
Shrek 2001


Dolgo, dolgo nazaj je v odročnem močvirju živel okras okrasov po imenu Shrek. Toda nenadoma nekega dne njegovo absolutno samoto prekine invazija presenetljivih pravljičnih likov. V njegovi hrani so slepe male miši, ogromen, hud volk v postelji, trije mali brezdomni prašiči in številna druga neverjetna bitja, ki jih je hudobni Lord Farquaad deportiral iz njegovega kraljestva. Da bi rešil svojo zemljo in v tem času, Shrek sklene pakt s Farquaadom in se odloči, da bo lepa princesa Fiona Gospodova nevesta. Na tej pomembni misiji ga spremlja smešen osel, pripravljen storiti karkoli za Shreka. Vse, a bodi tiho. Reševanje princese iz ljubezenskega zmaja, ki diha ogenj, bo neumno v primerjavi s tistim, ki se zgodi, ko se razkrije temna skrivnost, ki jo je mlada ženska hranila.


Shrek 2

Shrek 2 2004


Ko se Shrek in princesa Fiona vrneta z medenih tednov, ju starši povabijo, da obiščejo kraljestvo daleč stran, da bi proslavili poroko. Za Shreka, ki ga njegov zvesti prijatelj Donkey nikoli ne zapusti, je to velika stvar. Fionini starši niso pričakovali, da bo njihov zet izgledal tako, kaj šele, da se je hči tako spremenila. Vse to moti kraljeve načrte za prihodnost kraljestva. Potem pa pridejo v oči makiveljska pravljična botra, njen arogantni sin princ očarljiv in prav posebna mačka, Puss in Boots, strokovnjak za lovca na ogrevanje.



Mulan 1998


Da bi rešila svojega očeta pred smrtjo v vojski, mlada Mulan na skrivaj zasede njegovo mesto med vojaki pod pretvezo, da je moški. Nevede se odpravi na pustolovščino, ki jo bo povzdignila med največje junakinje Kitajske.


Ledeno kraljestvo

Ledeno kraljestvo 2013


Ustvarjalci zabavne animacije Zlatolaska so pripravili nepozabno zimsko pustolovsko zgodbo o kraljičnah Ani in Elsi. Slednja premore čarovno moč ustvarjanja snežnih metežev, toda ko se njena magija nekega dne ponesreči, celotno kraljestvo ogrne v večni sneg in led. Dvolični grof, ki se želi polastiti prestola, ljudi naščuva proti kraljični, zato se njena sestra skupaj z izkušenim hribolazcem, zabavnim jelenom in čudaškim snežakom poda na neverjetno reševalno akcijo, polno nepričakovanih nevarnosti in kaotične snežne zabave.



Sneguljčica 2025


Disney te vrača h klasični zgodbi, s katero se je vse začelo... Lepa deklica Sneguljčica se pred mačeho, zlobno kraljico, zateče v gozd v hišo sedmih palčkov. Kraljica je ljubosumna, ker želi biti znana kot "najlepša v deželi", Sneguljčica pa jo po lepoti prekaša.


Lepotica in zver

Lepotica in zver 1991


Sledite dogodivščinam Belle, bistre mlade ženske, ki se znajde v gradu princa, ki je bil spremenjen v skrivnostno zver. Belle se s pomočjo začaranega grajskega osebja kmalu nauči najpomembnejše lekcije - da prava lepota prihaja od znotraj.


Ledeno kraljestvo II

Ledeno kraljestvo II 2019


lza in Ana živita idilicno vsakdanje življenje, ko Elza zasliši notranji glas, ki jo klice. Ko kraljestvo zatrese čudna sila in morajo vsi prebivalci pobegniti na varno, je jasno, da bo morala Elza na klic odgovoriti. Zdi se, da razlog za strašljive dogodke tiči v preteklosti, Elza namreč ves čas sliši pesem, ki jima jo je prepevala mama, ko sta bili še majhni deklici. Elza, Ana, Krištof, Olaf in Sven se zato odpravijo na nevarno potovanje globoko v gozd, na katerem bodo poskusili odkriti izvor Elzinih čarobnih moči. Če se je Elza v prvem delu bala svojih nadnaravnih sposobnosti, bo v drugem zgolj upala, da jih bo dovolj.



Damsel 2024


Poslušno mlado dekle privoli v poroko s čednim princem, a nato ugotovi, da jo je kraljeva družina izbrala kot žrtev za poplačilo starodavnega dolga. Vržena v jamo z ogenj bruhajočim zmajem se mora zanašati na svojo pamet in voljo, da preživi.



Aladin 1992


Princesa Jasmine se naveliča biti prisiljena ostati v palači, zato se izmuzne na tržnico, kjer sreča pouličnega Aladina. Par se zaljubi, čeprav se Jasmine laho poroči le s princem. Potem ko ga vržejo v ječo, se Aladin zaplete v zaroto, da bi našel skrivnostno svetilko, s katero zlobni Jafar upa, da bo zavladal deželi.


Panov labirint

Panov labirint 2006


Mehiko, ZDA, Španija V času španske državljanske vojne okrutni frankovski častnik Vidal v odročno gorsko vasico pripelje svojo nosečo ženo in njeno hčerko Ofelijo, saj želi biti prisoten ob sinovem porodu. Ofelija, navdušena nad prebiranjem pravljic, v tamkajšnjem čarobnem gozdu sreča favna ki ji pove, da je v resnici princeska, ki mora opraviti tri naloge, če se želi vrniti v svoje čarobno kraljestvo in spet videti svojega očeta kralja. Medtem ko se Ofelija odpravi na čarobno pustolovščino, je Vidal odločen pobiti čim več republikanskih borcev.


Umor na Orient ekspresu

Umor na Orient ekspresu 2017


Hercule Poirot je na Orient ekspresu, kjer prepozna dobrega prijatelja. Zaradi snega so po dveh nočeh po Istanbulu obtičali na Balkanu. Naslednje jutro najdejo Samuela Edwarda Ratchetta zabodenega (z 12 vbodi z nožem) v njegovem kupeju. Na vlaku je bilo s Poirotom 13 oseb, ki nimajo na videz ničesar skupnega, kar pa se spremeni, ko odkrijejo pravi identiteto umorjenega in večine drugih na vlaku.



Začarana 2007


Zlobna čarovnica se odloči pravljično princeso Giselle, ki je obljubljena postavnemu princu Edwardu, izgnati v resnični svet. Naivna Giselle je ob prihodu v svet poln laži, neprijaznih ljudi in drugih grdobij povsem izgubljena, a ji na pomoč priskoči prijazni odvetnik Robert. Princesi na pomoč prihiti tudi idealistični Edward, kar povzroči le še večjo (ljubezensko) zmedo.


Adventure Time

Adventure Time 2010


Unlikely heroes Finn and Jake are buddies who traverse the mystical Land of Ooo. The best of friends, our heroes always find themselves in the middle of escapades. Finn and Jake depend on each other through thick and thin.


As Flowers Fade and Fly Across the Sky

As Flowers Fade and Fly Across the Sky 2017


Hua Mantian, the son of a wealthy and powerful family, finds himself in an unwanted love triangle between a princess and his childhood lover, whom he truly loves. When his childhood lover is accused of treason, she uses magic to switch faces with the princess but their problems get deeper when the magic wears off quickly.


Star vs. the Forces of Evil

Star vs. the Forces of Evil 2015


Intergalactic warrior Star Butterfly arrives on Earth to live with the Diaz family. She continues to battle villains throughout the universe and high school, mainly to protect her extremely powerful wand, an object that still confuses her.


Little Princess

Little Princess 2007


Little Princess is a children's animated television series. Directed by Edward Foster, it debuted in the United Kingdom in 2006 and is currently shown there as part of Channel 5's Milkshake! and – as Y Dywysoges Fach – in the children's programming strand Cyw on the Welsh language channel S4C. In English, the stories are narrated by Julian Clary, who also provides the voice of the cat Puss. Jane Horrocks provides the voice of the Little Princess. The series is based on the original books by Tony Ross and follows the success of Ross's 1986 book 'I Want My Potty', which was also turned into a 5 minute short film. Great Uncle Walter is voiced by Brian Blessed and General, Prime Minister, Gardener and Chef are all voiced by Colin McFarlane.


My Sassy Girl

My Sassy Girl 2017


Set in the Joseon Dynasty period, a romance takes place between cold-hearted Gyun-Woo and Princess Hyemyung who causes troubles.


The Last Princess

The Last Princess 2007


The Last Princess is a 2008 Chinese television series.


Queen Millennia

Queen Millennia 1981


Queen Millennia is a manga series by Leiji Matsumoto which was serialized from 28 January 1980 through 11 May 1983 in both the Sankei Shimbun and Nishinippon Sports newspapers. The manga series was adapted into a 42-episode anime TV series by Toei Dōga and broadcast on the Fuji TV network from 16 April 1981 through 25 March 1982. An anime film was released on 13 March 1982 shortly before the TV series ended. The anime series was combined by Harmony Gold and Carl Macek with episodes from the 1978 Matsumoto series, Space Pirate Captain Harlock, and shown from 1985 to 1986 in the United States as the 65-episode Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years. The series was broadcast in Germany on Tele 5 during 1992 and on Mangas in France in 2004.


Sofia the First

Sofia the First 2013


Set in the storybook world of Enchancia, this is the story of Princess Sofia, an adventurous little girl who is learning how to adjust to royal life after her mom marries the king and she becomes a princess overnight.


Princess Jieyou

Princess Jieyou 2016


During the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, Princess Jieyou is sent to Xiyu to act as a form of Heqin. There she must learn to adapt to her new life as well deal with her husbands harem. It is through her efforts that, the Han prevail over the Xiongnu tribe, and Han culture begins to spread throughout Xiyu.


Princess Power

Princess Power 2023


Princess friends from four different Fruitdoms — Blueberry, Kiwi, Pineapple and Raspberry — spring into action to make their worlds a better place.


Elena of Avalor

Elena of Avalor 2016


The story of a brave teenager who has saved her kingdom from an evil sorceress and must now learn to rule as a crown princess until she’s old enough to be queen.


Women of the Tang Dynasty

Women of the Tang Dynasty 2013


Women of the Tang Dynasty is an upcoming Chinese television series based on events in the Tang Dynasty starting from the late reign of Wu Zetian to Emperor Xuanzong's accession to the throne. The series was produced by Lafeng Entertainment, directed by Chang Hsiao-cheng, and starred an ensemble cast from various regions. Filming for the series started in October 2011 in Hengdian World Studios.


Princess Principal

Princess Principal 2017


The stage is set during the 19th century London, in its capital where a wall divides the east and west of the Kingdom of Albion. Five high school girls, who enrolled in the prestigious Queens May Fair School, are involved in spy activities that involve disguise, infiltration, car chase, and more. These girls take advantage of their special abilities and fly around the shadow world.


Go! Princess PreCure

Go! Princess PreCure 2015


Go! Princess PreCure is set in a boarding junior high school, named Noble Academy. The protagonist Haruka Haruno is a 13-year-old first-year student. Her big dream is to be a princess someday because she admired a princess in the picture book she has kept since her childhood. One day, she transforms into Cure Flora with the "Dress Up Key" which Prince Kanata of Hope Kingdom gave her as a good luck charm when she was little. Then she also finds other Pretty Cure girls in her school, 14-year-old Minami Kaidou as Cure Mermaid and 13-year-old Kirara Amanogawa as Cure Twinkle. As the Princess Pretty Cure team, with two fairies Pafu and Aroma, they fight against the dark witch Dyspear, who hates all the dreams in the world and wants to turn them to despair.



Aldnoah.Zero 2014


In 1972, the Apollo 17 mission discovered a hypergate to Mars on the surface of the moon. Soon a war breaks out between Earth and Mars, and Martian soldiers begin to descend from the sky, riding steel giants, intent on exterminating humanity.


I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons

I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons 2025


Leticia Dorman, daughter of a duke, is less than thrilled to be engaged to a crown prince. Betrothed since childhood and trained to be queen, she always hoped Prince Clarke would fall for someone else one day. So when he shows up at a ball with another woman, Lettie excitedly retreats to the countryside to start her new life—only for Clarke to appear, determined to win her heart.



Disenchantment 2018


Set in a ruined medieval city called Dreamland, Disenchantment follows the grubby adventures of a hard-drinking princess, her feisty elf companion and her personal demon.


3Below: Tales of Arcadia

3Below: Tales of Arcadia 2018


After crash-landing on Earth, two royal teen aliens on the run struggle to blend in with humans as they evade intergalactic bounty hunters.


Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle

Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle 2020


Syalis is a princess. A really cute one. When she gets kidnapped by the Demon King as a hostage, she's stuck in a castle full of demons, waiting to be rescued by her knight in shining armor. So what does she do? What any of us would. Take a nap—on a pillow she fashioned from her Teddy Demon guards. Duh.


Mashin Sentai Kiramager

Mashin Sentai Kiramager 2020


A princess from the Land of Jewels comes to Earth with the Kirama Stones to find individuals with strong "shining spirits" known as Kiramental to become the Kiramagers and fight the threat of the Yodon, an imperial army of darkness.