Boter 2

Boter 2 1974


V nadaljevanju sage o kriminalni družini Corleone mladi Vito Corleone odrašča na Siciliji in v 1910-ih v New Yorku. V petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja poskuša Michael Corleone družinsko podjetje razširiti v Las Vegas, Hollywood in Kubo.


James Bond: Zlato oko

James Bond: Zlato oko 1995


James Bond v Rusiji išče ukradene kode za velikansko vesoljsko orožje s kodnim imenom Goldeneye, ki lahko proti Zemlji izstreli smrtonosen elektromagnetni pulz. Bondu se po robu postavi sovražnik, ki je sposoben predvideti vsak njegov korak: njegov nekdanji sodelavec ter bivši agent 006, zdaj pa odpadniški terorist Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean). Bond mora obračunati tudi s Trevelyanovo zaveznico, zapeljivo in neusmiljeno morilko Xenio Onatopp (Famke Janssen). Med reševanjem sveta Bondu na pomoč priskoči Natalya Simonova (Izabella Scorupco), ruska strokovnjakinja za satelite. V po vrsti sedemnajstem filmu o slavnem britanskem vohunu v režiji Martina Campbella agenta 007 prvič upodobi Pierce Brosnan.


Podli fantje 2

Podli fantje 2 2003


V tej novi pustolovščini sta Miamiju narko detektivi Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) in Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) dodeljena kot del visokotehnološke ekipe, ki poskuša razkriti zaplet zasnove ekstazija v Miamiju. Toda nezavedno razkrijejo smrtonosno zaroto, v katero je bil vpleten neusmiljeni lord z drogami, Johnny Tapia (Jordi Mollà), ki je odločen, da bo razširil svoj imperij in prevzel nadzor nad posli z drogami v mestu, tako da bo ubil vsakogar, ki mu stopi na pot. Da bi se stvari še poslabšale, se Marcusova čudovita sestra, Syd (Gabrielle Union), agent DEA za skrivanje, ujame v navzkrižni ogenj in prisili naše junake, da se postavijo na rob zakona. Vse se še bolj zaplete, ko začne Kupid leteti nad Mikeom in Sydom, kar izzove jezo njegovega brata zaščitnika.


Dobri pastir

Dobri pastir 2006


V zgodbi o začetkih ustanavljanja največje in najbolj razvpite obveščevalne agencije CIA spoznamo idealističnega mladeniča Edwarda, ki pozna pravi pomen domoljubja in kot agent nima težav s prikrivanjem skrivnosti. Toda paranoja hladne vojne v njem veča neprijeten občutek, da ne more več nikomur zaupati, kar na težko preizkušnjo postavi njegova prepričanja, vse bolj pa je odtujen tudi od družine in žene, ki ne more več prenašati dvojnega življenja in laži, s katerimi se Edward ves čas obdaja.


Kubanskih pet

Kubanskih pet 2020


Zgodba o petih kubanskih političnih zapornikih, ki so jih Združene države Amerike od konca devetdesetih let zaprle zaradi obtožb vohunjenja in umorov. Kubanski pilot Rene Gonzalez ugrabi letalo in pobegne z otoka, za seboj pa pusti svojo ljubljeno ženo in hčerko. V Miamiju zaživi povsem novo življenje. Njegovemu zgledu sledijo drugi kubanski prestopniki, ki si hkrati ustvarijo svojo obveščevalno mrežo. Njihova naloga je infiltrirati nasilne organizacije, ki so proti Fidelu Castru in so odgovorne za teroristične napade na otoku.



Encounter 2018


Following a chance encounter overseas, a woman with much to lose and a man with little to his name meet again as employer and employee.


The Big Cigar

The Big Cigar 2024


Black Panther Party co-founder Huey P. Newton enlists an unlikely ally—Hollywood producer Bert Schneider—to elude an FBI manhunt and escape to Cuba.


Four Seasons in Havana

Four Seasons in Havana 2016


As Havana slowly revolves through the year, wistful detective Mario Conde probes the sultry heart of the city to investigate dark and deadly crimes.


The Cuba Libre Story

The Cuba Libre Story 2015


Recounts the tumultuous history of Cuba, a nation of foreign conquest, freedom fighters and Cold War political machinations.



Traveler 2019


Two men go backpacking to Cuba, the country full of their unique charms. For two weeks, they enjoy Che Guevara’s revolution of freedom, the exciting melody of Buena Vista Social Club, splendid old cars, and refreshment from Mojito. They find lodging by walking around, think about places to eat, sleep, and what to wear. Bargaining happens everywhere. They throw themselves into the unpredictable moments. Here are the two confused tourists with a backpack. Their travel starts now.


Cuban Chrome

Cuban Chrome 2015


After the 1959 Cuban Revolution and the subsequent United States embargo, it has been illegal to import American cars to the island nation - as a result, Cuba's vintage American vehicles are frozen in time, and each of these cars has a unique story to tell. For Cubans, these cars are not just a means of transportation, but a way of life. CUBAN CHROME will give viewers an intimate look into this rarely seen country as they meet the men who put everything on the line to keep these classic cars running. Through A Lo Cubano Car Club - a passionate group of car enthusiasts, restorers, mechanics and apprentices - the series explores the challenges and joys of life in Cuba, presenting an authentic look into their culture of passion, grit, determination and ingenuity.


Redemption Song

Redemption Song 1991


Jamaican-born Stuart Hall looks at the history of the Caribbean islands through interviews with modern inhabitants.


The Real Marigold on Tour

The Real Marigold on Tour 2016


Having road-tested retirement in India, Miriam Margoyles, Wayne Sleep, Bobby George and Rosemary Shrager are reunited to discover what it is like to grow old in other countries around the world.


Vintage Curves of Cuba

Vintage Curves of Cuba 2019


Car enthusiast José Gaudet travels the Cuban streets and roads looking for the car of his dreams. He is accompanied by Gildor Roy, who is fluent in Spanish.


The War on Cuba

The War on Cuba 2020


The documentary series, The War on Cuba, gives an inside look on the effects of U.S. sanctions on Cuban people.