnih žrtev bodo odbojkarji polni sredstev. V osrčju gozda se bodo vloge lovcev in plena postopoma spreminjale ...
Mädchen Mädchen! 2001
HELLS 2008
桐島、部活やめるってよ 2012
Mia 2023
おっぱいバレー 2009
Side Out 1990
1승 2024
สตรีเหล็ก 2000
Haikyu!! 2014
Inspired by a small-statured pro volleyball player, Shouyou Hinata creates a volleyball team in his last year of middle school. Unfortunately the team is matched up against the "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama's team in their first tournament and inevitably lose. After the crushing defeat, Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama. After entering high school, Hinata joins the volleyball team only to find that Tobio has also joined.
Attacker You! 1984
The adventures of a young volleyball player who moves the Japanese countryside to live with her father.
Unstoppable Youth 2019
In the City University League, the Mingyang Women’s Queue to fight against the old Star Stars team failed again and fell into a crisis of dissolution. By chance, the volleyball talent Yi Anle joined the Ming Yang team, but her height and disadvantages and physical limitations made her teammates question her. Yi Anle used his kindness, courage and perseverance to resolve the contradiction between teammates, and established friendship with Fu Jiaqian Qiu Yuanya, migrant girl Sheng Yu, and Pei Baiyan Xu Haiyan who sneaked into volleyball. This team, which is not optimistic, has advanced into the provincial league in a route to the city league.
Attack on Tomorrow 1977
A group of high school girls who love to play volleyball form a team. Although it starts out as a weak and unorganized sport club, over time the girls’ extraordinary passion and endeavor enables their team to become one of the best organized and highly recognized teams at the school. Now they aim to win the championship in the National High School Volleyball League.
Project S 2017
A story about sports and the lives of athletes full of friendship, love, relationships and transcendence in a rich and diverse perspective.
2.43: Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Team 2021
Kimichika Haijima was a strong junior high school volleyball team member. After getting into trouble with the team, he moved to his mother's hometown and reunites with his childhood friend, Yuni Kuroba. The two become an ace pair at volleyball, but in their last tournament, get into a big fight. Will they ever play volleyball together again?
Twins 2023
It is said that identical twins who are produced from the same egg will share a bond as if they were the same person. But not with "Sprite" and "Zee", the identical twins. Despite following the same route as an athlete from birth, both want to be the only one!
Attack Number One 1969
The story is about Kozue Ayuhara, a girl who transferred to Fujimi College and tried out for the school volleyball team. She develops a friendship with her teammate Midori Hayakawa, and her talents impress coach Hongō more and more each day. Though she showcases extraordinary volleyball skills, she makes enemies with Yoshimura, the star of the current team. Kozue discovers that being at the top would bring stress, incompatibilities and other dilemmas into her life. Her high expectations of becoming the best volleyball player in the school, Japan and eventually the world, set the tone for the drama to follow.
Go! Beach Volleyball Girls 2024
Li Guoduo missed her dream sports university due to her partner Tu Lingling’s betrayal. Determined to pursue her dream, she joins Xingang University and forms a successful partnership with Chen Weilan, who transitioned from volleyball to beach volleyball. Together, they overcome challenges, grow into top beach volleyball players, and advance with the support and blessings of their friends and loved ones.