Ključna beseda Appalachia
Lawless 2012
Spell 2020
Sprehod po gozdu 2015
Potopisec Bill Bryson se v pokoju odloči za drzen izziv: namesto, da bi užival ob ljubeči in lepi ženi ter veliki in srečni družini, se odloči za pohod po znameniti 3540 km dolgi Apalaški poti, ki ga vodi po neokrnjeni, spektakularni in divji ameriški pokrajini od Georgie do Maina. Potuje s starim prijateljem Stephenom Katzom, s katerim ni govoril že dolgih 40 let. Težava je le v tem, da imata prijatelja drugačne predstave ob besedi dogodivščina.
Them That Follow 2019
Loggerheads 2005
White Lightnin' 2009
King Coal 2023
Zadnji jedec grehov 2007
Amerika, sredina 19. stoletja. Mlada Cadi žaluje za svojo preminulo babico, ki je bila njena edina opora po družinski tragediji. Odkar je njena sestra umrla v tragični nesreči, Cadi čuti, da jo njena družina krivi za sestrino smrt, zato na duši nosi težko breme. Na babičinem pogrebu se deklica prvič sreča s skrivnostno osebo, ki naj bi pokojnega odvezala grehov. Cadi si želi njegove odrešitve, zato se ga odloči izslediti v gozdu, pri tem pa naleti na temačno skrivnost.
Moving Mountains 2014
Hillbilly 2018
Sprout Wings and Fly 1983
Picture Proof 2023
Trouble Behind 1991
Outsiders 2016
A struggle for power and control set in the rugged and mysterious hills of Appalachia, "Outsiders" tells the story of the Farrell clan, a family of outsiders who've been in these parts since before anyone can remember. Living off the grid and above the law on their mountaintop homestead, they'll protect their world and defend their way of life using any means necessary.
David Holt's State of Music 2016
David Holt plays tunes and talks with modern masters of traditional music in Appalachia, showcasing not just the music but also the countryside that gave it life. Shot entirely on location, the program puts its featured performers in the context of the countryside that nurtured their musical traditions.