Ključna beseda Firearm
Rambo 1 1982
John Rambo je vietnamski veteran, eden izmed najboljših med Zelenimi baretkami. Brezciljno tava po svetu in v nekem kraju pristane v nemilosti pokvarjenega lokalnega šerifa. Ta ga zapre v ječo in tam Rambo postane tarča sadističnih napadov. Policiji napove vojno in uspe mu pobegniti. Postane prava vojska v eni osebi.
Terminator: Odrešitev 2009
V apokaliptičnem svetu bližnje prihodnosti, kjer stroji pod vodstvom inteligentnega računalniškega omrežja Skynet neusmiljeno iztrebljajo človeštvo, skuša odločni John Connor sprejeti vlogo odrešenika, ki mu je bila usojena. Čeprav med soborci uživa veliko spoštovanje, mu vodje odpora ne zaupajo, vojna z uničujočimi ubijalskimi stroji pa postaja vse bolj brezupna. Za novo negotovost poskrbi skrivnostni Marcus, nekdanji obsojenec na smrt, ki je morda zadnje upanje človeštva, toda svoje poslanstvo lahko opravi šele, ko mu uspe pridobiti zaupanje skeptičnega Johna.
Možje v črnem 2 2002
Tommy Lee Jones in Will Smith se vračata v drugem delu akcijske komedije, kjer možje v črnem lovijo uporne Nezemljane. Človeštvo ogroža čedna zapeljivka, v resnici vesoljska pošast, ki hoče uničiti Zemljo. K in J morata spet v akcijo.
無理心中 日本の夏 1967
Iz Pariza z ljubeznij 2010
Razburljiv akcijski triler producenta Luca Bessona z Johnom Travolto in Jonathanom Rhysom Meyersom v vlogi dvojice, ki v Parizu poskuša preprečiti teroristični napad.
Rampage 2009
Shoot Out 1971
Regarding Henry 1991
Die Brücke 1959
Sergeant York 1941
Two-Minute Warning 1976
TransSiberian 2008
Jo 1971
Bunker of the Dead 2016
Boots on the Ground 2017
Hunting Party 2023
NVA 2005
Russian Roulette 1975
Annie Oakley 2006
Hollywood Weapons 2017
Some of the most thrilling weapons action sequences from movies and TV are put to the test. Join U.S. Special Forces veteran Terry Schappert and weapons master Larry Zanoff as they utilize the expertise of Hollywood's premier prop house and weapons builder — and break down some of the most explosive action in Hollywood history.
Trigger 1970
The purchase, selling, or owning of a gun is banned in South Korea. There are almost zero crime cases involving guns in the country. Things change quickly. Illegal guns, from unknown sources, are brought into the country and gun incidents proliferate.
Guns: The Evolution of Firearms 2013
The greatest gift of mankind over beasts is his ability to craft and use tools. From the simple stone axe to modern warfare technology the relationship between man and survival has been an ongoing battle from the beginning of time. Blast through authentic archived photos, comprehensive video footage and in-depth re-enactments as you discover the achievements and tribulations that played major roles in the shots heard round the world. From the conquering of game, power and land this 7-Part Documentary shoots through 400 years of the events and developments that shaped...The Evolution of Firearms