Samo ne ti

Samo ne ti 2023


Bea in Ben bi lahko na prvi pogled bila idealen par, toda po čudovitem prvem zmenku se zgodi nekaj, kar nenadoma ohladi njuno gorečo privlačnost - dokler se usoda ne poigra z njima, ko se nepričakovano srečata na poroki v Avstraliji. In skleneta naredit, kar bi naredila vsaka zrela odrasla dvojica: pretvarjata se, da sta par.



Obred 2017


Skupina prijateljev iz študentskih časov se odpravi na izlet v neznan gozd, kjer se srečajo z grozečo prisotnostjo višje sile ...



Everest 2015


Pustolovska dokumentaristična drama se odvija leta 1996, ko se dvema odpravama poklicnih alpinistov uspe povzpeti na Mount Everest, tam pa jih pričaka tragedija v obliki pošastnega neurja, ki jih preseneti med težavnim sestopom z gore. Film so navdihnili neverjetni resnični dogodki med poskusom alpinistov, da bi stopili na najvišji vrh sveta. Dokumentaristična drama spremlja dve odpravi, pred katerima so nepremostljivi izzivi in tragedija v obliki pošastnega neurja, ki jih preseneti med težavnim sestopom z gore. V najbolj skrajnih vremenskih razmerah na planetu se alpinisti znajdejo pred največjo preizkušnjo v življenju, med katero se bo njihova obsedenost z osvajanjem vrhov morala spremenila v grozljiv boj za preživetje.


Neskončna nevihta

Neskončna nevihta 2022


Pam Bales med svojim pohodom na vrh Mount Washington v snegu opazi stopinje športnih copat. Tako najde v stiski tujca, ki ga kliče John, in začne se njuna avantura reševanja v snežni nevihti. Med potjo na varno morata oba premagati kup ovir, Pam pa misli begajo tudi v preteklost, k hčerkama, o katerih izvemo več ob koncu filma, ko se z neznancem srečata v civilizaciji ob kavi in se tudi malo bolje spoznata.



Wild 2014



Sissi - Mlada cesarica Sissi

Sissi - Mlada cesarica Sissi 1956


Preko madžarske učiteljice mlado cesarico Sissi očara Madžarska, država, ki je nikoli ni obiskala, vendar jo privlači. Svet ministrov želi kaznovati nekaj madžarskih upornikov, vendar cesar Franz Joseph podeli vsem upornikom amnestijo, vključno z njihovim voditeljem grofom Andrassyjem. Na cesarja vpliva njegova žena, ki trdi, da s silo ne more osvojiti države, ampak le z ljubeznijo. Madžare je zelo gane Sissijeva ljubezen do njihove države in želijo kronati Franca Jožefa in Sissi kot kralja in kraljico Madžarske. Na velikem plesu za Madžarsko, cesarska mati, nadvojvoda Sofi, užali grofa Andrassyja, ker ga ni hotela pozdraviti. Sissi reši situacijo s povabilom grofa Andrassya, ​​na ples z njo. Sissi rodi hčerko, vendar je njena sreča končana, ko se nadvojvoda Sophie odloči hraniti otroka in jo odvzame Sissi. Sissi pobegne k svoji družini na Bavarsko. Franz Joseph ji sledi ...


Sprehod po gozdu

Sprehod po gozdu 2015


Potopisec Bill Bryson se v pokoju odloči za drzen izziv: namesto, da bi užival ob ljubeči in lepi ženi ter veliki in srečni družini, se odloči za pohod po znameniti 3540 km dolgi Apalaški poti, ki ga vodi po neokrnjeni, spektakularni in divji ameriški pokrajini od Georgie do Maina. Potuje s starim prijateljem Stephenom Katzom, s katerim ni govoril že dolgih 40 let. Težava je le v tem, da imata prijatelja drugačne predstave ob besedi dogodivščina.


Wild Hokkaido!

Wild Hokkaido! 2017


Be immersed in nature's beauty. Discover Hokkaido at its wildest and best as our presenter guides you through its amazing experiences.


Blowing in the Wind

Blowing in the Wind 2019


An avid mountain climber, Li Feng has spent much of her time enjoying the rugged beauty of the mountains she loves. Now a freshman, she has yet to meet anyone who loves the mountains as much as she does, until she meets Xia Di. With a shared love of mountaineering, the pair soon becomes fast friends. As their friendship develops, they begin to realize they share more than just love for the mountains. With similar hopes and dreams for the future, the two begin to realize they have found something very special, something no many people find. But their relationship is put to the test when they discover they’re tied together by a tragic mountaineering accident that occurred five years ago. Forced down this twisted path, Li Feng and Xia Di set out on a journey of growth and self-discovery that will ultimately teach them about love, redemption, and letting go.


Search and Rescue: North Shore (NSR)

Search and Rescue: North Shore (NSR) 2020


Knowledge Original series that follows the heroic members of Canada's busiest volunteer search and rescue team as they set off by foot and helicopter to rescue people from the rugged wilderness of North Vancouver. (NSR)



Motion 2009


Motion features host Greg Aiello as he explores a variety of outdoor activities. From the Channel Islands in California to Bryce Canyon National Park, Maui, and Big Sur, Aiello takes a Nature-lovers perspective on exploration. Often times filmed solely by Aiello himself, the show acts as a guide on how to adventure to less-traveled places. Camping on a budget, kayaking with friends, and hiking mountains with safety cables are examples of Aiello's hobbies that are documented for viewers to see. Each half hour episode takes viewers to a location off the beaten path, with directions on exactly how to get there. With summer and winter vacations highlighted, Motion is produced with the average outdoorsmen in mind. Aiello narrates throughout, providing an inside look into his climbing, hiking, photography, and general fitness abilities.


Med Monsen på villspor

Med Monsen på villspor 2014


Lars Monsen is challenged in what he does best, surviving in the wilderness. Blindfolded, he is left alone somewhere in Scandinavia. The only thing he knows is the mission: survive, and find his way to the target location within five days.


Nordkalotten 365

Nordkalotten 365 2007


Nordkalotten 365 was a popular eight episode TV series starring Lars Monsen and broadcast by Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation with high ratings. The broadcaster has made high-quality series episodes available for Internet users to download via BitTorrent with no digital restrictions.


Walking the Himalayas

Walking the Himalayas 2015


Explorer Levison Wood sets out to walk the length of the world's highest mountain range, from Afghanistan to Bhutan.


The Child in the Distance

The Child in the Distance 2013


Miyako participates in a 1 night and 2 days hiking tour of Mount Fuji. Ryoichi Nozawa is the guide for the hiking tour team of Miyako, Shintaro Kondo, Someno Aoyama and Ai Mitsuke. While hiking through Mount Fuji, Someno looks back and sees Miyako is crouced down and has her hands covering her face. Ryoichi tries to talk to Miyako, but she is frozen. Miyako sees the faint shape of person. Miyako realizes that she has a daughter named Natsuki.


Miriam and Alan: Lost in Scotland

Miriam and Alan: Lost in Scotland 2021


Miriam Margolyes and Alan Cumming roll back the decades and return to their Scottish roots. Part rediscovery, part revelation, we follow them as they take to the road and motorhome their way through Scotland's Highlands and into its wildest places.


Wainwright Walks: Coast To Coast

Wainwright Walks: Coast To Coast 2009


Julia Bradbury follows in the footsteps of guidebook writer Alfred Wainwright by walking across the whole of northern England from the west to the east coast


Britain's Favourite Walks: Top 100

Britain's Favourite Walks: Top 100 2022


Which walk is the nation's favourite? Julia Bradbury and Ore Oduba present a guide to the finest 100 walks in the country as voted for by the British public.