
Čebelar 2024


G. Clay je nekdanji agent tajne organizacije, znane pod imenom "Čebelarji". Po tem, ko gospa Parker, njegova soseda in prijateljica zaradi prevare stori samomor, se Clay odloči za brutalni maščevalni pohod, ki dobi nacionalne razsežnosti. Njegova zgodba je temna, brezkompromisna in zagotavlja surov boj proti sistemu.


Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Forrest Gump je preprost možakar, ki se mu v življenju dogajajo osupljive stvari. Kljub temu, da ima nekoliko nižjo inteligenco, ostaja večni optimist. Na neverjetni življenjski poti, ki se razteza čez trideset in več let, Forrest postane športna zvezda ter s tekmovanjem v namiznem tenisu pomaga pri boljšanju odnosov med komunistično Kitajsko in ZDA. Bori se v Vietnamu, kjer reši življenje številnim vojakom. Spozna predsednika Kennedyja in Nixona. Preteče Ameriko, nenazadnje pa najde tudi ljubezen svojega življenja.



Piksli 2015


Nezemljani vzamejo posnetke videoiger kot vojno napoved in napadejo Zemljo z liki iz teh istih iger. Ameriški predsednik mora poklicati stare prijatelje in strokovnjake za videoigre, da bi rešili svet, preden ga uničijo vesoljski piksli.



Reagan 2024


Zgodba, ki temelji na življenju Ronalda Reagana, od otroštva do ovalne pisarne. Pripoveduje jo nekdanji agent KGB Viktor Petrovič, čigar življenje je neločljivo povezano z življenjem Ronalda Reagana, ko je Reagan še kot igralec v Hollywoodu prvič pritegnil pozornost Sovjetov in kako je premagal vse težave na poti, da postane 40. predsedik ZDA.


Angel je padel

Angel je padel 2019


Po zahrbtnem napadu je agent tajne službe Mike Banning obtožen poskusa atentata na predsednika Trumbulla. Banning, ki ga preganjajo lastni sodelavci in FBI, začne tekmo s časom, da bi opral svoje ime.


Padec Olimpa

Padec Olimpa 2013


Ko Belo hišo zavzamejo teroristi in zajamejo predsednika, se znajde osramočeni bivši predsednikov varnostnik Mike Banning zajet v zgradbi. Agent tajne službe Mike Banning po tragični smrti predsednikove žene pade v nemilost in je prisiljen sprejeti dolgočasno pisarniško zaposlitev. Toda ko nevarna teroristična skupina napade in zasede Belo hišo ter ugrabi predsednika, je Mike edini preživeli, ki se lahko upre zločincem. Kmalu se zaplete v številne spopade in strelske obračune, pri življenju pa ga ohranjajo smrtonosno vojaško znanje, neomajen pogum in neuničljiv smisel za preživetje.


Gola pištola 2

Gola pištola 2 1991


Štorastega policijskega poročnika Franka Drebina zaradi zaslug kot gosta povabijo v Belo hišo. Nedavno tega je ustrelil že tisočega preprodajalca mamil. V Beli hiši spozna Alberta Mannheimerja, ki ga predsednik Bush določi, da poda predlog o državni porabi energije. Mannheimer zagovarja uporabo sončne energije, to pa ni všeč tistim, ki računajo na velik zaslužek z nafto, ogljem in jedrsko energijo. Nepridipravi na čelu z zlobnim Quentinom Hapsburgom zato ugrabijo Mannheimerja in ga nadomestijo z dvojnikom.


xXx 2: V pripravljenosti

xXx 2: V pripravljenosti 2005


Ko se izve, da se pripravlja vojaška zarota, katere lovke segajo v sam vrh ameriške vlade in ki grozi, da bo zrušila ameriški demokratični sistem, se dela ponovno loti agent Gibbons. Tako kot v prvem delu napete vohunske akcije mora poiskati nekoga, ki bo kos nevarni nalogi. Najde ga med odpadlimi agenti in ga rekrutira v skrivni vladni program XXX.


Ugrabitev predsedniškega letala

Ugrabitev predsedniškega letala 2024


Na svoji prvi nalogi na letalu Air Force One se mora nova agentka tajne službe soočiti s težko preizkušnjo, ko letalo ugrabijo teroristi, katerih tarča je predsednik, ter se spustiti v neusmiljen boj, ki bi lahko spremenil tok zgodovine.



Ugrabitev 1997


Tri tedne potem, ko v ameriško-ruski vojni akciji ujamejo kazahstanskega diktatorja, generala Ivana Radeka, ameriški predsednik James Marshall med službenim obiskom v Moskvi nastopi s čustvenim, vendar tudi zelo odločnim govorom. S tem preseneti svoje svetovalce na čelu z Lloydom Shepherdom. Medtem ko se predsednik z ženo Grace in hčerko Alice vrača proti predsedniškemu letalu Air Force One, v letalo prispe šest ruskih novinarjev, ki jih vodi Ivan Korshunov. Predsednika iz dremeža kmalu prebudi streljanje v letalu. Ob pomoči agenta Gibbsa namreč Korshunov in njegovi ljudje prevzamejo nadzor nad letalom...


Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor 2016


Tom Kirkman, a low-level cabinet member is suddenly appointed President of the United States after a catastrophic attack during the State of the Union kills everyone above him in the Presidential line of succession.


The West Wing

The West Wing 1999


The West Wing provides a glimpse into presidential politics in the nation's capital as it tells the stories of the members of a fictional presidential administration. These interesting characters have humor and dedication that touches the heart while the politics that they discuss touch on everyday life.


House of Cards

House of Cards 2013


Set in present day Washington, D.C., House of Cards is the story of Frank Underwood, a ruthless and cunning politician, and his wife Claire who will stop at nothing to conquer everything. This wicked political drama penetrates the shadowy world of greed, sex and corruption in modern D.C.


1600 Penn

1600 Penn 2012


1600 Penn is an American single camera television comedy series about a dysfunctional family living in the White House.


Jack & Bobby

Jack & Bobby 2004


If "greatness is thrust upon us," as Winston Churchill once said, then it stands to reason that those who are destined for greatness are rarely aware of it. Take Jack and Bobby McCallister for example: two bright young brothers growing up under the watchful eye of their eccentric single mother Grace McCallister. Grace's personality is a force of nature destined to shape both of these young men's lives and secure one a place in the history books - as President of the United States.


Commander in Chief

Commander in Chief 2005


Mackenzie Allen has a lot on her plate -- she has twin teenagers, a 6-year-old at home and an ambitious husband at the office, and she is about to become the first female president of the United States. Before that happens, however; Mackenzie, who serves as vice president, has to decide whether or not to go against the dying wishes of the current president, who has asked her to step down and let someone "more appropriate" fill his shoes in the Oval Office. Not only does the president want her to resign, so does the entire party that elected her in the first place. But when the moment of truth arrives, Mackenzie isn't willing to be a mere footnote in history. Instead of allowing her detractors to keep her down, she decides to trust her instincts and accept the most powerful job in the world.



Graves 2016


Former two-term President Richard Graves embarks on a Don Quixote-like quest to right the wrongs of his administration and reclaim his legacy 25 years after leaving the White House. His enlightenment takes place just as his wife Margaret Graves decides it’s finally time for her to pursue her own political ambitions.



Kennedy 1983


Kennedy is a five-hour miniseries written by Reg Gadney and directed by Jim Goddard. The miniseries was produced by Central Independent Television and originally aired in the United States starting on 20 November 1983 around the time of the 20th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. The TV miniseries was a biography of the 1961-1963 presidency of John F. Kennedy. The mini-series stars Martin Sheen as President John F. Kennedy, John Shea as Robert F. Kennedy, Blair Brown as Jacqueline Kennedy, E.G. Marshall as Joseph P. Kennedy, Vincent Gardenia as J. Edgar Hoover and Kelsey Grammer as Stephen Smith amongst many others. The series was broadcast on NBC, and was also sold to 50 Countries, with 27 of them broadcasting the series simultaneous. The series was nominated for 3 Golden Globes and 4 BAFTA, and won Baftas for Best Drama Series and Best Make Up.


The President Show

The President Show 2017


President Trump is bypassing the crooked media by hosting a late-night show direct from the Oval Office. No unfair questions from reporters, no awkward photo ops with German ladies, and no bedtimes. The weekly series will have the best guests, the “hottest women,” and only the nicest of questions.


That's My Bush!

That's My Bush! 2001


That's My Bush! is an American comedy television series that aired on Comedy Central from April 4 to May 23, 2001. Created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, best known for also creating South Park, the series centers on the fictitious personal life of President George W. Bush, as played by Timothy Bottoms. Carrie Quinn Dolin played Laura Bush, and Kurt Fuller played Karl Rove. Despite the political overtones, the show itself was actually a broad lampoon of American sitcoms, including lame jokes, a laugh track, and stock characters such as klutzy bimbo secretary Princess, know-it-all maid Maggie, and supposedly helpful "wacky" next-door neighbor Larry.


The Clinton Affair

The Clinton Affair 2018


Exploring broader topics including media, feminism, politics and power, the documentary unfolds and traces the twisted, intertwined series of events that led to the impeachment trial that set the nation on the path towards a more staunchly partisan political system. The series features arresting archival footage as well as comprehensive interviews with the people closest to the events including a timely, in-depth reflection on the topic with Monica Lewinsky.


The Lincoln Project

The Lincoln Project 2022


A five-part docu-series following a veteran group of former GOP operatives and strategists known publicly as the Lincoln Project. The fastest-growing super PAC in America takes on the task of “saving democracy” and defeating their own party’s sitting president, Donald Trump. While working to accomplish their stated goal of “defeating Trumpism,” the group is shaken by internal upheaval, a sexual harassment scandal, and a tidal wave of negative press.


JFK: One Day in America

JFK: One Day in America 2023


On the 22nd of November 1963, the President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated. For the 60th anniversary, this series takes us into the day almost in real-time. Across three episodes, what unfolds is a presidential assassination, a full-scale manhunt, a murder of a policeman, and the killing of the assassin. Giving insight into the multiple perspectives of a day in a brand-new way that will cut through the clutter and appeal to audiences around the world.



Nancy 1970


Nancy is an American sitcom that aired on NBC during the 1970-1971 television season. The series stars Renne Jarrett in the title role.


The Roosevelts: An Intimate History

The Roosevelts: An Intimate History 2014


Chronicles the lives of Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, three members of the most prominent and influential family in American politics. It is the first time in a major documentary television series that their individual stories have been interwoven into a single narrative. This seven-part, fourteen hour film follows the Roosevelts for more than a century, from Theodore’s birth in 1858 to Eleanor’s death in 1962.


JFK: Destiny Betrayed

JFK: Destiny Betrayed 2021


Thirty years after the release of his film JFK (1991), filmmaker Oliver Stone reviews recently declassified evidence related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which took place in Dallas on November 22, 1963.


Inside Obama's White House

Inside Obama's White House 2016


For millions, the election of Barack Obama marked a new era of hope. This four-part series tells the story of how he tried to reshape America as told by his inner circle - and the president himself.


JFK: Reckless Youth

JFK: Reckless Youth 1993


The early years of America's most dashing president, from his early childhood through his nomination for Congress.


George Washington

George Washington 1984


This 1984 miniseries chronicles the life of George Washington, the 1st President of the United States, from age 11 to age 51. Based on the biography by James Thomas Flexner.



Grant 2020


This documentary-series examines Grant's life story using his perspective and experiences to explore a turbulent time in history: the Civil War and Reconstruction.