Gran Turismo

Gran Turismo 2023


Film, ki temelji na resnični zgodbi Janna Mardenborougha, je navdihujoča zgodba o izpolnjenih željah najstniškega igralca simulacijske dirkalne videoigre Gran Turismo, ki je s svojimi izjemnimi sposobnostmi osvojil niz Nissanovih tekmovanj in postal pravi poklicni dirkač...



Avtomobili 2006


Strela McQueen je vročekrvni mladi dirkalnik, ki si zelo želi uspeti. Ko pa se nepričakovano znajde v zaspanem Radarskem zavetju ob nekoč slavni Route 66, odkrije, da v življenju ni najpomembnejša ciljna črta, temveč pot do nje. McQueen na poti na veliki pokal Batov v Kaliforniji spozna kopico posebnežev iz tega mesteca - med drugim tudi Doca Hudsona, ki ima skrivnostno preteklost, Neli Carrera, in Dajza - ki mu pomagajo doumeti, da so nekatere stvari v življenju pomembnejše od pokalov, slave in sponzorstva.


Avtomobili 2

Avtomobili 2 2011


Dirkalni zvezdnik Strela McQueen in njegov prijatelj Dajz sta spet v akciji. Znajdeta se v svetu spletk in vznemirljivih dirkaških podvigov po vsem svetu.Dirkalni zvezdnik Strela McQueen in njegov prijatelj Dajz nas popeljeta v nove kraje čez lužo, ko se avtomobil udeleži svetovnega prvenstva, kjer se bo izkazalo, kdo je najhitrejši. Pot do naslova prvaka pa je polna ovir, obvozov in neverjetnih presenečenj; medtem ko se Dajz znajde v lastni pustolovščini sredi mednarodnih vohunov. Odločiti se mora, ali bi pomagal prijatelju McQueenu pri vrhunski dirki, ali pa sodeloval v vohunski akciji, ki jo vodi britanski tajni agent, in pri kateri naj bi razkrinkali mednarodno zaroto. Dajza vodi pot po dirkališčih Japonske in Evrope, na očeh vsega sveta. Hitra dirkaška avantura prinaša živopisno zasedbo novih avtomobilskih junakov, neusmiljene nasprotnike in kopico dirkaških tekmecev z vsega sveta.


Avtomobili 3

Avtomobili 3 2017


Nova generacija neverjetno hitrih dirkačev je legendarnega Lightning McQueena izrinila iz njemu tako ljubega športa. Da bi se vrnil v igro, potrebuje pomoč zagrete mlade tehničarke Cruz Ramirez z njenim izvirnim načrtom, navdih pokojnega Fabulousa Hudson Horneta ter nekaj nepričakovanih zapletov. Da bi dokazal, da #95 še ni odnehal, bo prvak svoje srce pustil na velikem dirkališču Piston Cupa!


Jeklena moč

Jeklena moč 2011


V bližnji prihodnosti boks ni več v domeni ljudi, temveč se v areni spopadajo velikanski roboti. Nekdanji boksarski prvak Charlie se nikakor ne znajde v svetu jeklenih bojevnikov. Ko si zaradi dolgov ne more privoščiti novega robota za dvoboje, se na prigovarjanje odtujenega sina Maxa posveti neuglednemu robotu za trening. S pomočjo Charliejevih izkušenj začne robot zmagovati, vendar vsak nov uspeh povzroči nezadovoljstvo konkurence, ki se odloči ponižati in uničiti nezaželenega vsiljivca.



Izzivalci 2024


Tashi Duncan je nekdanja obetavna tenisačica, ki se je podala na trenersko pot. Uspešno vodi njenega moža, teniškega asa Arta, ki ga po seriji porazov prijavi na teniški turnir "Challenger", kjer se mora soočiti s preteklim šampionom Patrickom, nekdanjim najbližjim prijateljem in Tashino nekdanjo ljubeznijo. Med soočenjem njihove preteklosti in sedanjosti postane Tashi središče pozornosti, saj se igra znajde nenadoma v njenih rokah.


Creed II

Creed II 2018


Adonis Creed je primoran uskladiti življenje, razpeto med osebnimi obvezami in pripravami na naslednji veliki dvoboj. Soočenje z nasprotnikom svoje družine ga le še podžge in motivira za spopad v ringu. Rocky in Adonis se bosta soočila s svojim skupnim nasledtsvom in dojela, da nič ni pomembneje kot družina. Film nam bo pokazal, kaj nas naredi prvake in nas spodbodel, da si zapomnimo eno: ne glede na to, kje smo, pred svojo preteklostjo nimamo kam pobegniti.


Zgodba o prvaku

Zgodba o prvaku 2009


Zgodba je posneta po resničnih dogodkih. Zakonca Leigh Anne in Sean Tuohy pod svoje okrilje vzameta brezdomnega temnopoltega najstnika Michaela Oherja. Debelušni in okorni Michael svojega očeta ne pozna, njegova mama pa je narkomanka, zato je fant odraščal brez primerne vzgoje, izobrazbe in ljubezni. Leigh Anne je odločena, da bo fantu omogočila vse tisto, kar imajo njegovi vrstniki za samoumevno. Ko se Michael začne zanimati za ameriški nogomet, Leigh Anne naredi vse, da bi se iz okornega in nerodnega mladeniča prelevil v uspešnega športnika.


Creed: Rojstvo legende

Creed: Rojstvo legende 2015


Vročekrvni mladenič Adonis poskuša postati profesionalni boksar, vendar ne želi svoje kariere zgraditi na slavi svojega očeta Apolla Creeda. Ker ne najde pravega trenerja, se obrne na očetovega starega nasprotnika in kasnejšega prijatelja, legendarnega Rockyja Balboa. Ta je zapustil svet boksa in želi mirno preživeti starost v svoji restavraciji, toda vztrajni Adonis mu znova vzbudi boksarske strasti. Rocky poskuša med neizprosnimi pripravami na spopad z angleškim prvakom Adonisa naučiti svoje filozofije boksanja, a se dvojec ob tem sooča z nepričakovanimi zdravstvenimi in ljubezenskimi težavami.


Creed III

Creed III 2023


Po uspehu v svetu boksa, Adonis Creed napreduje tako v karieri kot v družinskem življenju. Ko se po prestani zaporni kazni pojavi njegov prijatelj iz otroštva in nekdanji boksarski čudežni deček Damian, si zaželi priložnosti v ringu. Soočenje bivših prijateljev je več kot le prepir. Da bi poravnal račune, mora Adonis postaviti na kocko svojo prihodnost in se boriti z Damianom – borcem, ki nima ničesar izgubiti.



Izzivalca 2019


Resnična zgodba o rivalstvu med Fordom in Ferrarijem za zmago v Le Mansu leta 1966. Ekscentrična, odločna ekipa ameriških inžinirjev mora, pod vodstvom avtomobilskega vizionarja Carolla Shelbyja iz nič izdelati (zdaj legendarni) Ford GT40 in z njim poraziti dominantni Ferarri.


Match of the Day

Match of the Day 1964


BBC's football highlights and analysis. "The longest-running football television programme in the world" as recognised by Guinness World Records in 2015.


Inazuma Eleven

Inazuma Eleven 2008


Mamoru Endou is a cheerful goalkeeper in Raimon Jr High, with six other players in the team. But there was a day when the team was almost lead to disbandment by Natsumi unless they are able to win the match against the Teikoku Gakuen, currently the best team in Japan. He tried to save the club by gathering four more players to join the team.


One on One

One on One 2001


A sportscaster becomes a full-time dad when his ex-wife decides to accept a job out of the country and his teenage daughter, Breanna, moves in with him.


March Comes In Like a Lion

March Comes In Like a Lion 2016


Rei is a 17-year old professional shōgi player, who lives by himself, not having a real family, and has scarcely any friends. Among his acquaintances is a family, which consists of a young woman, Akari, and two young girls, Hinata and Momo, and who also keep a numerous number of cats.


Yowamushi Pedal

Yowamushi Pedal 2013


Onoda Sakamichi is a rather timid, anime-loving first-year student at Sohoku High School. Upon entering high school, he tried to join the anime research club, but after meeting Imaizumi Shunsuke, a renowned cyclist since middle school, and Naruko Shoukichi, who swept the Kansai cycling championship, he ended up joining the competitive cycling club.


Rocket Power

Rocket Power 1999


The daily lives of four friends who enjoy extreme sports, surfing, and getting into some crazy situations.


Hang Time

Hang Time 1995


Hang Time is an American teen sitcom about a fictional Indiana high school's boys' basketball team "Deering" with one female player, that aired from 1995–2000. It aired on Saturday mornings on NBC as part of the network's TNBC morning block. It was created by Troy Searer, Robert Tarlow, and Mark Fink. The show lasted six seasons, during which the cast was changed almost in its entirety. Only two cast members stayed with the show throughout its entire run, similar to Saved by the Bell: The New Class.


Slam Dunk

Slam Dunk 1993


Sakuragi Hanamichi is a junior high punk used to getting into fights and being rejected by girls but upon entering high school he meets the girl of his dreams, Haruko Akagi. He will do anything in order to win her heart including joining the school basketball team that is aiming to conquer the nation lead by Haruko's brother. The problem is that Sakuragi has never played basketball before and a freshman sensation is stealing the spotlight and Haruko's affection from him.


Baby Steps

Baby Steps 2014


Eiichirō Maruo (nicknamed "Ei-chan" for his grades being straight "A") is an honor student, bookworm, and is not interested in anything other than studying. In order to solve his problem of lacking physical strength, he enrolled a tennis school and soon found the fascinating side of tennis. Being a tennis newbie lacking physical strength, he supplement his shortcomings with his excellent observing and analyzing skills.


Footballers' Wives

Footballers' Wives 2002


Footballers' Wives is a British television drama surrounding the fictional Premier League Association football club Earls Park F.C., its players, and their wives. It was broadcast on the ITV network from 8 January 2002 to 14 April 2006. The show began with a multi-lateral focus on a variety of different types of relationships explored; however, from the third series onward, the primary focus was on a complex love triangle between Tanya Turner, Amber Gates and Conrad Gates.



Arliss 1996


A behind-the-scenes look at the glitzy, big-money world of professional sports following the eternally optimistic and endlessly resourceful L.A. sports agent Arliss Michaels whose Achilles' heel is his inability to say “no” to clients and employees.


Mix: Meisei Story

Mix: Meisei Story 2019


Because of the legend left by Tatsuya Uesugi, Meisei Academy High School was well-known for their strong baseball team. But 26 years after their glory, the team has not been able to keep their record and has since lost their fame. Two stepbrothers, Souichirou and Touma Tachibana, aim to revive of the once-strong Meisei Academy baseball team and enter the National High School Baseball Championship. Souichirou and Touma are second years in Meisei Academy Middle School. Both boys are talented baseball players. Souichirou has shown excellent skill as a catcher and batter. Though having an extraordinary skill as a pitcher, Touma no longer pitches due to a certain reason. Once the two enter high school, they pair as a battery and aim to enter the National High School Baseball Championship!


Match of the Day 2

Match of the Day 2 2004


A light-hearted look at the United Kingdom's Premier League action, rounding-up the weekend's football action.


All American: Homecoming

All American: Homecoming 2022


Follow the journeys of Simone Hicks, a tennis hopeful from Beverly Hills, and elite baseball player Damon Sims from Chicago, as they navigate life at the prestigious HBCU Bringston University.


The Next Step

The Next Step 2013


Follow the lives of an elite group of young dancers who train at The Next Step Studio.


Dream Team

Dream Team 1997


On and off pitch battles of of the fictional Harchester United Football Club.



Days 2016


The series is about two boys named Tsukushi and Jin. Tsukushi is a boy with no special talent or traits while Jin is considered a soccer genius. On one stormy night, Jin meets Tsukushi, and they get dragged into the world of soccer.


Soccer AM

Soccer AM 1995


Soccer AM is a British Saturday-morning football-based comedy/talk show, predominantly based around the Premier League. Originally presented by Jane Hoffen, Gary Stevens and Russ Williams, they lasted just a year before Helen Chamberlain and Tim Lovejoy replaced them, where Lovejoy served for over a decade. He has since been replaced by Andy Goldstein and, more recently, Max Rushden. The show has been aired on Sky Sports 2 each Saturday morning of the football season since 1995 from 7:00am or 9:00am to noon originally and currently between 10:00am and 12:00pm. In early 2009, the 500th episode was broadcast. Although the show is filmed live from 2010 it has been broadcast on a momentary delay due to bad language and/or inappropriate content from certain guests. The show's current sponsor is Procter & Gamble through their Head & Shoulders brand. The show was previously sponsored by Frijj, a brand of milkshake, after Dairy Crest signed a £2 million sponsorship deal. Parts of the show have remained since the beginning, whilst new items have been introduced each season. In that respect, it is almost the same every week, the difference being new football footage and comedy skits. Every week sees a new group of celebrity guests, generally featuring at least one footballer who is free on the Saturday, and a mix of musicians, TV personalities, and other sportsmen.


World Series of Poker

World Series of Poker 1970


The World Series of Poker is a series of poker tournaments held annually in Las Vegas and, since 2004, sponsored by Caesars Entertainment Corporation. It dates its origins to 1970, when Benny Binion invited seven of the best-known poker players to the Horseshoe Casino for a single tournament, with a set start and stop time, and a winner determined by a secret ballot of the seven players.


30 for 30

30 for 30 2009


30 for 30 is the title for a series of documentary films airing on ESPN, its sister networks, and online highlighting interesting people and events in sports history. This currently includes four "volumes" of 30 episodes each, a 13-episode series under the ESPN Films Presents title in 2011–2012, and a series of 30 for 30 Shorts shown through the website. The series has also expanded to include Soccer Stories, which aired in advance of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, and audio podcasts. This entry refers to the main Volumes of the series presented by ESPN