Hudičevka v Pradi

Hudičevka v Pradi 2006


Miranda Pristly je ena najbolj uspešnih in spoštovanih poslovnih žensk v svetu mode, a hkrati tudi strah in trepet uslužbencev svoje modne revije. Nekega dne ji pot prekriža mlada novinarka Andy Sachs, ki za Mirando še ni slišala, pa tudi o (visoki) modi ne ve kaj dosti. Kljub vsemu jo Miranda zaposli in jo takoj prične spreminjati po svojem okusu, kar povzroči nezadovoljstvo pri Andyjinih prijateljih in fantu.


Kako se znebiti fanta v 10 dneh

Kako se znebiti fanta v 10 dneh 2003


Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson), ki piše članke na temo "Kako se znebiti fanta v desetih dneh", dobi nenavadno zadolžitev. Opisati mora kaj se zgodi, če počneš vse tiste najpogostejše napake, ki jih na začetku ljubezenske zveze delajo ženske – in zaradi katerih moški hitro poiščejo najbližji izhod ter pobegnejo? Za lažni poskus ima na voljo le deset dni. Poiskati mora fanta, ga pripraviti, da se zaljubi vanjo, potem pa doseči, da jo bo fant zapustil. Naleti na Benjamina Barryja (Matthew McConaughey), samozavestnega fanta, zaposlenega v oglaševalski agenciji, ki za sklenitev posla stavi s svojim šefom, da lahko katero koli dekle pripravi, da se bo zaljubilo vanj: v samo desetih dneh. Kaj se bo zgodilo z zvezo, ki temelji na zavajanju, laži in prevari?



Zodiak 2007


V filmu, posnetem po resničnih dogodkih, sledimo ustvarjalcu stripov Robertu (Gyllenhaal), ki v svojem delu za časopis ne vidi pravega izziva. Sprememba nastopi, ko se v mestu pojavi skrivnostni morilec, ki pri vsaki žrtvi pusti nenavadno sporočilo, ki ga nihče ne more razvozlati. Toda Robert je že od nekdaj reševal podobne uganke, zato razreši šifro in kmalu postane povsem obseden s primerom, nad čemer policija ni navdušena, še manj pa njegova partnerica. Robertu postane jasno, da ne gre zgolj za zabavno igro, ko Zodiak, kot se morilec poimenuje, z njim vzpostavi neposreden stik.



Krog 2002


Rachel Keller je preiskovalna novinarka, ki ne daje veliko zaupanja tistemu, kar meni, da je nekakšna urbana legenda: na videz kroži videokaseta z grozljivimi podobami, ki jo spremlja telefonski klic, ki napoveduje, kakšen teden vnaprej smrt osebe kdo ga je videl. Ko pa štirje najstniki točno en teden po ogledu posnetka najdejo smrt, radovednost prevzame in ne bo nehala, dokler ne najdejo kasete in jo gledajo.


Strah in groza v Las Vegasu

Strah in groza v Las Vegasu 1998


Športni novinar Raoul Duke in njegov odvetnik dr. Gonzo se odpravita v Las Vegas, kjer bosta opravila zgodbo o dirki z motorji. Njihov rdeči kabriolet je opremljen z vsemi vrstami stimulansov in arzenalom dopinških zelišč. To jim bo omogočilo, da se lahko fizično in mentalno odpravijo skozi dekadentno Ameriko sedemdesetih let.


Rojena morilca

Rojena morilca 1994


Zgodbo je ustvaril razvpiti režiser Quentin Tarantino, ki je s filmom dodobra šokiral svetovno javnost. Množična morilca Mallory in Mickey Knox v pičlih treh tednih ubijeta več kot petdeset nedolžnih ljudi. Pravita, da si tako izkazujeta ljubezen in naklonjenost. Ko ju končno dohiti roka pravice, se okoli njiju zgrne pravi medijski cirkus. Prav mediji iz njiju ustvarijo najbolj priljubljen par v Ameriki, saj dobita celo svoj klub oboževalcev.



Ugrabitev 1997


Tri tedne potem, ko v ameriško-ruski vojni akciji ujamejo kazahstanskega diktatorja, generala Ivana Radeka, ameriški predsednik James Marshall med službenim obiskom v Moskvi nastopi s čustvenim, vendar tudi zelo odločnim govorom. S tem preseneti svoje svetovalce na čelu z Lloydom Shepherdom. Medtem ko se predsednik z ženo Grace in hčerko Alice vrača proti predsedniškemu letalu Air Force One, v letalo prispe šest ruskih novinarjev, ki jih vodi Ivan Korshunov. Predsednika iz dremeža kmalu prebudi streljanje v letalu. Ob pomoči agenta Gibbsa namreč Korshunov in njegovi ljudje prevzamejo nadzor nad letalom...



TMNT 2007



Državniške igre

Državniške igre 2009


Režiser drame Zadnji škotski kralj sledi karieri ambicioznega mladega politika Stephena, čigar načrte o vzponu v državno elito zmoti brutalni umor njegove pomočnice in ljubice. V primer se zaplete novinar in Stephenov nekdanji prijatelj Cal, ki raziskuje niz podobnih smrti, a naleti na zid laži, spletk in prevar, dodatne težave pa mu povzroča spogledovanje s Stephenovo odtujeno ženo in zahteve neizprosne časopisne urednice.



Disclaimer 2024


When an intriguing novel appears at the bedside of a journalist whose career has been built on revealing transgressions, she is horrified to realize she's a key character in a long-buried story—one that exposes her darkest secret.


Hart to Hart

Hart to Hart 1979


Wealthy couple Jonathan and Jennifer Hart, a self-made millionaire and his journalist wife, moonlight as amateur detectives.


The Newsroom

The Newsroom 2012


A behind-the-scenes look at the people who make a nightly cable-news program. Focusing on a network anchor, his new executive producer, the newsroom staff and their boss, the series tracks their quixotic mission to do the news well in the face of corporate and commercial obstacles-not to mention their own personal entanglements.


Jonathan Creek

Jonathan Creek 1997


Working from his home in a converted windmill, Jonathan Creek is a magician with a natural ability for solving puzzles. He soon puts this ability to the use of solving impossible crimes and mysterious murders.


Tokyo Vice

Tokyo Vice 2022


A first-hand account of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police beat following Jake Adelstein, an American journalist who embeds himself into the Tokyo Vice police squad to reveal corruption. Based on Jake Adelstein’s non-fiction book of the same name.


Murphy Brown

Murphy Brown 1988


Murphy Brown (Candice Bergen) is a recovering alcoholic who returns to the fictional newsmagazine FYI for the first time following a stay at the Betty Ford Clinic residential treatment center. Over 40 and single, she is sharp tongued and hard as nails. In her profession, she is considered one of the boys, having shattered many glass ceilings encountered during her career. Dominating the FYI news magazine, she is portrayed as one of America's hardest-hitting (though not the warmest or more sympathetic) media personalities.


The Name of the Game

The Name of the Game 1968


The Name of the Game is an American television series starring Tony Franciosa, Gene Barry, and Robert Stack that ran from 1968 to 1971 on NBC, totaling 76 episodes of 90 minutes. It was a pioneering wheel series, setting the stage for The Bold Ones and the NBC Mystery Movie in the 1970s. The show had an extremely large budget for a television series.


Inventing Anna

Inventing Anna 2022


A journalist with a lot to prove investigates the case of Anna Delvey, the Instagram-legendary German heiress who stole the hearts of New York’s social scene – and stole their money as well.


Secret City

Secret City 2016


Beneath the placid facade of Canberra, amidst rising tension between China and America, senior political journalist Harriet Dunkley uncovers a secret city of interlocked conspiracies, putting innocent lives in danger including her own.


Chasing Life

Chasing Life 2014


April, an aspiring journalist, is balancing her ambitious career with her family and a new office romance. In an unexpected twist of fate, April learns that she has leukemia.



Dicte 2013


Newly divorced journalist returns to her hometown to restart her life and work through her past.



Crá 2024


In an isolated village in the north west of Ireland, a murder investigation begins when Garda Barry Roche finds a body buried in the bog. In the most personal of cases, Garda Conall Ó Súilleabháin discovers it is his mother, Sabine, who has been missing for 15 years. Conall is forbidden from working on the case, but is drawn into the investigation by a determined young journalist Ciara-Kate, who is using her true-crime podcast to expose the village's deepest secrets. As they unravel the truth, they must confront a community bound by silence and its own moral codes.


The Missing

The Missing 2014


A gripping anthological relationship thriller series exploring the emotional fallout of a child's abduction not only on the family but on the wider community, told over two time frames.


Midnight at the Pera Palace

Midnight at the Pera Palace 2022


At a historic Istanbul hotel, a journalist is unexpectedly thrust into the past and must stop a plot that could change the fate of modern Turkey.


The Snow Girl

The Snow Girl 2023


When a little girl goes missing during a parade in Málaga, a young newspaper journalist becomes fiercely determined to help Amaya's parents find her.


On the Case with Paula Zahn

On the Case with Paula Zahn 2009


Award winning journalist Paula Zahn unravels shocking crimes interviewing those closest to the case including lawyers, the victim's family, detectives and the convicted murderer themselves.


Hearts Afire

Hearts Afire 1992


Frustrations and sparks fly in Washington, D.C. when a strict conservative hires a free spirited journalist as his boss's press secretary. Their mismatched political views lead to arguments... and attraction.


Bom Dia Brasil

Bom Dia Brasil 1983


This show features the main news in Brazil and the world in a magazine format, with commentary on politics, economy, sports and gastronomy.


The Hour

The Hour 2011


A behind-the-scenes drama and espionage thriller in Cold War-era England that centers on a journalist, a producer, and an anchorman for an investigative news programme.


The Girls on the Bus

The Girls on the Bus 2024


Four female journalists follow every move of a parade of flawed presidential candidates, while finding friendship, love, and scandal along the way.