Ključna beseda Cambridge
Another Country 1984
Rdeča Joan 2018
Biografska vohunska kriminalka o Joan Stenley, britanski vohunki, ki je delala za KGB. London, Anglija, maj 2000. Mirno življenje ostarele Joan Stanley se nenadoma obrne na glavo, ko jo aretira britanska obveščevalna služba MI5 in jo obtoži posredovanja informacij komunistični Rusiji v štiridesetih letih.
The History Boys 2006
True Blue 1996
Old Suffolk Boy 1970
Doctor Who: Shada 2003
Star Men 2015
Scholastic England 1948
The Glittering Prizes 1976
The Glittering Prizes is a British television drama about the changing lives of a group of Cambridge students, starting in 1952 and following them through to middle age in the 1970s. It was first broadcast on BBC2 in 1976.
Porterhouse Blue 1987
Cambridge, Great Britain, 1980s. When the headmaster of Porterhouse College dies without naming a successor, the government appoints a former graduate whose ideas clash with the extreme conservatism that reigns at the institution.