
Sedem 1995


Serija brutalnih umorov pretresa javnost, detektiva Sommerset in Mills pa se nahajata pred na videz nerešljivo uganko. Model, po katerem neznani zločinec izbira svoje žrtve, je prevzet iz biblijskega izročila – eden za drugim umirajo ljudje, ki jih zaznamuje po en od sedmih smrtnih grehov.



Dominique 2024


Dominique je dobro izurjena morilka, ki zbeži pred svojo težko preteklostjo in poskuša začeti novo življenje v Južni Ameriki. Vendar se kmalu znajde v mestu, ki je v objemu nasilja in korupcije. Zaradi brutalnih napadov policije in mafije se mora Dominique odločiti, ali bo zaščitila sebe ali nedolžno družino, ki jo je sprejela.


The Silent Hour

The Silent Hour 2024


Naglušni policijski detektiv se mora med reševanjem primera kot tolmač soočiti s skupino kriminalcev, ki skušajo eliminirati gluho pričo umora v njeni stanovanjski hiši.



Batman 2022


Po letih tavanja po ulicah Gothama in z le nekaj zanesljivimi zavezniki, osamljen maščevalec Batman postane edino utelešenje pravice med svojimi someščani. Ko elito Gothama napade sadističen morilec, vrsta skrivnostnih namigov popelje »viteza teme« globoko v podzemlje, kjer naleti na Selino Kyle aka. Catwoman, Pingvina, Carminea Falconea in seveda Ugankarja. Ko se dokazi začnejo kopičiti in vodijo vedno bliže in bliže domu ter razkrivajo veličino storilčevega zloveščega plana, mora Batman skovati nova zavezništva, razkriti krivca in vrniti pravico mestu Gotham, kateri je bil preveč dolgo zlorabljen s strani pokvarjene oblasti.


Dvojna igra

Dvojna igra 2006


Napet triler o dveh policistih, ujetih v številne prevare in dvojne igre med zakonom in kriminalom, ki je Martinu Scorseseju končno prinesel zasluženega oskarja. Film se odvija v južnem Bostonu, kjer je državna policija napovedala odločno vojno organiziranemu kriminalu. Znebiti se hočejo vplivnega mafijskega šefa Franka Costella, in to od znotraj. Mladi novinec, Billy Costigan, ki je odraščal v južnem Bostonu, dobi nalogo, da se vtihotapi v mafijske kroge, ki jih vodi Costello. Medtem ko se Billy trudi pridobiti Costellovo zaupanje, se še en mlad policist, ki prihaja z bostonskih ulic, Collin Sullivan, hitro vzpenja po policijski lestvici. Dobil je svoje mesto v posebni preiskovalni enoti, ki ima nalogo zrušiti Costella. Toda njegovi nadrejeni ne vedo, da Colin pravzaprav dela za Costella, zaradi česar je mafijski šef vedno en korak pred policijo.



Nadgradnja 2018


Pri kritikih in gledalcih odlično sprejet akcijski ZF-triler s primesmi grozljivke o paralizirani in ovdoveli žrtvi krutega ropa, ki po vsaditvi čipa umetne inteligence dobi priložnost, da se maščuje zločincem.



Zodiak 2007


V filmu, posnetem po resničnih dogodkih, sledimo ustvarjalcu stripov Robertu (Gyllenhaal), ki v svojem delu za časopis ne vidi pravega izziva. Sprememba nastopi, ko se v mestu pojavi skrivnostni morilec, ki pri vsaki žrtvi pusti nenavadno sporočilo, ki ga nihče ne more razvozlati. Toda Robert je že od nekdaj reševal podobne uganke, zato razreši šifro in kmalu postane povsem obseden s primerom, nad čemer policija ni navdušena, še manj pa njegova partnerica. Robertu postane jasno, da ne gre zgolj za zabavno igro, ko Zodiak, kot se morilec poimenuje, z njim vzpostavi neposreden stik.


Prvinski nagon

Prvinski nagon 1992


Michael Douglas in Sharon Stone se v filmu zapleteta v nevarno erotično igro. Policist Nick Curran raziskuje skrivnostni umor rock zvezde, čigar bivša ljubica je Catherine Tramell. Pred kratkim je napisala roman, v katerem prav tako umorijo glasbeno zvezdo. Ali to dokazuje njeno krivdo ali je morilec hotel sum zvaliti na Catherine? Že na prvem zaslišanju Nick spozna, da je Catherine zelo zapeljiva, skrivnostna, zvita in mogoče celo sposobna ubijanja. Preiskava ga pripelje na sled neulovljivi serijski morilki, ki svoje žrtve pokonča sredi vročih posteljnih igric.


Gola pištola

Gola pištola 1988


Načelnik Frank Drebin je eden najbolj zabavnih detektivov. Izslediti mora uspešnega poslovneža Vincenta Ludwiga, ki velja za izredno hudobnega človeka. Med iskanjem Frank naleti na zelo privlačno Vincentovo asistentko Jane Spencer in med njima se vname iskrica. Vincentova naslednja žrtev naj bi bila angleška kraljica Elizabeta, zato mora Frank narediti vse, da bi napad preprečil. Medtem se seveda zaplete tudi v vročo romanco z Jane.


Rambo 1

Rambo 1 1982


John Rambo je vietnamski veteran, eden izmed najboljših med Zelenimi baretkami. Brezciljno tava po svetu in v nekem kraju pristane v nemilosti pokvarjenega lokalnega šerifa. Ta ga zapre v ječo in tam Rambo postane tarča sadističnih napadov. Policiji napove vojno in uspe mu pobegniti. Postane prava vojska v eni osebi.


Umri pokončno brez oklevanja

Umri pokončno brez oklevanja 1995


Policist John McClane ima tokrat opravka z norim bombašem Simonom. Ta se maščuje, ker mu je John pred leti ubil brata, in grozi z nadaljnimi eksplozijami. Nič hudega sluteč se v Simonovo igro miši in mačke vključi še Zeus, ki McClaneu reši življenje. Od njiju je odvisno, ali bo mesto zdaj, zdaj odneslo v zrak.



Großstadtrevier 1986


Follow the everyday work of a fictional police station on the Kiez of Hamburg.


Hamburg Dockland

Hamburg Dockland 2007


Shows the interaction between Hamburg police officers and paramedics.



Cops 1989


Follow real-life law enforcement officers from various regions and departments of the United States armed with nothing but with cameras to capture their actions, performing their daily duty to serve and protect the public.



Z-Cars 1962


Z-Cars or Z Cars is a British television drama series centred on the work of mobile uniformed police in the fictional town of Newtown, based on Kirkby, Merseyside. Produced by the BBC, it debuted in January 1962 and ran until September 1978.


AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo

AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo 2002


Detective Ukyo Sugishita confronts crime on the basis of his own convictions. He has a partner that works for him in the Special Task Unit. For the first 7 seasons, Ukyo’s first partner is Kaoru Kameyama. He is a good-natured, hot-tempered, straightforward and somewhat scattered detective. Beginning in Season 8, Takeru Kanbe replaces Kameyama. Contrary to his predecessor, Takeru is a lanky, cool, conceited and confident detective. From Season 11 to Season 13, Ukyo’s partner is a young detective Toru Kai. Toru is a son of Deputy Director-General of The National Police Agency. But he became a detective by his own effort. And starting with Season 14, Ukyo’s current partner is Wataru Kaburagi, an elite bureaucrat who came to the Metropolitan Police Department on temporary assignment. As the first partner without any career of a police officer, he will face challenging cases together with Ukyo.



9-1-1 2018


Explore the high-pressure experiences of police officers, paramedics and firefighters who are thrust into the most frightening, shocking and heart-stopping situations. These emergency responders must try to balance saving those who are at their most vulnerable with solving the problems in their own lives.


Law & Order

Law & Order 1990


In cases ripped from the headlines, police investigate serious and often deadly crimes, weighing the evidence and questioning the suspects until someone is taken into custody. The district attorney's office then builds a case to convict the perpetrator by proving the person guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Working together, these expert teams navigate all sides of the complex criminal justice system to make New York a safer place.



Dragnet 1951


Follows the cases of a dedicated Los Angeles police detective, Sergeant Joe Friday, and his partners. The show takes its name from the police term "dragnet", meaning a system of coordinated measures for apprehending criminals or suspects.


Polizeiruf 110

Polizeiruf 110 1971


Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.


SOKO Stuttgart

SOKO Stuttgart 2009


The SOKO Stuttgart team investigates analytically and with sensitivity in the likeable state capital. The exciting cases of the series lead them to bizarre crime scenes and to different milieus.


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2000


A Las Vegas team of forensic investigators are trained to solve criminal cases by scouring the crime scene, collecting irrefutable evidence and finding the missing pieces that solve the mystery.



Castle 2009


After a serial killer imitates the plots of his novels, successful mystery novelist Richard "Rick" Castle receives permission from the Mayor of New York City to tag along with an NYPD homicide investigation team for research purposes.


Chicago P.D.

Chicago P.D. 2014


A riveting police drama about the men and women of the Chicago Police Department's District 21 who put it all on the line to serve and protect their community. District 21 is made up of two distinctly different groups: the uniformed cops who patrol the beat and go head-to-head with the city's street crimes and the Intelligence Unit that combats the city's major offenses - organized crime, drug trafficking, high profile murders and beyond.


SOKO Leipzig

SOKO Leipzig 2001


SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part crossover between SOKO Leipzig and British police procedural The Bill was aired, with the same version being shown on both ZDF and British television channel ITV1.


Scene of the Crime

Scene of the Crime 1970


Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland.


Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods 2010


A drama about a multi-generational family of cops dedicated to New York City law enforcement. Frank Reagan is the New York Police Commissioner and heads both the police force and the Reagan brood. He runs his department as diplomatically as he runs his family, even when dealing with the politics that plagued his unapologetically bold father, Henry, during his stint as Chief.


Wolffs Revier

Wolffs Revier 1992


Wolffs Revier is a German television series.


You're Under Arrest!

You're Under Arrest! 1996


Tokyo Highway Patrolwomen Natsumi and Miyuki get off to a bad start when Miyuki busts Natsumi for reckless moped driving on her way to work. Things get worse when they find out they're going to be partners!