Nezlomljivi deček

Nezlomljivi deček 2025


Austin je kot vsak drug deček, obožuje pizzo, filme in zabavo, a se sooča z avtizmom in steogenezo imperfecto – redko genetsko bolezen, zaradi katere so kosti izjemno krhke in lomljive. Kljub temu ga nič ne ustavi. Zanj je zlom hrbtenice le manjši problem, iskanje najboljšega jagodnega milkshakea pa lahko predstavlja najboljši dan v njegovem življenju. Austinovo potovanje nas opominja, da so čudeži mogoči, da upanje nikoli ne izgine in da moramo uživati v vsakem trenutku življenja.



Babilon 2022


Film je postavljen v Hollywood, v dobo jazza v dvajseta leta 20. stoletja, med prehodom iz nemih v zvočne filme, vključuje pa odlično igralsko zasedbo. Zgodba o prevelikih ambicijah in nezaslišanem presežku sledi vzponu in padcu številnih likov v obdobju nebrzdane dekadence, skrajne pokvarjenosti in razuzdanosti.



Stari 2003


Poslovnež Oh Dae-su se neke noči leta 1988 znajde zaprt v majhni hotelski sobi brez oken in tam ostane petnajst let. Ne ve, kdo ali zakaj mu je naprtil kruto kazen. Kriv je brez krivde. Izdeluje sezname ljudi, ki jih je v življenju prizadel, da bi našel razlog. Njegovi neusmiljeni ugrabitelji ga preživljajo in hranijo s pomirjevali. Družbo mu dela le televizija. Po petnajstih letih samotne agonije je Oh Dae-su vržen v prostost. V žepu ima denar in mobilni telefon, na sebi drago obleko, v sebi pa sovraštvo in en sam cilj: maščevati se neznancu, ki mu je, dozdevno brez razloga, odvzel življenje.


Točka vrelišča

Točka vrelišča 2021


Na večer, ko ima trendovska restavracija v Londonu največ gostov, je karizmatični in ukazovalni kuharski mojster Andy na robu živčnega zloma, ko se nanj zgrne niz poklicnih in zasebnih težav, ki bi lahko uničil vso njegovo kariero.



Megalopolis 2024


V mestu Novi Rim, ki mu grozi propad, se razvname spor med vizionarskim umetnikom Cezarjem Katilino in konservativnim županom Franklynom Cicerom. Prvi sanja o utopični prihodnosti, drugi pa vztraja pri nazadnjaškem statusu quo, ki vzdržuje pohlep, osebne interese in strankarsko vojno. Med njiju je razpeta Julia Cicero, županova hči, katere ljubezen do Cezarja je zamajala njeno lojalnost do očeta.


Zvezda je rojena

Zvezda je rojena 2018


Zgodba govori o izkušenem glasbeniku Jacksonu Mainea , ki odkrije mlado umetnico Ally in se v njo zaljubi. Ally je tik pred tem, da obupa nad svojimi sanjami o pevski karieri, vendar jo Jackson prepriča v nasprotno. Ker pa se sam bori z lastnimi demoni, njun odnos ob njenem kariernem vzponu začne razpadati.



Let 2012


Režiser eksistencialnih dram Stik in Brodolom predstavlja življenjsko preizkušnjo pilota Whipa, ki se nikakor ne more upreti alkoholu, pred poleti pa svojo opitost skrije s pomočjo kokaina. Ko doživi strmoglavljenje letala, mu z drznostjo uspe preprečiti tragedijo, toda med tem, ko ga ljudje slavijo kot heroja, se njegovo življenje znajde pod lupo letalskih preiskovalcev. S pomočjo vodje sindikata Charlieja in zvitega odvetnika Hugha spretno zakriva resnico, toda naposled se mora soočiti s posledicami svojih laži in nepremišljenih dejanj. Film je prejel nominacijo za zlati globus in dve nominaciji za oskarja.


Prava fanta

Prava fanta 2016


Los Angeles sredi 70. let. Smolasti detektiv Holland March in najeti izterjevalec Jackson Healy preiskujeta primer izginulega dekleta in navidezni samomor propadle porno zvezde, ko nehote razkrinkata zaroto, ki vodi vse do najvišjih političnih krogov. Ryan Gosling in Russell Crowe blestita v ekscentrični akcijski komediji in zarotniškem trilerju o ponesrečenem paru zasebnih vohljačev.


Bartonova akademija

Bartonova akademija 2023


Vedno zlovoljni učitelj in kuharica Mary sta prisiljena preživeti božične praznike v internatu kjer službujeta, družbo jima dela osiroteli in težavni dijak Angus, ki nima kam iti. Vzdušje je sprva klavrno, a se postopoma spremeni in med nenavadnim božičem se spletejo nepričakovana prijateljstva.


Tam, kjer pojejo raki

Tam, kjer pojejo raki 2022


Knjižna uspešnica zaživi v očarljivem in skrivnostnem filmu o Kyi, zapuščenem dekletu, ki mora sama skrbeti zase v nevarnem močvirnatem predelu Južne Karoline. Zaradi govoric o »močvirki«, ki že leta krožijo po mestecu ob Barkleyjevem zalivu, je Kya povsem odrezana od skupnosti. Ko spozna dva mladeniča iz mesta, se Kya prepusti novemu in zanjo presenetljivemu svetu. A ko enega od njiju najdejo mrtvega, Kya takoj postane v očeh sokrajanov glavna osumljenka. Ob napredovanju preiskave je vse manj jasno, kaj se je v resnici zgodilo in vse nevarneje postaja, da se bodo razkrile številne skrivnosti, ki so zakopane v močvirju.


Trije plakati pred mestom

Trije plakati pred mestom 2017


Minilo je že več mesecev, odkar so Mildred Hayes umorili hčerko, a policiji še vedno ni uspelo najti morilca. Jezna mati se zato odloči za drzno potezo: najela bo tri velike reklamne panoje ob cesti, nanje pa bo z velikimi črkami napisala očitajoča sporočila, namenjena šefu lokalne policije Williamu Willoughbyju. Nenavadni primer nepokorščine prevzame nezrel policist Dixon, ki ima za seboj bogato zgodovino rasističnih in nasilnih izpadov. Boj med Mildred in policijskimi silami v Ebbingu se neizogibno stopnjuje do neslutenih razsežnosti.


Pravi pogum

Pravi pogum 2010


Ustvarjalca oskarjevske akcijske drame Ni prostora za starce sta pripravila predelavo kultnega vesterna, v katerem sledimo odločni 14-letni Mattie. Da bi izsledila očetovega morilca Toma, mladenka najame trdoživega šerifa Cogburna, pravo legendo divjega zahoda. Pridruži se jima tudi zvezni šerif La Beouf, zaradi Cogburnove čemernosti in težav z alkoholom pa se na poti soočajo s številnimi težavami in preizkušnjami. Toda v številnih obračunih s kriminalci dokončno spoznajo pomen pravega poguma.


Vsi mi tujci

Vsi mi tujci 2023


Adam je melanholični scenarist, ki živi v skoraj prazni stolpnici na obrobju Londona. Neke noči po naključju spozna Harryja, še enega osamljenega prebivalca stavbe. Medtem ko se med moškima razvija strastno razmerje, Adama vse bolj vleče v predmestje, kjer je odraščal. V hiši, kjer je vse videti kot nekoč, ga pričakata starša, ki sta umrla pred tridesetimi leti …


La Doña

La Doña 2016


A story of revenge and ambition, seduction and betrayal; all told from the perspective of an offended and abused woman named Altagracia. Altagracia represents the hundreds of thousands of Mexican women who have been victims of the violence by faceless men who are protected by impunity. But Altagracia, transformed into a strong-willed, ruthless man-eater known as La Doña, will seek out each and every one of these men to bring them to justice.


Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty 2013


Rick is a mentally-unbalanced but scientifically gifted old man who has recently reconnected with his family. He spends most of his time involving his young grandson Morty in dangerous, outlandish adventures throughout space and alternate universes. Compounded with Morty's already unstable family life, these events cause Morty much distress at home and school.


Rescue Me

Rescue Me 2004


Rescue Me revolves around the lives of the men in a New York City firehouse, the crew of 62 Truck. Examining the fraternal nature and relationships of firefighters, the series tackles the daily drama of the life-and-death situations associated with being a firefighter, while exploring the ways the men use dark humor to protect their true emotions.


BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman 2014


Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the '90s , 20 years later. He's a curmudgeon with a heart of...not quite gold...but something like gold. Copper?



Loudermilk 2017


Sam Loudermilk is a recovering alcoholic and substance abuse counselor with an extremely bad attitude about, well, everything. He is unapologetically uncensored, and manages to piss off everyone in his life. Although he has his drinking under control, Loudermilk discovers that when your life is a complete mess, getting clean is the easy part.


Mare of Easttown

Mare of Easttown 2021


A detective in a small Pennsylvania town investigates a local murder while trying to keep her life from falling apart.


The Book of Daniel

The Book of Daniel 2006


Rev. Daniel Webster, an unconventional Episcopalian priest who not only believes in Jesus, but actually sees him and discusses life with him, is challenged on many levels as he struggles to be a good husband, father and minister, while navigating an often rocky relationship with the church hierarchy.


DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story

DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story 2022


This series examines the gruesome and horrific true crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer and the systemic failures that enabled one of America’s most notorious serial killers to continue his murderous spree in plain sight for over a decade.


Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous 1992


Set in the world of fashion and PR, immature fun-loving mother Edina Monsoon and her best friend Patsy drive Eddie's sensible daughter, Saffron, up the wall with their constant drug abuse and outrageous selfishness. Numerous in-jokes and heavy doses of cruel humour have made this series a cult hit in the UK and abroad.



Blackout 2012


Daniel Demoys has gone from being an idealistic young man with a burning desire to make the world a better place, to a disillusioned and corrupt council official. His alcoholism has driven a wedge between him and his family. When Daniel wakes up after another drunken night, he realizes that he might be responsible for a murder. A dramatic act of redemption buys him public adoration, so much so that he has become a candidate in the race for Mayor, but as his public star rises ever higher and he tries to repair the damage done to his private life, he is painfully aware that it could all come crashing down at any moment.


The Defence

The Defence 2018


Three-year-old Nikola Szlezyngier disappears in unexplained circumstances and her parents Angelika and Dawid are the main suspects. Angelika contacts an old friend Joanna Chylka, a brilliant, cynical and successful lawyer to help. With her new apprentice Kordian, Joanna will try to bring the case to a happy close.


Wait in Beijing

Wait in Beijing 2020


In New York, this fashionable international metropolitan city, countless people who each have their own dreams meet or miss each other every day. Xu Tian and Sheng Xia are two of them. Xu Tian’s big dream is to become a famous lawyer. He’s rough on the outside, meticulous in his thinking and eloquent and makes use of these talents of his to survive. Sheng Xia has opened a small clothes store in Manhattan after graduating from university. She dreams of opening a store with her own designer clothes and her own brand name on Fifth Avenue one day and works very hard towards this goal. Sheng Xia has a boyfriend of three years who wishes to marry, but she always rejects him using her need to focus on her business as an excuse. In reality, he’s just not the right one for her. When Sheng Xia finally gets the chance to present her clothes in a fashion show, an accident happens and she unintentionally hurts Xu Tian in the process. From then on, the dreams of these two as well as their feelings are intertwined.


The Outsider

The Outsider 2020


When an insidious supernatural force edges its way into a seemingly straightforward investigation into the gruesome murder of a young boy, it leads a seasoned cop and an unorthodox investigator to question everything they believe in.


Midnight Mass

Midnight Mass 2021


A young man returns to his isolated hometown on Crockett Island, hoping to rebuild his life after serving four years in prison for killing someone in a drunk-driving incident. He arrives at the same time as a mysterious, charismatic young priest who begins to revitalise the town's flagging faith. However, the community's divisions are soon exacerbated by the priest's deeds while mysterious events befall the small town.


Vice Principals

Vice Principals 2016


After North Jackson High's long-time principal steps down to tend to his ailing wife, Neal Gamby and Lee Russell, the school's vice principals, are forced to put their mutual disdain aside and form an unholy alliance in order to sabotage the newly appointed principal, Dr. Belinda Brown.


The Shining

The Shining 1997


A new caretaker moves with his family into the mysterious Overlook Hotel for the winter.


The Drinky Crow Show

The Drinky Crow Show 2008


An alcoholic crow goes on suicidal adventures with his monkey friend.


Iggy & Ace

Iggy & Ace 2021


Iggy and Ace are two gay alcoholic best mates who live, work and play together but after Ace decides to get sober - a rift develops between the them as Iggy balks at the idea of recovery.


Patrick Melrose

Patrick Melrose 2018


A critical and often humorous look at the upper class, tracking the protagonist's harrowing odyssey from a deeply traumatic childhood through adult substance abuse and, ultimately, toward recovery.


The Virtues

The Virtues 2019


Joseph falls into despair when his nine-year-old son Shea leaves for Australia with his ex Debbie. Suffering the hangover from hell, he walks away from his present life and boards a boat bound for Ireland to confront memories from his childhood.