Vse povsod naenkrat

Vse povsod naenkrat 2022


Evelyn Wang je zaskrbljena lastnica propadajoče pralnice. Zdravje njenega očeta je v slabem stanju, mož Waymond ji vroči ločitvene dokumente, hčerka Joy je zelo razočarana z življenjem. Na koncu se pojavi še neusmiljena delavka davčne uprave Deirdre. Potem, ko Evelyn poskuša še zadnjič rešiti svoj posel, Waymondovo telo nenadoma obsede dvojnik iz ene od skoraj neskončnih alternativnih resničnosti. Pove ji, da je edina oseba, ki lahko reši multiverzum pred grožnjo, ki uničuje resničnost. Evelyn pa mora še vedno plačati davke.



Bula 2023



Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog 2008


Aspiring super-villain Dr. Horrible wants to join the Evil League of Evil and win the girl of his dreams, but his nemesis, Captain Hammer, stops him at every turn.


Midnight Series: Dirty Laundry

Midnight Series: Dirty Laundry 2023


Neon, a lonely girl working the late-night shift at a laundromat, carelessly thieves a briefcase filled with a million in cash from her crush Night's apartment. Night is a murder mystery novelist who came to Neon's rescue at the laundromat. When he catches on that she's the thief and comes to get the bag back, it's already gone missing. The two have to team up to search for the true thief with only one clue, the laundromat's service log. In the record are: Judo, a good-looking university student who came to study; P'Chompoo, Night's landlord; Momay, a sexy karaoke girl; and Nick and Smile, a bitchin' rock couple.