Igre lakote: Upor - 1. del 2014
Pod vodstvom predsednika Coina in nasvetov svojih zaupnih prijateljev si Katniss prizadeva rešiti Peeto in ljudstvo, ki ga je ganil njen pogum.
Pod vodstvom predsednika Coina in nasvetov svojih zaupnih prijateljev si Katniss prizadeva rešiti Peeto in ljudstvo, ki ga je ganil njen pogum.
Resnična zgodba pianista Wladyslawa Szpilmana in njegovega življenja v Varšavi med nacistično okupacijo.
Mehiko, ZDA, Španija V času španske državljanske vojne okrutni frankovski častnik Vidal v odročno gorsko vasico pripelje svojo nosečo ženo in njeno hčerko Ofelijo, saj želi biti prisoten ob sinovem porodu. Ofelija, navdušena nad prebiranjem pravljic, v tamkajšnjem čarobnem gozdu sreča favna ki ji pove, da je v resnici princeska, ki mora opraviti tri naloge, če se želi vrniti v svoje čarobno kraljestvo in spet videti svojega očeta kralja. Medtem ko se Ofelija odpravi na čarobno pustolovščino, je Vidal odločen pobiti čim več republikanskih borcev.
Potem ko je njegova družina umorjena, gluhonemi Boy pobegne v džunglo, kjer ga skrivnostni šaman uri, da zatre svojo otroško domišljijo in postane orodje smrti.
Doug Quaid nekje v prihodnosti s svojo prikupno ženo Lori živi prijetno zakonsko življenje. Vsako noč ima žive sanje o koloniji na Marsu in o skrivnostni črnolaski. Da bi odkril pomen sanj, se odpravi na potovalno agencijo, kjer ti v možgane vsadijo spomin na počitnice, ki jih v resnici nisi nikoli doživel. Kot tajni agent si izbere potovanje na Mars. Vendar gre pri vsaditvi nekaj hudo narobe, zato poskušajo zdravniki dogodek zbrisati iz Dougovih možganov. Prepričan, da je tajni agent z Marsa, se Doug odpravi na neprijazen Mars, da bi skrivnosti prišel do dna.
Da bi za vselej odpravili vsakršno vojskovanje, sovražnost in konflikte med ljudmi, ki so skoraj uničili civilizacijo, se človeštvo v futurističnem svetu odloči ukiniti vse, kar buri čustva in strasti ali povzroča jezo. Knjige, umetnost in glasba so prepovedani, ljubezen – celo do lastnih otrok ali partnerjev – pa je postala zločin. Zapovedana kemična sredstva zatirajo čustvovanje ljudi, posebni odredi izurjenih mož postave pa skrbijo za red in mir. A prav eden od njih prekrši zapoved o obveznem odmerku zdravila proti čustvovanju in v novo prebujeni ozaveščenosti ugotovi, da stvari še zdaleč niso take, kakršne so se mu zdele dotlej.
Vohun Max v severni Afriki spozna privlačno francosko upornico Marianne. Njuni skrivni nalogi se prepleteta v nevarni pajčevini spletk, kjer ni več jasnih meja med resničnim življenjem in krinko. Čeprav le za las uideta vsem nevarnostim, ne razkrijeta vseh skrivnosti, njuna pogubna igra pa se nadaljuje v Londonu, kjer se njuni poti znova prekrižata in zapleteta.
Režiser filmov Osumljenih pet in Možje X osvetljuje resnično ozadje najbolj razvpitega, a spodletelega atentata na Adolfa Hitlerja, v času druge svetovne vojne. Vojaški poveljnik Claus se, razočaran nad nesmiselnostjo vojne, ranjen vrne iz afriških bojišč in vzpostavi stik z vplivnimi generali, ki načrtujejo Hitlerjevo odstranitev. Claus naredi pretkan načrt prevzema oblasti, zaupajo mu tudi izvedbo atentata, toda na usodni dan številne nepredvidljive malenkosti povzročijo neizbežen propad drzne spletke.
Zgodba se odvija med drugo svetovno vojno v Burmi, ki je pod japonsko okupacijo. Britanski vojni ujetniki so skupaj s svojim oficirjem, poročnikom Nicholsonom, prisiljeni zgraditi strateški železniški most. Kljub neskončnim krutostim brutalnega japonskega polkovnika Saita, Nicholson pogumno vztraja pri svojih idejah. Istočasno angleški komandant sestavi posebno skupino specialcev, ki naj bi most uničila.
Zgodovinski ep o jezuitih v Južni Ameriki v obdobju kolonializma ob spremljavi mogočne glasbe Ennia Morriconeja. Južna Amerika v 18. stoletju. Dve veliki kolonialni sili tekmujeta za prevzgojo avtohtonih prebivalcev. Bivši trgovec s sužnji Rodrigo Mendoza (De Niro) se v iskanju odrešitve po uboju brata pridruži jezuitski skupini, ki jo vodi oče Gabriel (Irons). Mendoza in Gabriel se znajdeta na različnih bregovih glede vprašanja, kako ubraniti misijo: prvi je za oborožen boj proti kolonialistom, drugi verjame v moč molitve in pasivnega odpora.
Explore what it would be like if the Allied Powers had lost WWII, and Japan and Germany ruled the United States. Based on Philip K. Dick's award-winning novel.
In the near future a family must make difficult decisions as they balance staying together with trying to survive. They live in Los Angeles, which has been occupied by a force of outside intruders. While some people have chosen to collaborate with the authorities and benefit from the new order, others have rebelled — and suffer the consequences.
Kazuda Xiono, a young pilot for the Resistance, is tasked with a top secret mission to investigate the First Order, a growing threat in the galaxy.
Fifty spaceships, each three miles across, hover ominously above Earth's major cities. The Visitors that emerge are humanlike in appearance and extend the hand of friendship. Our planet's resources are just what these aliens need to survive. And for its future survival, unsuspecting humankind will need... a miracle!
Return to the world of Thra, where three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power and set out to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world.
World War II drama about covert organisation Lifeline helping allied airmen escape after being shot down in occupied Europe, working with the Resistance and hiding from the Gestapo.
Adapted from Len Deighton’s 1978 alternate history novel. A British detective investigates a murder in German-occupied Britain during World War II.
Shu is from Datania, a country that makes young children work. He and his friends were trying to escape when they met the Returners. The Returners are some kind of rebels to Datania. Shu goes with the Returners to fight Zero, Nines, and his men who are after DT, a special substance inside humans.
Freedom is a short-lived 2000 American science fiction television show on the UPN network. There were 12 episodes filmed but only 7 were aired in the US. Some episodes were further aired internationally, and the full series is still occasionally broadcast in Brazil.
The writings and eyewitness accounts of wartime participants help trace the story of Europe's liberation during WWII in this historical docuseries.
Fortunes of War is a 1987 BBC television adaptation of Olivia Manning's cycle of novels Fortunes of War. It stars Kenneth Branagh as Guy Pringle, lecturer in English Literature in Bucharest during the early part of the Second World War, and Emma Thompson as his wife Harriet. Other cast members included Ronald Pickup, Robert Stephens, Alan Bennett, Philip Madoc and Rupert Graves. The series stays relatively faithful to the original novels, with no notable departures from their plot.
Set in the near future, multi-national corporations are Europe’s new leaders. One of the most powerful, Promethee, wishes to further secure their growing dominance by replacing the police force with their own private militias, the Black Squad, led by Henry Munro. Following the shooting of his daughter, his life in shambles and darkest secrets exposed, an idealistic law enforcement officer, Sirius, with nowhere to turn, aligns himself with an old cop Franck Varnove. Sirius takes charge of Franck’s clandestine, elite squadron, Section Zéro, to battle these dark, violent militias, promising a return to traditional law enforcement before the world they’ve known disappears forever.
Snapphanar is a Swedish miniseries which aired in three parts on Sveriges Television during Christmas 2006, directed by Måns Mårlind and Björn Stein. The historical drama is about the Snapphane peasant rebel movement which fought against the Swedish rule of Scania in the 17th century. The "Snapphanar" was a rebellion people, who fought secretly for Denmark during 1660-1700. The miniseries were criticised by historians due to a perceived lack of historical accuracy. The Scanian nationalist attitudes portrayed in the series did not exist in the 17th century, and the term snapphane, which is used for self-identification in the series, was in fact a derogatory term used by Swedes.
Upon his return from Louisiana in 1865, Maxence de Mettray decides to use the profits from his last commercial trip to buy the castle of Mauregard in Touraine, the castle of his ancestors. From there, his story and that of his descendants is told over six different periods. A French mini-series in six 60-minute episodes.
The series follows a group of Allied pilots who crashed in occupied territories during WWII. A network of civilians and Resistance fighters, "La Filière", is in charge of helping them pass from France to Spain so they can avoid capture.
9 participants live in isolation from society in small cubicles resembling a solitary cell.