
Brothers 2024


Poskus reformiranega kriminalca, ki se poskuša poboljšati, se izjalovi, ko se na potovanju ponovno združi s svojim bratom dvojčkom, ki preizkuša svojo duševno razsodnost. Na tej poti se morata izogibati kroglam, zakonu in oblastni materi ter zaceliti pretrgano družinsko vez, preden se pobijeta...


Državljanska vojna: vsaka vladavina se konča

Državljanska vojna: vsaka vladavina se konča 2024


Zgodba se odvija v ZDA v ne tako oddaljeni prihodnosti in se začne, ko se en del držav odcepi od unije in je sedaj sestavljena le iz frakcij. Skupina novinarjev se odpravi na potovanje po ZDA sredi vse hujše državljanske vojne, ki je zajela celotno državo, med tem naletijo na številne izzive, ki ogrožajo njihova življenja. Hkrati se vlada spreminja v distopični režim, radikalne oborožene skupine pa pogosto sodelujejo v političnem nasilju. Film raziskuje globoke delitve v ameriški družbi in predstavlja temačno in nekoliko preroško vizijo prihodnosti.


Logan: Wolverine

Logan: Wolverine 2017


V bližnji prihodnosti od vsega utrujeni Logan v skrivališču blizu mehiške meje skrbi za bolehnega profesorja X-a . Toda njegovi načrti, da se skrije pred svetom in zaščiti svojo zapuščino, se obrnejo na glavo, ko se k njima pred temnimi silami zateče mlada mutantka.


Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 1. del

Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 1. del 2010


Harry, Ron in Hermiona iščejo koščke Mrlakensteinove duše, ki jih je izločil in skril na mračne kraje po vsem svetu. Če jih ne najdejo in uničijo, bo Mrlakenstein ostal nesmrten.


Vrnitev v deželo zombijev

Vrnitev v deželo zombijev 2019


Deset let po Dobrodošli v deželi zombijev so naši junaki (ubijalci zombijev) ponovno združili moči v novem filmu, ki se v humorističnem kaosu odvija od Bele hiše vse do notranjosti ZDA, kjer se bodo spopadali z novimi vrstami stvorov, ki so se razvili od prvega filma, pa tudi z nekaterimi preživelimi ljudmi. Predvsem pa se bodo morali spopasti z glavoboli, ki jih bo povzročalo pikro vzdušje znotraj novonastale družine.


Ježek Sonic

Ježek Sonic 2020


Ježek Sonic je najhitrejši ježek, ki po nesrečnem naključju pride na Zemljo. Med pustolovščinami na našem planetu pa se spoprijatelji s policistom Tomom Wachowskim iz majhnega mesta in skupaj se podata v boj proti zlobnemu dr. Robotniku, ki skuša ježka Sonica ugrabiti in prevzeti njegove supermoči, da bi zavladal svetu.



Avtomobili 2006


Strela McQueen je vročekrvni mladi dirkalnik, ki si zelo želi uspeti. Ko pa se nepričakovano znajde v zaspanem Radarskem zavetju ob nekoč slavni Route 66, odkrije, da v življenju ni najpomembnejša ciljna črta, temveč pot do nje. McQueen na poti na veliki pokal Batov v Kaliforniji spozna kopico posebnežev iz tega mesteca - med drugim tudi Doca Hudsona, ki ima skrivnostno preteklost, Neli Carrera, in Dajza - ki mu pomagajo doumeti, da so nekatere stvari v življenju pomembnejše od pokalov, slave in sponzorstva.


Ameriška pita 5: Gola milja

Ameriška pita 5: Gola milja 2006


Eric Stifler se lepega dne zgrozi ob misli, da bo edini član družine, ki bo maturiral, ne da bi prej izgubil nedolžnost. Da ne bi družini, še posebej pa svojima divjima bratrancema Mattu in Steveu, napravil tako velike sramote, si mora čimprej najti dekle, ki bo pripravljeno z njim zlesti med rjuhe. Toda to ne bo enostavno. Ericu nazadnje ne preostane drugega, kot da se udeleži tradicionalnega teka, kjer so udeleženci popolnoma goli. Seveda se bo teka udeležilo tudi lepo število brhkih mladenk.


Dobrodošli v deželi zombijev

Dobrodošli v deželi zombijev 2009


Virus je večino ljudi spremenil v krvoločne zombije, ki lovijo redke preživele. V boju z nesmrtniki študent Columbus združi moči z brezkompromisnim Tallahasseejem, ki je pravi umetnik pobijanja zombijev. Na njunem pohodu se jima pridružita premeteni sestri, ki želita naivna moška sprva opehariti, toda če želijo preživeti, morajo združiti moči in najti nove inovativne in zabavne načine iztrebljanja množice podivjanih spak.


Butec in butec

Butec in butec 1994


Lloyd in Harry sta najboljša prijatelja. Znana sta po tem, da je eden bolj zabit od drugega. Harry se ukvarja z vzrejo psov, Lloyd pa si kruh služi kot šofer limuzine. Nekega dne v njegovo vozilo vstopi lepa Mary Swanson in mu naroči, da jo odpelje na letališče. Lloyda njena lepota popolnoma prevzame in ko Mary na letališču pusti kovček, ji ga hoče na vsak način vrniti. Seveda ne ve, da je Mary v kovčku ugrabiteljem pustila odkupnino za moža. In tako se fanta odpravita na dolgo pot v Aspen, da bi Mary vrnila kovček. Seveda pa ne vesta, da so se za njima odpravili tudi gangsterji, da bi dobili svoj kovček.


Zelena knjiga

Zelena knjiga 2018


Tonyja Lipa, redarja iz italijanske četrti v Bronxu, kot voznika za koncertno turnejo najame dr. Don Shirley, temnopolti pianist svetovnega slovesa. Zanašati se morata na "zeleno knjigo", ki je nekakšen vodič po takratnih varnih območjih za Afroameričane globoko na ameriškem jugu. Soočena z rasizmom in nevarnostjo ter hkrati z nepričakovano človečnostjo in humorjem sta prisiljena razlike postaviti na stran, da bi lahko preživela in uživala na življenjskem popotovanju. Resnična zgodba o pravem prijateljstvu, ki je presegalo rasno nestrpnost in družbeno razslojenost zgodnjih šestdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja, je leta 2019 prejela tri oskarje: za najboljši film, najboljši izvirni scenarij in najboljšega igralca v stranski vlogi.


Za vsako ceno

Za vsako ceno 2016


Brata Toby in Tanner v življenju nimata veliko sreče: prvi je prestal bolečo ločitev, drugi pa je zaradi različnih prekrškov že pristal za rešetkami. Ko se zdi, da bosta zaradi nezmožnosti odplačevanja posojila izgubila tudi družinsko posest, se odločita izvesti serijo bančnih ropov. Ker ju lokalna policija ne more ustaviti, se na lov za njima podata izkušena teksaška moža postave Marcus in Albert. Kljub njunemu prizadevanju brata še naprej uspešno ropata in pereta denar v igralnicah, meja med zakoni in pravico pa postaja vedno bolj zabrisana.


American Gods

American Gods 2017


An ex-con becomes the traveling partner of a conman who turns out to be one of the older gods trying to recruit troops to battle the upstart deities. Based on Neil Gaiman's fantasy novel.


Route 66

Route 66 1960


Route 66 is an American TV series in which two young men traveled across America in a Chevrolet Corvette sports car. The show ran weekly on Fridays on CBS from October 7, 1960 to March 20, 1964. It starred Martin Milner as Tod Stiles and, for the first two and a half seasons, George Maharis as Buz Murdock. Maharis was ill for much of the third season, during which time Tod was shown traveling on his own. Tod met Lincoln Case, played by Glenn Corbett, late in the third season, and traveled with him until the end of the fourth and final season. Among the series more notable aspects were the featured Corvette convertible, and the program's instrumental theme song, which became a major pop hit.


The End of the F***ing World

The End of the F***ing World 2017


James is 17 and is pretty sure he is a psychopath. Alyssa, also 17, is the cool and moody new girl at school. The pair make a connection and she persuades him to embark on a darkly comedic road trip in search of her real father.


Poker Face

Poker Face 2023


This mystery-of-the-week series follows Charlie Cale, who has an extraordinary ability to determine when someone is lying. She hits the road with her Plymouth Barracuda and with every stop encounters a new cast of characters and strange crimes she can’t help but solve.


Off the Grid

Off the Grid 2021


A variety show that explores how each featured celebrity experiences solo travel in different places in South Korea. The show casts a therapeutic and relaxing mood as the celebrity discovers interesting and natural encounters during the travel.


Lovecraft Country

Lovecraft Country 2020


The anthology horror series follows 25-year-old Atticus Freeman, who joins up with his friend Letitia and his Uncle George to embark on a road trip across 1950s Jim Crow America to find his missing father. They must survive and overcome both the racist terrors of white America and the malevolent spirits that could be ripped from a Lovecraft paperback.


Cars on the Road

Cars on the Road 2022


Lightning McQueen and his best friend Mater head east from Radiator Springs on a cross-country road trip to meet up with Mater’s sister.


The Rolling Girls

The Rolling Girls 2015


In a dystopian future where Japan's political organization has crumbled after the Great Tokyo War, Japan is broken up into 10 independent nations, with each nation controlled by a gang led by a "Best," a human-proclaimed prophet with destructive superpowers. Nozomi Moritomo is a "Rest"—a normal girl that has just started out as a rookie in the local gang. She wants to help the Best Masami Utoku, her childhood friend and role model, in the ongoing territorial dispute. When Masami becomes severely injured and unable to fight, Nozomi decides to go on a mission to complete the requests sent to Masami from all over Japan. Along the way, she meets Yukina Kosaka, a shy girl with no sense of direction; Ai Hibiki, an upbeat girl who loves eating; and Chiaya Misono, a quiet and mysterious girl that wears a gas mask. Together, the four girls travel all over the country on their motorcycles while getting involved in territorial wars, disagreements, and even suspicious conspiracies.



Wilderness 2023


A dream holiday becomes a nightmare for a young British couple who seemingly have it all, as heartbreak turns into fury and revenge.


Are You Sure?!

Are You Sure?! 2024


Whenever BTS's Jimin and Jung Kook meet, chaos and excitement ensue! In the summer of 2023, they embark on an unforgettable trip before their military enlistment. Their unpredictable adventure is full of surprises. Will Jimin and Jung Kook complete their journey safely?


The Detour

The Detour 2016


A what-in-the-living-hell-is-wrong-with-this-family comedy created by comic super-couple Jason Jones & Samantha Bee and inspired by their own experiences with family trips. Unfiltered dad Nate hits the road with wife Robin and kids Delilah and Jared. Every leg of their trip is fraught with disaster as they encounter one hellish turn after another. If there's trouble on the road, this family will find it and plow into it.


My Marvellous Fable

My Marvellous Fable 2023


By chance, best-selling author Wang Pu Tao and rookie editor Feng Tian Lan have become colleagues. The story unfolds through their marvellous adventures in their journey home. After being attracted by a novel, Feng Tian Lan ends up working at a publishing house. He never expected that his first assignment would be to send reminders. Eccentric author Wang Pu Tao has not yet submitted her new work. After procrastinating for many days, she runs into Feng Tian Lan at the bar. Wang Pu Tao tells Feng Tian Lan that he needs to agree to her terms if he wants her to submit her work. As a result, the two embark on a journey together.


Everything Sucks!

Everything Sucks! 2018


It's 1996 in a town called Boring, Oregon, where high school misfits in the AV and drama clubs brave the ups and downs of teenage emotions in the VHS era.


AJ and the Queen

AJ and the Queen 2020


While traveling across the country in a run-down RV, drag queen Ruby Red discovers an unlikely sidekick in AJ: a tough-talking 10-year-old stowaway.


Shipping Wars

Shipping Wars 2012


Shipping Wars is a reality TV series on A&E that began airing on January 10, 2012. The show follows six independent carriers who have discovered that fortunes can be made transporting items that traditional carriers either cannot or will not haul. The series also features uShip, the world’s largest online auction house for independent truckers. For Season 1, the featured carriers are Marc Springer, Roy Garber, Jennifer Brennan, Jarrett Joyce, and Suzanne and Scott Bawcom. Starting with Season 2, the Bawcoms are replaced by the team of Christopher Hanna and Robbie Welsh. Season 3 premiered on December 12, 2012 . New shippers Johnny Chavez and the team of Chelsea Grant and Courtney Aguilera appear in Season 4.


Grandma's New World

Grandma's New World 2023


Like most people during their life, the grandmother was silent too. Suddenly she disappears without saying goodbye. While wandering through the city she is no longer silent, touching countless lives of strangers.


The Most Dangerous Roads in the World

The Most Dangerous Roads in the World 2016


Eight celebrities couples venture on the perilous mud roads along deep chasms and ravines, extreme mountain passes and terrifying jungle routes in The Most Dangerous Roads.


One Day Off

One Day Off 2023


Park Ha Kyung teaches Korean literature at a high school. To escape her ordinary days, Park Ha Kyung decides to take one day trips on Saturdays. During her one day trip, she walks around, eats different foods, and meets various people. She realizes she receives comfort and empathy through her travels.



SisterS 2023


Two women, one born in Canada and the other in Ireland, discover they are half-sisters and embark on a road trip to find their alcoholic father.


Grace's History

Grace's History 2023


In her beloved car, "Grace", a wife is on her way to Narita. Following a bus accident that kills her, her husband, Kikuo, gets access to her GPS which contains the history of all the places she travelled to without his knowledge. Suspecting infidelity, Kikuo embarks on a journey to trace the history of the car's GPS in order to solve the mystery.